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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Melissa needs to shut it as far as parental discipline is concerned. It was not too long ago I remember seeing her kids running around the house yelling, screaming, and disrespecting both her and Joe. Now I will defend Melissa: If she doesn't want to work in that freakin' restaurant, she doesn't have to. She has her own business to run and 3 kids to take care of. It's not like she's laying on the couch all day eating bon bon's. He bought the restaurant without even discussing it with her first. She owes him nothing for that. So... shut it, Tre.
  2. Wasn't it Reza that said it and Mike threw himself on the floor in disbelief? Reza has a deep resentment and hatred for Shervin.
  3. I think Siggy looks rediculous with those long extensions. As does Dolores, Tre and now this season Melissa. Siggy is a lot older than Tinsley and her extensions are practically down to her waist. Absurd. Why can't they do shoulder length hair?
  4. Siggy has a sick attachment to her son. She is just a sick woman, period.
  5. I don't think I have ever seen Bill put Will in time out. I must have missed that episode.
  6. This^^^ is hysterical! Every time the show came back from commercials, there was Bill or Jen explaining again why they were at the Dr's. appts. Next week: Another birthday. Are we going to see them making a messy cake? Will not listening to Jen again? Bill being playmate? Lather, rinse, repeat. I do have to agree Zoey is beyond adorable. How cute was she standing at the X-ray machine counting for them. That little girl is just precious. Bill looked as though he didn't have an ounce of energy this episode. The kids wear him out. They definitely need help. Thank goodness for the grandparents and nannies.
  7. She said in her TH she was concerned they wouldn't behave at the appointments. I also noticed her smiling that fake smile every time Will wouldn't listen. She just stands back and smiles. I don't expect much else of a reaction from her when the camera's are rolling but when the camera's are off, teach your kids to listen to you, then you won't have to be concerned about their behavior!
  8. Oh, Yawn. Another old man charter primary with a young bimbo girlfriend and her friends. How many times do we have to see that? I still like EJ. Nico is showing no respect for EJ at all and Capt'n Lee is letting him get away with it, unless he doesn't have a clue what is going on with his crew, which makes Capt'n Lee look really incompetent. I just don't like the way Lee handled the bringing EJ on board situation. And has abs of steel! Why does Matt need a sous chef? I know Bruno enjoys doing that but I can't recall any other chef needing help. Matt is worthless.
  9. Will does not listen to Jen at all when it comes to discipline. It must be embarrassing for her.
  10. Not believing Tamra excluding Lydia from the group text was an oversight. She sure didn't forget to include Vicki, her nemesis. That said, Lydia throwing the menu's was childish. There were a million better ways she could have handled that.
  11. I agree. There is a part of Tamra that will always be the tacky girl that likes to let loose and whoop it up. She misses doing that with Vicki. Taking naps, and wearing viking helmets is just not the same for her. Shannon tries but she's not fun, she's a nerd.
  12. He did a great job of putting Leeanne in her place. Her answers to his questions were pathetic. Brandi bringing that big floral arrangement to Leeanne. That relationship is so fake. Every time they have a heart to heart scene together it seems so forced.
  13. They sell them at Walmart (at least in Florida). Three in a pack for 10 bucks. All different colors and totally blank. I kid you not. I once bought a set of pink, white and beige to wear to the beach on days when I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair, lol.
  14. What is wrong with these people? So what MJ wasn't planned. How many couples get pregnant without planning and are thrilled when they find out? I know this is cold as ice Vide we're talking about, but she never once said MJ was a "mistake" . Reza had to add that hurtful little nugget in to the conversation. They are all just horrible, horrible people.
  15. Larry has such a tiny little head, his hats are always too big for him. Patrick, your beautiful, sexy, perfect Miriam wears white tennis shoes with a fancy black dress. No bueno.
  16. I thought it was more the fact that she wasn't Jewish, rather than being white, but I may be wrong. A little off subject, since I'm on the Mike hate train right now, She converted for him, immersed herself in his culture and learned to cook Persian food because it was important to him. She wanted to make him happy. And the bastard still cheated. Ugh! he is disgusting.
  17. Family Evelyn is so weird. I want to slap that shit eating grin Evelyn always has plastered on her face. Molly- Her daughter is pissed because as her daughter said, this isn't the first time Molly has moved a man in to the house without considering her girls first. She has been down this road before. Molly has the nerve to say her daughter's always come first. No, bitch, they don't. Not even close. Elizabeth- shallow comment here, she needs to stop with the bright red/pink lipstick. Her lips are wonky shaped, no need to emphasize that. It's all I can see when she talks. Take a cue from your sisters and tone it down. Nicole- my heart breaks for beautiful little May. What chance does she have in life? I can see why Nicole's mother is worried sick about her. I don't think Azan has a single plan to move to the U.S. He lucked out getting a few season's paycheck from BRAVO and wants to ride the wave for as long as it lasts while keeping his ass planted right there in Morocco. Arizona guy- I can't wait to see how his gold digger is going to react when she see's he doesn't even have a home of his own and not even a pot to piss in.
  18. I kind of get where Asa was coming from with that. Mike did make a point that it was not acceptable for a Persian to be in an interracial relationship with a black person. Yet, as we can see, I guess it's ok for a Persian to be in a relationship with a white person. Mike/Jessica, Reza/Adam, MJ/Tommy, Shervin/whatshername. Why is that ok in their culture? What he said felt like racism to me, too. FWIW I can't stand Mike, he's the biggest phony of them all and I agree with Shervin when he stated (in a tweet or blog, can't remember) that with two successful brothers, it must be tough to be the loser of the family.
  19. I still don't care how Asa conceived the baby, whether Shervin cheated and lied about it and if MJ is finally ready to get pregnant. Is there any doubt that Asa will not be back next season?
  20. Yes! they never failed to mention her and how much they miss her at the opening of every show when she was on maternity leave, to the point of it being fake and annoying. Now, she's gone for good and not a word. Something really ugly must have happened for FN to have handled her departure in this way.
  21. Maybe Tracy wants her home life to be private because working for Kim and her crazy brood is all she can handle 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week. Who wouldn't want to get the hell away from that? If Kim is really going to renovate Tracy's home for her, that's a really nice gesture. I wonder if BRAVO is paying for any of that?
  22. That's right. Jeff's sperm fertilized a different woman's egg. It was not the surrogates egg. Even if it was, I agree with you. You can be born and live with your bio parents your entire life and never feel a connection, never feel safe or loved or nurtured. It depends on the parents who raise you, bio or not.
  23. I didn't understand the family dinner scene. What was Jamie getting at and why was Danny so pissed?
  24. Funny you should mention that. He was on QVC shilling that super expensive crap yesterday.
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