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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Yeah, what did happen with that? Sloppy lazy story lines. I seem to remember Anthony doing this before although I can't remember what episode it was. He handed her his resignation because she wanted him to do something he didn't want to do. Maybe testify against an old cop buddy or wear a wire or something like that. Been there, done that. Erin is such a by the book hardass you wouldn't think she would put up with that.
  2. I get so tired of hearing about Wendy never taking a day off. She takes very long vacations. Multiple times a year. Practically the entire summer. Yeah, I get it, it's summer hiatus and alot of TV people are off but my point is she should never have a need to "take a day off" yet she brags about it like she has such a great work ethic. Please, Wendy. Get real.
  3. As a guest on her show, he was unbearable to me. Bouncing off the walls manic unbearable. Maybe he will be a better host than guest.
  4. Ugghh. They need to shoot this reboot and put it out of it's misery.
  5. What??? I live in the south. That's just not true. In the south, it's taught as a sign of respect to address people over 40 as Ma'am and Sir.
  6. In the previews it shows Quitney telling Buddy she doesn't think it's over between him and Heather or she still feels they will get back together or something like that. She really is a shit stirring bitch. She needs to leave it alone and stop talking out of both sides of her mouth where Buddy and Heather are concerned.
  7. I really hope they don't make this a thing. Is she on YouTube or something? She was saying that people are always asking her to visit their towns, their classes, etc... as if she's some superstar dance instructor. She sure does have an extremely high opinion of herself.
  8. Didn't Jacklyn say that he went out at 11pm? Also, she said he is gone two other nights a week because of his other job. I could see a couple of drinks at happy hour or something like that but to wait until 11 pm to hit the bars. No bueno.
  9. I don't know how many bedrooms that house has. I'm sure they are going to have a bundle of kids, so at least 2 to a bedroom. They will need the bigger rooms for the kids.
  10. Plus Fred said several times that he sent her many documents and she signed them, he has the paperwork, she know what everything would cost and what the total budget was. So pull out the documents and show her what she signed. If indeed she did. Maybe Fred is wrong in this regard but I still think Bethenny is insane. Her reactions are so unprofessional for a woman that prides herself on being a self made millionaire business woman. One thing is for sure, Fred is better at selling real estate, not investing and flipping. Bethenny is better at skinny girl cocktails. They should stay with what they know best.
  11. Bethenny is insane. Fredrik crying made me cringe. Man up Fred and tell her what you really think of her.
  12. Why was Buddy back at the house? I thought he was supposed to go straight back to rehab after Hawaii? Too much Babs this episode. I can only take her in small doses. Mostly because of the way she lets Whitney talk to her. Like she's the child and Whit's the mother.
  13. Dorit straddling LVP and practically having her in a choke hold was the strangest thing I have ever seen on any of the HW franchises. PeeKay must have told her under no uncertain terms to do what ever she had to do to make things right with LVP. Dorit took it to a desperate extreme.
  14. The editing is ruining the season for me. Molly and John- everything ok with them now? Making apple pies and talking about the future. After what happened last week? I'm not getting it.
  15. These people kill me! Exactly how many minutes did we have to watch Jeremy have orgasms over his bookcases? Jer and Jinge are still my favorites but they are taking over the most boring people on earth award surpassing Jessa and Bin. Let's watch people have book cases made for them, and then put the books back in the them. And let's watch husband and baby get haircuts, by the wife who doesn't know wtf she's doing. Kendra is adorable and so sweet. I liked Austin and Joy cooking together and then eating in the construction zone of a house. Austin complaining about sweating and Joy saying she doesn't know how to cook for two. They were cute together. Austin didn't seem quite as controlling this episode.
  16. So disappointed with the Tom's. I really thought they were going to pull themselves together for this business opportunity with Lisa (if it's even real). Katie and Adriana did nothing to help make sure they didn't party themselves in to a stupor. They were totally along for the ride. Brittney is really dense. No birth control, wtf. No way was Jax going to be happy if she was pregnant. He can barely stand living with Britney much less taking care of a kid together. Something is missing without Kristin there. If Lala is supposed to fill the void, it's just not working for me. I agree with James about Lala's boyfriend. If he's never around for her, what the point? oh, yeah, $$$$$$$!
  17. Do we really need to see Everett? I was so nice without that chinless douche.
  18. Maybe he's hoping Meri will move out of the house, he will keep it and buy her out so she can use the buy out money and go live in the B&B. Then he can search for a new wife and move her right in to Meri's old house. Easy peasy solution. Just a thought.
  19. I don't understand why they have to drag this show in to 2 hr. episodes. Speaking of dragging out, horray for getting the baby shower over with quickly. They could have made that in to a multi-episode borefest. Ohhhh what food will we have, who will do the home made decorations, whose house will we have it in, what gifts will we give them, who will buy the very special cake, let's go the bakery for a cake tasting, and on and on and on...
  20. Good Lord, then saying poor Ysabel's scars will show with her wedding dress. WTH is she talking about? You don't need to show your back in a wedding dress. Effin' drama queen! That should be the least of her worries right now with Yzzy and I hope the poor kid doesn't have to see that clip of her mother crying over all the wrong things. Meri- Kody is just not in to you. Give it up. If you stay, you will see him walking past your house to get to one of the other wives. That's as far as you're gonna get. I have to admit (and this really hurts), I'm proud of Kody. He really didn't buy one bit of Meri's BS poor me I was catfished excuses. I originally thought he was going to sweep the whole thing under the carpet and believe her. Far from it.
  21. Sunny said "moment" 4 times in this episode. Who has ever cared how much a casserole weighs? And whose weighs the most? How juvenile. Valerie Bertinelli on once again. Making a cake from a box. I can't with this show anymore. That has got to be the only reason he puts up with this show. The bank.
  22. I wonder this every time I watch the show. What is her problem? She's cute, can do much better and is a mom. I can't imagine Buddy being that much of a joy for the kids to be around. Even in the earlier shows when he was sober I still thought he was an ass. Maybe he was never sober, who knows. Heather must have been seriously abused in her past relationships to be so in love with bartender Buddy.
  23. She is looking more and more like a combo of Blac Chyna and Niki Minaj. I wonder if she realizes that.
  24. Eric Mc is perfection at delivering a silly joke so that it actually comes off funny. Love him.
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