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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. All I see with Delores regarding Tre is a great deal of animosity. They may have known each other for 20 yrs. but I don't see a real friendship there, no warmth at all so I agree with you, @Ghoulina. Also, Delores is good friends with Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline which kind of explains how she truly feels about Tre.
  2. Matt is not cut out to be a yacht chef. He needs to be in a kitchen with other chefs and sous chefs in a restaurant that has a set menu. Creativity is not his strong suit to say the least.
  3. Still no talk of a paternity test. Damn Darla, grow a backbone. My prediction for next season: They actually do get to the paternity test, Blu turns out to be RA's and then the big custody fight begins....
  4. That retreat was a joke. It was all for the camera, right? There was hardly anybody there! If being a relationship expert is really a career for Sog and she actually makes a lot of money doing it then I say anybody should be able to make money doing anything as long as their balls are big enough... Sog's sidekick Vicki the Attorney had her own show (short lived). She's a divorce attorney. Her show was pretty good, she doesn't pull any punches and seemed genuine. Total opposite of Sog. 2 seconds of Dolores' husband was too much for me. I can not stand that greaseball. Danielle, that jet black hair is doing you no favors. You need to go with the caramel highlights just like everybody else on the show. Except pigtails, of course. Speaking of pigtails, do we really need to see her crying over her ex-stepchildren? Two episodes now. You can't make fun of Soggy if you are going to be a crybaby, too. You cheated on your stepkids father, hurt him badly, and that's why they don't want anything to do with you. You fucked up. Get over it and stop crying about it.
  5. I don't think Hunt's would be very happy if that's what she meant. There was product placement going on there, Hunt's most likely wanted her to advertise that their ingredients are natural, meaning even thought the tomatoes are canned, they do not contain any preservatives or chemicals.
  6. Assuming that sweater Wendy is wearing on the HSN picture is from her line, it looks awful. It's all stretched out on the bottom. Ugly sweater with no shape to it. I hate sweaters that don't hold any shape! Wendy's line is very, very cheaply made. Ok so I'm an old white lady so I will ask. What does "high yellow" mean? I know Wendy is all hung up on lightness or darkness of skin color so I'm assuming it has to do with that? And why did she tell Suzanne that she was black?
  7. Wow, yeah. Jen should have been fired for that. That is the epitome of insubordination. True, Kate shouldn't have lashed out and said that about Jen's daughter, and what she said didn't really make any sense. If Jen was married when she had her daughter, what the heck was Kate trying to say? Anyway, they only have two more charters left. Jen needs to go asap.
  8. I liked the Christmas traditions. The kids tree, the pulling name out of the hat to see who does the tree topper, writing to Santa. I'm sure they have more. These are the things you will always remember about your childhood. Very cute.
  9. I love Jack (and Milo)! I also love that he didn't let Kevin get away with the way he treated the coach: "Get out of my sight!" "Come back here!"
  10. Kelly? That just shows you how fickle these bitches can be. I guess they had to make amends for the show, but really, Shannon could never nor should ever be able to tolerate Kelly any more than she could Vicki.
  11. Not a single bit of interaction between Tamra and Vicki at the party. I thought that was interesting.
  12. She is awful! She said "in her mind" she twisted it so that Cary and Mark were having an affair. WTF? Is she hearing little voices in her head, now? This chick has big issues. She's as bad as LeeAnn, I can't stand either one of them. Kameron has resting bitch face.
  13. That wasn't the first time she implied that about Shemar. In Wendy's defense, that rumor has been swirling around Hollywood for quite some time, not just with Wendy. I'm inclined to think it might be true.
  14. I think Evil-lyn has an eating disorder, among the many other hangups she has. Aside from being painfully thin, you are so right about forcing herself to eat that egg. She cut it into peices and pushed it around her plate to make it look like she ate some if it. A classic sign of someone with an eating disorder. At the cake tasting, she was forcing herself to scrape the tiniest bit of cake off of her fork with her teeth in to her mouth. It was the weirdest thing. It was like she didn't want the tiny bite of cake to touch her lips. This chick has issues. Oh, god. Yes. Yes to all of this!!!!
  15. Because his broke ass can somehow come up with enough Bhat and cattle to satisfy the family and I guess in Thailand that is all that matters. I would imagine a lot of men would run once they find out what they have to pay for Annie. They could easily go to another country and find a bride that wants to come to the U.S. and they don't have to pay the families a dime.
  16. Luis constantly saying in his TH with Molly that Olivia is "grown and can do what ever she wants with her body". Is this guy for real? Molly, you fool, open your eyes! Luis is bad news. What does it say about Molly, though? she's 41 and he's 26. He's a manchild. Her mother isn't helping matters, either, to condone this relationship. I'm beginning to think the redneck dad has more common sense than the entire family!
  17. I don't know how controlling he is since Evil-lyn has gotten everything she has wanted. She is the controlling one, IMHO. I would have a lot of simmering anger, too, if I had to put up with that spoiled brat.
  18. Ummmmmm couldn't Sheree have had the girls over to her house when her kids weren't there? Like in school or work or something? I'm still side eyeing whether she really lives in the Chateau Sheree. Don/t believe she does. What a fake.
  19. Doesn't Azan know how to cook? Since he won't be working when he comes to the U.S., instead of worrying and complaining Nicole won't cook healthy meals, he has plenty of time to cook for himself, Nicole and May (minus sheepsheads). He has a rude awakening about how we do things here.....if he gets that far.
  20. Molly's brother just stands there looking like a fool while Luis inappropriately talks to his niece? What a jerk. Josh, you idiot. Aika is 36 yrs. old. She is never going to be a model. And stop parading her around in those daisy dukes and stiletto's. She said herself she should have worn flip flops to the supermarket. She has alot more sense than he does. Poor Aika. She wants to settle down and start a family and given her age, she has no time to waste. Does she realize yet Josh is broke, and has no home of his own to bring a baby to? If Evelyn says one more time that she has been dreaming about her wedding her "whole life", I'm going to throw a brick at my TV. I can't figure out what's going on with Azan. Why did he lose his job? Because Nicole wants to talk to him all day while he's at work? Is she out of her mind? I wonder if it occured to Azan to turn his phone off while he's working. Now we hear Nicole is sending him money. Something's not right. I thought she had no money which is why her parents have to sponsor Azan.
  21. I'm getting tired of the way Danny's sons are treating him. My mom died when I was 17. I would have never lashed out at my dad they way they do. They are acting like spoiled assholes. Pissed because Danny has to ask them what they want for breakfast instead of just knowing? Pissed because he's working his ass off and didn't put the basketball hoop up quickly enough? Asking him why he didn't die instead of Linda? These boys are old enough to learn to do things for themselves. Seriously, when the mom dies first, the dad doesn't know what the fuck to do with himself for a while. Just stop it, show!
  22. I'm sure the dog would be a heck of a lot happier to be re-homed, too. I don't think the Bierman's should have any pets in that freak show of a house.
  23. She's big, she's loud and she yells over people so when NeNe is in the room, she's gonna make sure everybody knows it. My thought is that Andy Cohen loves her low class skanky ass so he keeps bringing her back. Even when she wasn't on RHOA any longer, he kept having her on his WWHL show. I can't see anything funny, smart, attractive or talented about her. She sits on Andy's show and makes weird faces and says nasty things about her castmates and Andy thinks it's hilarious. I don't get it. Oh, and let's see her accomplishments: 1. She was on Celebrity Apprentice and walked off before she could get fired, because it was too difficult, she realized she actually had to work her ass of. 2. Ryan Murphy hired her for his hit show "The New Normal". It was cancelled after one season. 3. Melissa Rivers put her on "Fashion Police", she sucked. That show was cancelled recently. 4. She did a short stint on Broadway in "Cinderella". Didn't last long. I do think she still has her crappy fashions on HSN, who knows how long that will last. Alas, she is back on Atlanta because her big time career is fading fast. And she owes the IRS so she's got to get a paycheck from somewhere.
  24. No, it's because Andy is the most ungracious and crappiest host that has ever hosted.
  25. Van Jones is yummy....why can't Wendy find herself a man like that?
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