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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I have to say the best part of the night for me was when Tony came down the stairs to tell Mykelti they were late and she told him NOT to come in the room and to go away, back upstairs. She did not want him to see her and she stuck to her guns. She was dead serious and poor FT went back up the stairs with his tail between his legs. Awesome!! On second thought, maybe we're not giving Mykelti enough credit for being able to put that doofus in his place. Things might be different once the honeymoon starry eyed stage is over.
  2. I remember when Kim and Kroy were renting a house before the remodel on this one was finished. The landlord was suing them because they weren't paying rent and a whole bunch of other issues. It was right before the wedding and it was filmed. They spend too much money. Let's not forget how she stiffed Kandi out of the money she owed her, too. Kandi had to take her to court. I don't care how much she's making now , she's spending every penny of it and much more. It will catch up, just a matter of time. That stupid half hour show of hers is on it's last legs. Then what is she gonna do? She better start going on those trips (without Kroy) if she intends on getting any checks at all.
  3. But that is not what Tony wanted!. We all know that Tony gets what he wants cause he's da man!
  4. What's sad about this is that if ALL the parents are so gaga over Tony, it will make it more difficult for her to break free from this jerkwad. Maybe they should start by treating him like a normal human being instead of the gift from god they seem to believe he is. It will lead Mykelti to think there must be something wrong with her if everybody else in the family thinks he's so perfect.
  5. Kroy was probably saving before he met Kim and was still in the NFL. .I'm sure that's all gone now. Kim spends all of her money and his. She said at Porsha's house that she never wears the same outfit twice. Those designer duds are expensive! I have also heard she has a gambling addiction. The only income she has is from her "Tardy for the Party" show. She may have a decent salary from that but she has 6 kids, a husband and a huge tacky McMansion to pay for. Her being back in this show is probably done after this season. I can't imagine BRAVO asking her back. I have no doubt that eventually she will be filing for bankruptcy. Also, she had a married sugar daddy supporting her before she met Kroy. That's how she managed to stay on top of it.
  6. Worse than that. He stuck his fork in the pretty Tres Leches cake and dug himself out a chunk and shoved it in his mouth! He's an animal.
  7. Yes to both of these questions. At the age of 47, your eggs are old, so doubtful she had any viable eggs. And yes, it is very unlikely that she can conceive naturally. Not impossible, it does happen, but rarely. She needs to not waste any more time and start going the medical intervention route. Maybe she already is, who knows with her.
  8. They don't go out because he's with the side piece on Valentine's Day!
  9. His pasta dishes always look so simple and delicious with the freshest of ingredients. I would have loved to have seen him make that ice cream heart cake mess Katie made. That would have been hilarious! I wonder if he tells the producers what he will and will not do on the show. And they listen. He is an iron chef after all, as Sunny likes to point out a gazillion times an episode.
  10. If all that is any indication of how Tony is in the bedroom, then yeah, he must be some rough rider! I agree, Poor Mykelti!!
  11. That lunch with Mama Joyce and Porsha was the most rediculous, staged segment ever! What was the purpose? I want to punch papa smurf Peter every time his face is back on the TV. Cynthia, with all the "I will always love Peter" BS. He scammed you, cheated on you, lied to you and spent all your money. Just stop. Kim is looking like a bloated old ho'.
  12. Daddy Brown was not happy with Mykelti's dress.
  13. Then Christine says after dancing with FT "Tony is a really good dancer, I had trouble keeping up with him". Christine is going wayyyyyyy overboard with the Tony love. Classless disgusting slob.
  14. Shame in Robbalee. I thought she had some sense.
  15. IT was an entire season. I don't remember which one. It was before Elena had the twins.
  16. Not really. My understanding is that she is not coming back next season. BRAVO's decision.
  17. Jeez. Thank you both for getting what I was saying! Didn't mean to ruffle feathers....
  18. There are recent photo's of her with Shields in Miami. Brynn was with them. I saw them on DailyMail. She's a liar. I don't know why she wants to pretend she's single when she's not.
  19. I always thought so. Now it's about pregnant friends, addicted friends, the parents, the cats, stalking boyfriends, etc etc. Hell, anybody can have a show about that stuff. I don't understand where TLC is going with this show. It's nothing more than the life of a single fat girl and her dysfunctional friends and family. What about her going to the gym with her trainer? When was the last time we saw that? Does she even go to the gym anymore? Whit is extremely lucky she's still getting a paycheck for this drek of a show.
  20. I live down the street from a high school. Ocassionally, depending on the time of day, I get caught up in traffic as school is letting out. So I sit there and watch the kids walking home, across the street, down the sidewalk, etc etc. I'm not kidding when I say 75% of them are overweight. And sloppy looking. But dress code is another issue for a different topic. It's sad.
  21. i was actually yelling at the TV, I'm so frustrated! Noooooo, Jeanette and Greg, do not take her out of school to do virtual school! Everything they said was true about Jazz being holed up in her room, procrastinating, isolating herself, Jeanette crying about having to give up more of her time to make sureJazz studies , then they go and decide to agree do it! What is wrong with these people? Jazz has got to learn she can't always get what she wants. Why can' they ever say no to her? They are doing a huge disservice to her by constantly giving in to her.
  22. What I meant, and not clearly enough, lol, was that it was on Buddy that he did not pay. He had a job. You are right, it was on Whitney to evict him. She didn't so that's why I think she enables him, too.
  23. They all do this. I'm sure it's a producer driven thing. It's annoying as hell.
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