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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I thought he was scamming several other women along with Nicole or maybe it was before Nicole. I think he has been doing this for a long time.
  2. This 100%. I was a property manager for many years, when we would receive a call or a visit from a friend, employer or even a family member asking to check on someone because they haven't heard from them, we would direct them to call the police and then we would meet the police at the door to let them in. Usually, it did not end well. You do not want to be the first one in a residence to find suicides or even natural deaths. I could write a book and pitch it as a reality show with the stuff I encountered as a property manager!
  3. Naomi was on WWHL last night (with her new nose which Andy Cohen would not shut up about). Anyway, she said she was not surprised at all at the condition of Craig's house. He must have been so much fun to live with.
  4. Fake pissing in someone's drink is an all time low for this show. How the hell does her husband deal with her? Tonya is the worst actress, ever. Confessing to Elena and Jasmine in her drunken stupor that she's in to Jaa again (how predictable) was cringe worthy. Hard to believe this woman is in her 50's. I think she has more screwed up issues than any of the others.
  5. She is an awful actress. Hard to believe she was with Jon Hamm for 8 years! Or maybe it was longer. I never understood what he saw in her. Peter Hermann is married IRL to Mariska Hargitay. I never knew that. What a gorgeous couple. Back to the show. Josh needs to go away. They keep trying to find a place for him but his time is up. Who cares about this guy and his undying love for his soulmate Liza. Ugggh.
  6. Me, too, on both counts. I was so wrong about Craig, I really thought he was getting himself together. When he told his lawyer buddy that he "didn't want to work for anybody", that pretty much told me that he wants to be a free bird entrepreneur. Only problem is Craig doesn't have mailbox money to finance himself. I picture him blowing through all of his TV money in no time. If he really did purchase a couple of rental properties, I can only imagine being an unfortunate tenant of his and trying to get any repairs taken care of. A nightmare! He will probably let those properties go to hell, too. Well, for all of us that thought Kathryn was on some kind of medication that gave her such a calm, flat, mood altering affect, we were right. Anti-depressants can do that to a person. That's why some people stop taking them. They don't like the way the drug makes them feel, then once they go off them they realize how much they really need them. I hope she finds the right prescription that will work best for her. Having said that, the entire bit with Danni and Naomi checking on her and Kathryn not answering the door while they were banging on it and trying to pick the lock was rediculous. If I were Kathryn I would not be too happy to be portrayed as someone holed up in my apartment having everyone worrying if I'm dead or alive. Unless she knew about the storyline of course. Which obviously she did. Cameron meeting Shep and Whitney for lunch at the BBq place- I noticed Cam and Shep ordered huge plates of food and Whit had NO plate in front of him. He was picking french fries off their plates. I am convinced he has an eating disorder, hence his covering himself up from head to toe all of the time, even in the dead of summer.
  7. I woul be even more relieved to be free of Ashley.
  8. Oh, yes. She hides that side of herself. Chris made it clear he wasn't interested in that Amy. Then again, maybe he is bringing the softer side out in Amy. All I know is, and this my opinion only, is that if you can't be 100% your genuine self in front of the person you are in a relationship with then the relationship will eventually make you very unhappy. I always thought that scene was edited. We did not see those words coming out of Amy's mouth as she was walking away. It was awkward and weird and if it was edited out of context then I hope Amy raised hell with the producers because that was a supremely dirty move on the producers part.
  9. She's going to dislike Hannah even more when she watches the season and see's Hannah and what's his name doing it in her bunk with the other crew member trying to sleep below!
  10. I looooved this episode. Women picking at and throwing shade at each other but no screaming! They all looked fantastic, too. Hair, skin, clothes, makeup. Except Carole. Ramona has FOMO What kind of woman would invite herself to Tom's party? A slob kabob, of course. Luann gets a bologna sammy in jail, and bites right in to a mustard packet in the middle of the sammy. The fact that she's not embarrassed to tell the story just had me rolling. I can not quit these crazy women!
  11. Her ass kissing is too much, though. She plays him very, very well. She manipulates him and he eats it up, too. Oh, Matt, this is what I love about you, you're always thinking out of the box. You want to buy an investment rental house? What a great idea! You will make it perfect! Oh, sure, invite Amy to every freaking little thing you want to, Matt. It's fine with me! You want to move to Arizona? What a great idea, I love Arizona! And my personal favorite: What ever Amy wants to do, I give her my blessing. (as if Amy needs her blessing) Phony, phony, phony.
  12. Ummm, yeah. That's pretty much what I said. She doesn't compare to Molly. She's worse.
  13. Well, having a higher income must mean something to a lot of posters here because it is mentioned time and time again that Nicole lives in a one room shit hole and how can she do that the May. She hardly feeds the child, for godsakes. The teenage daughter left because Luis moved in. Yes, awful decision on Molly's part to even consider marrying that tool and no doubt she has a few screws loose of her own but the daughter's were fine until he moved in. Then the shit hit the fan.
  14. You think? At least Molly has a successful business, and has provided a beautiful home for her girls. Not saying she puts her girls first, she definitely lacks in that dept., but I don't see how she can be compared to Nicole who has no future at all except chasing men around the globe.
  15. Didn't Tori say that Christmas was a busy family time because they also had to figure in visiting her mom and "her family" and her dad and "his family"? so are her parents divorced as well? I'm so tired of Zach and Jer acting as if they are the only people in the world with divorced parents. I get the feeling that Auj just doesn't like Amy. I have no idea why, either. I would like to know the story behind that because Amy always seems so nice to her. If you watch Auj at Amy's Christmas, she's her usual quiet, sullen self. At Matt's party, she was interacting with everybody, laughing and smiling. The contrast was shocking to me. Now, don't skewer me for this, but I want to know just what kind of an affair Matt can have with his tiny little mangled legs, hands and body, always complaining about his pain and walking on crutches. Caryn is a big woman (not fat, just a tall, big boned woman) so I want to know how that goes down in the bedroom. She could straddle him but she would kill him. Sorry, I can't help where my mind goes... The story about Rocky makes me sick to my stomach. That poor, sweet dog.
  16. I bet Nicole's stepfather is pleased as punch that Nicole is all the way in Morocco. He won't have to listen to her delusional BS and look at her fat, lazy ass. The only negative is that she dragged May with her.
  17. I must have missed a couple of "Happily ever after" episodes. Where are Russ and Pao living now? Are they back in OK or in Miami? Also, when did Molly take Luis back? I thought he took off with his friends, cousins or what ever they were. I'm surprised the producers chose all of these losers to make another show with. They are all boring and have nothing going on except Nicole and HassanAzan. Now, that's some good TV right there.
  18. That was verrrry weird. Good point about the show being taped in advance. I wonder what was really going down.
  19. She also tried to talk over her host buddies several times, too, and they ignored her. The camera wasn't even on her, yet, you could hear her stupid comments. Why doesn't one of the Kitchen bosses reign her in and tell her to shut up?
  20. Didn't he live and go to school in the U.S. all of his life? No excuse for his poor grammar and lazy english. My grandmother came from Italy and never learned to speak english but my mother and her siblings spoke perfect english. Jorge is just a lazy slob.
  21. Anfisa is playing a part. She just wants to stay on TV and pretending to give a shit about Jorge is the only way for her to do it.
  22. Does mean another season of "The Brittney and Jax show" because that's exactly what it was last season. And if we are going to be subjected to Brittney planning a wedding, her friends fawning all over her and Jax in his TH's talking about what a changed man he is then this show will have officially jumped the shark.
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