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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Could be. I just don't think making sandwiches on toast, then loading them on the boat to take to a beach picnic is a good idea, regardless of whether they had to be put in the refrige or not because of Hannah's bad timing. Sammy's on toast need to be eaten right away or they will taste like leftover crap.
  2. Wow, this is one big basket of deplorables! There is going to be so much to snark on, It's gonna be a gooooood season. Amber, honey. Your hair. Over bleached, black roots, ratty cheap extensions, no cut, no style. I can't with that hair! I have a feeling there's going to be lots of skeletons in her closet. Her husband appears to be normal which means he will most likely turn out to be the biggest jerk of the bunch. Danielle seems like a cold fish. Her parents were ok to me. She didn't look too happy they showed up to the wedding. Her new hubby's mama needs to back off, though. So here you have Danielle who is not close with her parents at all and what's his name who can't let go of his. Disaster! Great match, coaches! I automatically don't like Tristan because he said his wife had to be lighter than him. WTF? Mia not kissing. Loosen up for god's sake. You married the man. It's just a kiss. Get over yourself.
  3. I believe @Fostersmom meant that Sandy is jealous of Conrad because he has Hannah's attention and Sandy has a crush on Hannah. Ok, J'Wowwww I'm sure all of Zimbabwe knows you and your reputation! You are such a stud muffin. Narcissistic a'hole. Adam making sandwiches on toast for the beach picnic. Then they go in the refrige. Sandwiches on cold, wilted toast. Great job, chef! I see nothing Bizarre about this love triangle. Boring love triangle, yes. Bizarre, no.
  4. He made it clear he wants kids. She does not. Knowing this, she needs to let him go for good and stop coming around to be his savior from the big bad world.
  5. I think if they were frugal they would not have bought a $465,000 money pit for their first home. They would have done the frugal thing and purchased a much smaller home like Zac and Tori did.
  6. I'm not sure he squanders his money. He owns a couple of businesses (bars, of course) that seem to do ok. He also owns his home, he buys real estate and sells to make a profit, then moves and buys again. Who knows what else he invests in. I don't think he's careless with his money at all. His parents made sure he had an excellent education, he followed through with that and earned a degree. Maybe that's all they require of him. He is the luckiest SOB on earth to have the luxury to live the way he does. His biggest flaw is that he has too much time on his hands and parties too much because he can. What I wouldn't do for a big ole' pile of recurring "mailbox money"!
  7. Also, Beth and Carole wer putting down the house and the brunch to each other and couldn't wait to get out of there. Poor Jules. She did nothing to deserve their attitude.If I remember they left without saying good bye to anybody. A couple of rude bitches. That was back when Carole was still the bestie sidekick which is why I dislike Carole just as much as Bethenny. She was delighted to be Bethenny's mean girl buddy back then.
  8. She absolutely would. She still loves the guy. It's sad. As long as she's filming this show there will never be any closure for her. The kids should be picked up and dropped off and that's all the interaction she and Thomas should have with one another. Just like normal people do when co-parenting. No party invites, no hanging at his house with the kids. No group activities where she has to see Thomas. I guess she needs the fame and the paycheck so she will continue to subject herself to that psycho and his many more psycho girlfriends to come. Ashley won't be the last.
  9. One of Wendy's staffers on the show backstage. Then she proceeds to say that she likes Beiber, is pulling for him and hopes his marriage works out. Nice of her to stand behind her employee that was treated like crap by him. WTH was Wendy talking about when she said it's normal to walk down the street and get punched in the face in NYC? Ummmmm no, Wendy, it is not. That does not normally happen. She has got to be high. That comment made no sense at all. And the giggling and pausing as if it was so funny. I'm surprised the NYC tourism industry isn't going after her for that!! Great way to get people to want to come visit NYC.
  10. He also said Kathryn wears really thick makeup and it got all over his sheets. Did he really need to say that? I agree with @Sunny BeBe, I do not like beards but Shep can really pull it off. He actually looks better with facial hair.
  11. I think her hair is in that awkward growing out stage. It may look better as it gets longer. Same with Leslie. It's better than sporting a cheap, hideous wig.
  12. You mean you aren't going to miss Cindy constantly saying how she loves penis, wants penis, can't live without penis, is highly sexual, has a big sexual appetite and blah, blah, blah? She annoys the crap out of me. And I agree with the poster upthread that said there is no way Lucy is 50. I say 60 at least. Lucy, honey, lesson #1 for you is to stop sucking on those cigarettes like a lumberjack that has been living out in the wilderness your whole life, it's disgusting. Lawren and Jennifer's daughters are wonderful. Lawren needs to loosen up. This is going to be a long journey for her. I, too, would have liked to see her show more emotion when her daughter was singing that beautiful song. She pretty much acts like a lump all the time. Maybe she just doesn't have much personality as a man or woman.
  13. Does anybody know Nicole's last name? It could easily be searched in the Manatee County public records.
  14. Even if he does go back to Thailand, what does he plan on doing for money? He still has to work. And has a Bhat to finish paying for!
  15. And still wearing that damn black turtleneck.
  16. I can not get enough of that! I noticed that husband Pedro has a very fit, fine body!! He's still a jerk, though.
  17. What the heck did she mean by that comment? That chick was off her rocker. She was rude to the camera guy, too.
  18. Carla would be a perfect replacement!
  19. Yeah, I would really like to hear/see some examples of that! Where do people get this stuff? I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion....
  20. It amuses me that Scott's ex, Kourtney, is dating a guy 14 years younger than herself and Kourtney has the same 3 kid but that's ok with hypocrite Wendy.
  21. Thanks for the link. For some reason my DVR didn't pick up the show today. What the heck was she crying about when she walked out on stage? She immediately started in with the QTips. Then she had to tell us she and Kev had such a busy great 3 weeks off together. She said they were like teenagers again! Ok Wendy, keep living that lie. Is it really that big of a deal that Drake got some chick pregnant? I could care less. Wendy defending Joe Jackson really got to me. I agree with Bette Midler. Bastard was a monster. Beat the hell out of Michael all the time, belittling him, telling him he was ugly and showed not one ounce of love or kindness to him his entire childhood. His entire life, for that matter. Michael was nothing but a money making machine for Joe. I never liked mama Jackson either because she did nothing to stop the abuse of her kids. I'm so disappointed in Wendy's view on him. I don't know if I'm up for watching her anymore.
  22. I live in the same town as our lovely Nicole and yes, we do have open markets and fresh produce all year. More variety in Oct through April but you can get fresh veggies at the farmer's markets all year long. Strawberries and beautiful tomatoes (they grow them right here) in February, beautiful fruit all summer, too. I guarantee if you were to ask Nicole about it she wouldn't have a clue where to find such things!
  23. Anfisa is acting. She's staying for the TV money and the possibility of reality fame and yes, the green card. She doesn't give a crap about Jorge and she doesn't want kids any time soon, please. She's another one just like Pao that wants to be a model. Except Pao at least married a decent guy who is probably too good for her. Anfisa married a disgusting unemployed loser scumbag.
  24. I think David would be a perfect match for Danielle. You know Danielle of the Mohammad frauded me fame. Equal in looks, age, lack of money, lack of ambition. Everything. TLC, have them meet and make it happen!
  25. The look of fear on Azan's face was even more hilarious!
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