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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. She did live in Brooklyn. I think she said a while ago that she moved to New Jersey.
  2. This always cracks me up with this show. If you win a million, at least 30% goes to taxes so you end up with not even $800K. At least that's what happens where I live. This particular winner must have some $$$ before winning.
  3. I love Jeff's kitchen and his little family including his dogs are adorable. I can't remember what he made, though. GZ's leftover stew/pasta dish, yuk. Alex's chicken salad boring, did she say her daughter was 12? I thought she was much older. Katie Lee's veggie taco bake looked ok I guess if you have nothing but leftovers and canned goods in the house. Her kitchen is weird. Does she have mirrors for a backsplash? She must be cleaning that constantly. It is interesting to see everybody in their home environment except......Sunny. If I'm going to make breakfast I'm not going to drag all my ingredients, bowls, etc out on to the grill. I don't know anybody that would unless you are camping. Why can't she cook inside? I don't get it.
  4. I think GG is styling herself badly. The jet black hair and red lip is just too harsh for her. I wish she would get over her current look. She is much more attractive with lighter hair and lipstick. GG's opinion of Sara's brother was hilarious. The faces she was making were too funny. I agree with her, that guy is a dog.
  5. And dark roots. If you're going to keep your hair that short and that light there is nowhere for your roots to hide. Keep up the maintenance, Dorinda!
  6. Tinsley was right about the fashion show or maybe it was someone else that said it. Schlocky and second rate. No music? No introduction? Just shove the models out there and start walkin'. Sonja does everything half ass.
  7. Nothing wrong with that. Too bad she didn't keep up with it. She had pretty hair. It's such a fried dry mess now and I don't like the way she styles it. It kinda looks like she want her hair to look like Kodys.
  8. Ha! Over Ramona's dead body. The competition is fierce! Why is this group of women so miserable and mean this season when they are supposed to be so happy now because Bethenny is gone? They are all unbearable except for Tinsley who is in her own world. Their constant bitching, lecturing and nit picking is getting old and the season has only just begun. Is it because they are all getting older, are lonely, have no purpose in life?
  9. That's probably why she texted her mother. She wanted to warn her before the last episode aired. I'm sure once mommy saw her in all her drunken glory all shit hit the fan. Same with the ex. Leah has some splainin' to do with her family as to why she thinks drinking again is a good idea.
  10. Tell that to my mother who died at the age of 48 from her "best friend" cancer. What kind of an asshole do you have to be to say something like that?
  11. I like the gang up on Lindsey because I don't like Lindsey. Keep it up, girls. It's going to be interesting when Kyle has to fire Carl for being a drunk loser on the job. You know it's coming. Carl has real issues. Can't keep a job, drinks too much, ruins every relationship he starts. By the way in real life Carl would never be able to afford the summer rental in the Hamptons because he's always out of work. I don't care how many ways they split the rent. It's still one of the most outrageously expensive summer destinations in the country. Other than that I can't believe this show is still on the air.
  12. Disappointed that Teddi's husband just sat at the table and didn't tell Sutton to STFU you're upsetting my pregnant wife. Now, that would have been good TV! These women making a big deal every time one of them walks in to a room with their "fashion" makes me crazy. How loud, boisterous and fake do you have to be? Garcelle with her posing and twirling and all of them losing their shit over her. Same thing when they meet in public for lunch, etc.... Oh, kiss kiss, look at you, love your outfit you look fantasssticcc! I think BH has the fakest women of all the franchises. I'm wondering if/when Rinna and Kyle will come to blows because each is vying for the queen of the franchise role. Rinna wants it so bad but Kyle has it for now. I'm surprised Rinna hasn't come after Kyle already. This is something I would enjoy seeing.
  13. Ok, I'm dead!! Perfect description of Lala, ever!!
  14. I don't remember that but good to know. Maybe in the past she meant she would not live together before marriage until she had a ring.
  15. I think deep down Beau thinks the way Stassi is treating Kristin is all kinds of wrong. He will keep his mouth shut now because he saw how she reacted at the wine thing and he is also the most pussy whipped human on the face of the planet. I want to see Beau in 5 years. He will be a mere shadow of himself if he's allowed to speak his mind at all.
  16. I think you're confusing her with Angela and Baby Girl Lisa. They both worked in hospice type jobs. I don't think Laura ever did. She's too busy collecting checks from Canada!
  17. Since Chris has never been married and has not lived with Amy he really needs to rethink that. I know Amy is against living together until married which is stupid but these two need to see what the everyday grind of togetherness 24/7 is really all about. Especially for Chris because he's not used to sharing his life like that. It's going to be a big adjustment for both of them so they should find out sooner rather than later if it's going to work. I can't stand Matt but I thought it was so awesome when he said to the camera that he thinks Chris will be a much better husband to Amy than he ever was. Takes alot to admit that. Kudo's to Matt for that self realization!
  18. James with his big blue puppy dog eyes sincerely apologizing to Katie. I just can not quit this guy. I love him and hope he's doing well. Katie was actually pretty decent accepting his apology. Good little scene all around. Stassi and Beau are the most obnoxious try hards ever. That photo selfie they took with the devil faces or what ever they were posing was so child like. But that's Beau for you. They both think they are so hip and cool. Proposing in the cemetary. Just grow up, already.
  19. Great article. I believe everything he said. The only "pension" she had was a welfare check, and that probably ran out eventually. She is a big ole' bag of crazy.
  20. When Amy was raising those kids, she did everything with them. Didn't she coach Zac and Jers soccer team or maybe she was just there for every game cheering them on. Matt sure wasn't. She's the one that drove them to school, picked them up and did all the after school stuff with them. Matt didn't. When it was time for family vacations it was Matt that would decide not to go at the last minute, leaving Amy and the kids to go on their own. All this is documented on the past season's when the kids were young. Maybe Amy is tired. Maybe she's perfectly satisfied with having the kids and the grands over for dinner. She deserves to sit back and relax and make dinner for the family if that's what feels good to her now. Having said all that, I can't believe she "forgot" about Zac's request to both parents to keep engagement news off camera until the kids were told first. That was a selfish move on her part. Made for a hella awkwarrrrrddddd scene.
  21. You're right! I forgot and thought she was from Brazil. In any case, it was funny.
  22. Rose speaking in Portguese: "You're ugly" Ed: What did she say? "I think she said I love you" Oh, Ed.
  23. That is expensive. She should live with her mother!
  24. Watched the show with the adorable asian couple and the kitchen from hell with mold, of course. This was a California show, I guess they had not moved back to NY yet and baby Oskar wasn't born yet, but it still showed on my DVR as a new show? Anyway, N & J did a horrible job on that kitchen. Kitchen flooring with stars in it? No backsplash, shelves instead of upper cabinets. Only thing I liked was the pantry door. Otherwise, terrible job. They must of really had a tight budget with this one.
  25. Another one with a revamped story. Tiffany and Ronald filed for divorce and had nasty social media back and forth vicious fights. She accused him of relapsing and cheating. Then they called off the divorce and got back together. I guess they decided to leave that part out of their beautiful love story. This show blows!
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