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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Makes me lose respect for Cynthia. I thought she was done with his sorry ass. If she's so 50 and fabulous, then why is she stalking Peter? Yes, she used the word stalking..... Why do these women shriek and yell every time they see each other walk in to a room? We know you haven't seen one another in at least a year, but, C'mon ya'll, we know you can't stand each other so stop with the fakity fake BS.
  2. @Baltimore Betty that was not my quote. Don't know how that happened.
  3. I am furious about this! Some people should not ever have kids. How dare she leave that precious, very intuitive little girl with that manchild. I hope the bio dad is a decent person, see's this episode and takes the daughter.
  4. What is it with all these "special" repeats of Terra's life that my DVR keeps picking up as new episodes? Hey, LIFETIME, Terra is not that interesting. Nobody wants to see her pregnancy episodes replayed for our viewing pleasure. All I can say about Terra is that she is a hustler and very shrewd business woman. She's going to plaster her face where ever she can for as long as she can keep collecting checks. Bet Brianna Elena are seething with jealousy.
  5. That was the worst line ever! I wanted to smack Erin at that moment. Mimi Rogers is 61. I thought she was around 70. To her credit, I don't think she's had any work done. In this instance a little botox and filler (and I do mean a little) would go a long way for her.
  6. Only if he had full custody, I'm talking about child support here. Now, alimony and a divorce settlement is another story.....But, really, how much money do we think these 2 have? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they spend every dollar they (Kim) earns. They don't strike me as savers or investors. If they were using their money wisely I don't think Kim would ever consider going back to RHOA. She's going back to that show because of financial desperation. Wasn't it established that she likes to go to the casino's? Yup, savers they are not! Brielle is 20. No child support there. The other one is 16, only a couple of years until she is an adult so I'm not counting her, either, lol.
  7. There is no greener grass for Kroy. If he were to leave Kim, he would have to pay child support for 4 kids. I'm sure what ever NFL money he had they have already pissed it away.
  8. You can write a book and still be a flake. I'm sure she had ghost writers. I can't even imagine what the book was about. "How to be 63 and look like you're 40"? or "How to be one of the most beautiful women in the world and still have your sleazy husband cheat on you"?. Hey, nothing against Christy, I just thought she was really annoying and all the talk about her kids was boring.
  9. I can't believe I am going to say this but I actually enjoyed this episode. Brielle was likeable for once, she gave her sister some good advice. Could she finally be realizing that she needs to get off her ass, move out of that house and do something with her life? It was sad to me, though, to see what Kroy has become. He has absolutely no identity of his own anymore except Kim's house husband. When he was talking about what he does with his time on a daily basis I kept thinking 'Dude, do you hear yourself"?? Kaia is the most beautiful little girl.
  10. I soooo agree with this! I always thought that as well, even her physical appearance changed back then. My favorite season of W & G was the season Gregory Hines was Will's boss and Grace's love interest. Gregory Hines was perfection in that role and they all had such great chemistry. I also loved Blythe Danner and of course Debbie Reynolds as the mom's. They really had some amazing casting on that show. Those were the good ole' W & G days!
  11. I, too, have always liked the dynamic between Will and Karen. Debra Messing is becoming unbearable. I can see where Grace's partnership with Will is going. He will make decisions, she will over ride his decisions or get her feelings hurt, they will fight and then make up. I'm not in the mood for it.
  12. I'm still not understanding pigtails house. Is it under construction or not? Is her short little husband the contractor? Is she living in only half the house? Does she work from home with her 2 person staff and hideous mother? What exactly does she do for a living? I have so many questions about pigtails. One thing I love about her: she pushes the shit out of Siggy's buttons. All she has to do is walk in to the room and Siggy loses her mind !
  13. Teresa was extra obnoxious in this episode. Not only did she criticize Joe and Melissa's restaurant photo, all she could say about her own picture was "I wish I was showing more boob". Really, Tre, in a family restaurant? She is such an effin' twit. I'm starting to dislike her all over again.
  14. Is Charley on board with having more kids now? To the point of discussing it with Micah? That was a quick turn around.
  15. I get that they are in Fl. now. I'm referring to when they were still in Houston which is what we are still being shown and why Will was allowed to disrupt his class then with no consequences.
  16. This is so true! I think we have all noticed how she has been struggling this season. She pauses for too long on Hot Topics because she can't remember what she was saying, or pauses for too long on the couch during an interview because she forgets her line of questioning. It's all so strange. And it's not just overheating. Her staff is most likely very aware of exactly what her health issues are.
  17. Will's behavior in karate class is rediculous. Why should the other children have to put up with that? I'm surprised some of the parents of the other kids haven't spoken up about it. Maybe they have, who knows. I would think the instructors would have a talk with Jen and Bill to tell them if Will doesn't stop disrupting the class, he will have to go, and leave the door open for a time when he has matured.
  18. Wouldn't "Let's get a paternity test" and then go from there be first and foremost on Darla and RA's mind? If Blu is RA's then no issue, right? I mean RA knows Darla was a junkie and wasn't a virgin so get the test out of the way before all the dramatics.
  19. I agree, plus she is a bore and needs to have a storyline so BRAVO probably dreamed up this rediculous situation of her sleazy ex moving back in. Hell, I bet he doesn't actually live there at all!
  20. I can't even imagine the dramatic birth Kate is going to have. And Toby...please, writers, spare us from that. That is if the pregnancy gets that far.
  21. Is that a good wow or a bad wow? lol. I don't remember her lips being so big and her huge super white teeth, either. She's adorable, though.
  22. Totally Agree! What a narcissist he is. The only other time I saw him care about anybody was when he ran out on his play and cast mates to go console Randall when he was having his meltdown.
  23. Oh, hell yea she is. She may be diabetic or something even more serious. Celebs don't always let the public know what is going on with their health and rightly so. They have a right to their privacy. Unfortunately for Wendy, this happened on air for all to see. She tried too hard today to make the incident sound like it was not that big a deal. I guess there wasn't much more she could do or say. All I know is what I see and what I see is a woman who is falling apart, sickly skinny and has not been looking good since the new season began. Maybe she's taking the dieting to an unhealthy extreme. Her personal life must be falling apart behind the scenes but she will keep pretending all is ok just to save face in front of an audience every day. The cheating allegations with her husband and her son's drug situation must be adding to her stress level no doubt.
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