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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Exactly. Too bad for Bill's dad if he has to cook a grilled cheese sandwich. If you can't stand in that kitchen for 10 minutes to make a grilled cheese, then don't cook there! Of course, I hope Bill's dad was just trying to be funny with that comment. I never cared for him anyway considering how he left Bill's mom with 3 kids to support by herself and no financial assistance.
  2. Once again we see another child cry on camera because they are hurt by the way Amber and Trent are putting out to the public all their faults. Noah last week, Anna this week. Anna was sad in her TH trying to explain herself and why she's not such a bad kid. She did a fantastic job at the camp with the children and yet Amber couldn't be more distant about it. The shopping at the Asian market and eating at the restaurant was entertaining. They just need to stop with the kid bashing, it's no fun to watch.
  3. Zoey is a special little girl! How can you not melt when your child tells you out of nowhere that they love you? Especially when Zoey and Bill got off to such a rocky start it's nice to see how they have bonded. I'm tired of hearing Will tell Jen "NO". Jen was nicely trying to show him where his bed would be placed and he kept saying No! I want it here! She has a lot of patience with that kid. I thought the house reno was nice but was underwhelmed by the kitchen. The kitchen in the Houston house was stunning, this one was kind of blah.
  4. Ahhhh, thank you! My DVR completely cut off before the scene of the man entering the house. If there was no Nicky Pearson listed as killed in the war, wouldn't the military have investigated his disappearance?
  5. I must have missed it, too. I don't understand why so many are assuming Nicky is alive. What was revealed that would lead us to believe that?
  6. This guy is so full of BS. Why not rent a nicer apartment or house and buy some decent furniture before you go looking for a house to buy? Baby steps, douchebag, baby steps. He obviously can't afford it or maybe has trashed his credit. Does he really even have a job? Things just don't add up with this loser. or with loser Leida either. I'm thinking she probably has plenty of skeletons in her own closet or shady motives for hooking up with Eric in the first place. Why would her parents and sister who were horrified at seeing how he lives leave her and their grandson with him after all that big talk of the sister saying if Eric can't show them he can take "proper" care of Leida, they won't let her stay. Like I said, Shady Shady.
  7. No, he did not have a car. I can't get past this. How are you ready to move in with someone and not know/have seen where they live? Or ask the good Dr. why he doesn't have a car? He casually mentions he has child support and tax liens and she brushed that off and was ready to pull out her checkbook for the entire year's rent! The tax liens would have been a huge red flag for me right there! Just because you're lonely doesn't mean you have to be stupid.
  8. I agree. When she was talking last Friday about what she did for Thanksgiving she said she and Big Kev were alone, had fried shrimp, mashed potatoes and cabbage. Didn't she just tell us she had fried shrimp when she got home from the 8 hour snow drive? Anyway, I was thinking what a depressing day that must have been. She has a mother, father, son, sister, neice, and a brother (who for some reason she won't talk about). Where was her family? Last year she talked about how the 3 of them stood at the kitchen counter and ate vegetarian food, because she likes to stand and eat at the counter. She doesn't like Thanksgiving food. She doesn't like Halloween either. Does she like Christmas? I wonder if Big K left after that delicious dinner and spent the rest of the evening at the side pieces home. Ahhhhh, the busy double life of a cheater.
  9. Young little father Steven has a lot to learn about life. How is he ever going to hold down a job with an actual boss? This fool has no clue.
  10. Leida telling Eric he is not folding the blanket "properly" and to do it again. He quietly does it again! How old is Eric's daughter? Are we still believing he's 40? My heart aches for Olga. Kalani wonders why her family doesn't like Asuelu. Could it be because she tells them every single thing she doesn't like about him? I still say Asuelu is developmentally delayed. Putting the baby on your shoulders and holding him there with one hand? Come on, now. Is Jay too cool to let Ashley know when he is leaving the house? He thinks it's ok to just disappear and not tell her where he is going? That's pretty standard respect in a relationship that he doesn't understand. I also want to know where is he going, he doesn't have a car or any friends. At least he made dinner, hey, the guy can cook!!
  11. Oh, yes, please invite me to a party where we can all sit around and criticize each other. Why are these women so loud?? I can't stand a single one of them. Is the new chick supposed to shock us with her open marriage that isn't open any more story? Big, Publix fan here, too. The deli and bakery, yummmm...
  12. Not a Vicki fan, but......Kelly was gunning for Vicki from the moment the reunion started. Vicki couldn't even get it a word without Kelly inserting a snide comment. If she would have backed off, the nasty comments wouldn't have escalated the way they did. Kelly can stop with the Michael has my back BS. Anybody remember how absolutely vile she was to Michael on camera before they separated? I'm not used to Tamra being so quiet at a reunion. I'm waiting for the Tamra-Shannon showdown. It better be good. Gina's extra extensions look like cotton candy Tamra- too much spray tan Shannon- needs some sort of style for all that hair Kelly- lose the red lipstick
  13. I wonder how long it's going to take for Bobby's parents to turn on Danielle. Surely they can see how she treats him. I always thought Ashley was cold and bitchy. I still think that.
  14. So Gigi inherits 3 million from Lionel, acts like it's no big deal, then tells Aaron she doesn't need the money. When did she become so wealthy on her own? She should have split the inheritance with Aaron. Nice that she bailed the Bishop out of his IRS debt, though. Jacob and Kerissa doin' it on the dining room table. Yuk. Nice fake out with the Bishop "dying" in church. I really believed it. The Bishop was way too forgiving and calm about Mae's confession. Once again Lady Mae suffers no consequence for what she does.
  15. I don't see the problem with Joe seeing his dad when Melissa is not around or working or whatever she is doing. What's wrong with that? Other than maybe he should invite him to their house with their family and giving him a chance to see his grandkids once in a while for Sunday dinner, who gives a damn about why/when Joe is seeing his dad? "Oh, it's just because Melissa isn't around". When Tre's dad was on the phone with her he sounded happy that Joe was going to take him out but then Tre has to again say that it's only because Melissa isn't there. So what?? He's seeing his dad, that is what matters! Shut up with that nonsense, Tre. You have a whole lot of other problems to be fretting over. Like whether or not you are going to keep your marriage going while your husband is banned from the USA for the rest of his life once he gets out of prison.
  16. She may have 40" legs but they are ugly legs. Apparently so. Miss Wendy is losing control of her emotions again. Are we headed for meltdown #2? Did you notice how she made a point to tell us through her Qtip tears that when she finally made it home from "snowgate" Kev had fried shrimp waiting for her? Yes, Wendy, Kev is such a great guy. Yet, she had to be home to meet the handyman! She is losing track of her lies. Wendy sure was pissed off at the teleprompter mishaps. Heads are gonna roll! Who ever was in charge of that royally screwed up but I had to laugh at Wendy saying she doesn't really need the teleprompter, she just uses it as an assist. Sure, Wendy. FFS, just admit you need it! I think must hosts and news anchors use one. She was lost without it! Once again Norman had to bail her unprepared ass out. That guy is a godsend, I hope he gets a nice raise.
  17. I don't think the fight and breakup was fake. Not with the yelling in the car between people that have been friends for 20+ years. That was some hurtful, demeaning, accusatory stuff going on there. I also remember Jeff saying (maybe on WWHL) that when his grandmother died he didn't hear at all from Jenni, not even a text msg. That fight and breakup was real.
  18. Jen is not on the beach. She is on a canal. Big difference. Definitely still a flood zone but that is why the house is built up so high off the ground and the garage is underneath. I kept thinking, omg, I hope one of those kids don't fall in the water! Could Bill or Jen jump in to help them to safety? Turn your back for a second and they fall in to the water. This is Florida, drownings happen. I'm glad they taught the kids how to swim but still that was a little close to the water, so easy to fall off the dock and Jen did turn her back. It scared me and I wasn't even there. I also didn't notice any gates or barriers to keep the kids from going to the dock on their own when the parents don't notice. All it takes is a split second.
  19. I'm not disagreeing that Jonah should be reprimanded and corrected when he is disrespectful to his parents. In fact, I applaud Amber and Trent for feeling it is not acceptable behavior. My point is that they corrected him last episode and if they are going to do it again with a lengthy sit down it should have been off camera the second time around.
  20. Problem with that is Jeff is the one hiring so does he not have the interviewing skills necessary to read a resume, check references, ask pertinent questions? Apparently not. The owness is on him.
  21. I lived through that nightmare. I live in Fl and evacuated to GA to our son's house. I couldn't wait to get home. We left son's house to go back home a day too early which of course we didn't realize until we were on the road in the mess of traffic. To make matters worse, it was impossible to find a gas station open that still had gas. Talk about stress. Most of us had no power which meant no A/C when we finally did get home. It was Sept and still 90 degrees in Fl. I completely understand what Bill and Jen were going through.
  22. Kate knocked it out of the park with Tess. Jack's brother is an asshole.
  23. I'm still bewildered at how Caroline got this stew job to begin with. Who interviewed her? did she have any experience? I'm so tired of these 3rd stews that don't know how to do the basics like make coffee, juice, cocktails, do laundry. Is it so difficult to check on someone's credentials, references, etc....
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