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Everything posted by riverheightsnancy

  1. Oh, I had my seasons mixed up. Didn't he tap after like 20 minutes?
  2. He was the gun happy one from Georgia, and was on the recap show, right? Was that him?
  3. Damn it. Plus I hate you Comcast for having video/audio issues through the last 15 minutes of the show. I don't like either of the teams left.
  4. Did anyone else think that the top of the tower (the last obstacle) was seriously dangerous? I thought Drew might fall back down the hole. It looks like a serious design flaw, that they are below the hole and have to get their feet over the edge and underneath the rail. There doesn't seem to be a lot of space at the top either (lie 2 feet). I thought someone might step backwards into the hole! It made me anxious.
  5. I love you Jessie! There were also other impressive people last night, but I cannot remember their names. As much as I love Jessie. I do think that this is Drew's to lose.
  6. Alan (Season 1 winner) ate tons of seaweed and Mike (the one who missed his wife so much) had a whole exhibit on bull kelp, how to eat it and cook it, if memory serves. The show was so much better season 1 & 2. Why the hell did they change it?
  7. Ginger 1: NOOOOOOO! You didn't put enough line on the crab trap! There are no carbs! It's all over for us! Ginger 2: No, the float had a hole in it. I don't appreciate being told how to do this. Ginger 1: Well we need at least 2 meals a day for 5 days so that we can relax. There is $400,000 on the line. Ginger 2: You need to help more. I am getting all the food. You are so lazy and never help!! Ginger 1: I am so tired-exhausted. We should relax today. Ginger 2: Relax!? How the hell can we do that? If you just got up and helped, we could scavenge more food!! You're so lazy. Ginger 1: But we can't scavenge enough food for us. There isn't enough. We're done. There is no point. We're screwed this sucks. Ginger 2: It wouldn't suck so much if you would try to fish. Just DO SOMETHING! Ginger 1: Why should I? There is no point, this just sucks! This is the worst! We can't win now! We might as well tap out. Ginger 2: If you weren't so lazy, we could win, but you just sit there and do nothing. You are such a lazy jerk! Ginger 1: No YOU are! Ginger 2: Uh uh, no it's you! You will make us lose! Everyone is counting on us! Our mom and dad, and girlfriends, we can do so much with the money. And on and on.... SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP you ginger twins! The big difference I noticed tonight is that the dialogue is now about the OTHER person and all their faults, instead of letting us into the person's head and their personal thoughts and struggles. They have RUINED this show and tonight's episode really showed that. Brooke & Dave for the win!
  8. Exactly, because they FORGOT the premise of this show and what made it appointment TV during Season 1. Two people means that they talk extensively, constantly about their hunger. When people were alone, they talked about hunger, but they also talked about a lot of other things.
  9. So not surprised that one of the Gingers hooks himself. Brooke and Dave are playing for the win with that cabin build.
  10. If those ginger headed low-budget Kris Kringle imitations win, I am done with this show! Brooke & Dave all the way!
  11. Now, now guys. The last tap-out really was missing his family. It hasn't been just 2 weeks, it actually has been 4 weeks because they have had 2 weeks of training. so, 2 + 2 = 4! So we should have more sympathy for these people missing their families! It has been so long! (sarcasm).
  12. Did anyone notice that Brooke and Dave are 4.3 miles next to another team (I think the big-butt bros), with is little more than HALF the amount that the hikers had to hike. They could technically run into each other! ( I know that they have places that they have been told that they cannot breech, but it shows how damn far the hike was).
  13. Yes, you are so correct (I used to work in drug treatment), but literally no one would give Darla a chance, YET they pamper RA and cover for him all the time. Maybe the tide is turning on that, which would help RA grow up, but he won;t see it that way (at least for now). They are all doing a great job on this show. Really enjoying it. (Can't wait for Greenleaf to come back too).
  14. I REALLY hope that the producers didn't come up with this idea because they think that the only way a woman can win is with the help of a guy. (hrumph) I love Brooke and Dave, but if that is part of the thinking, then that would suck and totally takes away from her skills and abilities. She did more than everyone else at the base camp in the time before Dave got there. Unless something catastrophic happens, I cannot see Brooke and Dave not winning.
  15. I loved it when Nova rose up and just let the anger out. Emmy reel for me right there. It felt real and authentic. I think that RA doesn't really "know" Darla. He was surprised when he found out that she was a good athlete in college (high school?) and that she went to college. I bet they met when she was doing drugs and never bothered to think that there may be a lot more to her. Not sure RA is going to like her that much anymore when he finds out about her for real. I am very interested in her story. When Charley went over her resume, she has way more ability and experience than being a parking lot attendant. Working with Charley will be really good for her and she fell into it easily and did a good job. Not your stereotypical drug addict/prostitute. Maybe that is the author's point?
  16. The weakest group of people sans Brooke and Dave ever selected for this show. Season of teams is a total bust.
  17. No joke. I totally ship the two of them. What's not to like? She is gorgeous, he is very handsome. He is a deep thinker and wants Nova to acknowledge that about herself. She has a right to ask for more for herself and not just some random fucks. He challenges her (and accepts her) on a very deep intellectual level, which is such a wonderful thing to see in a relationship. If I were young again, Dr. Dubois is exactly the type of man I would desire. I agree that we need to remember that Blue is still a child and his tantrum is not necessarily out of bounds. It is important to allow children (who are still learning everything) to express their feelings and they learn as they have more life experiences what is more appropriate. I think that Kenya served as a substitute mom for Blue and I personally wouldn't come down too hard on him for this first time. That doll is very important to him and he has had some upheaval in his life. He is a smart child and one has to remember what is age appropriate. I often see parents who want their 4 year old to act like they are 18. This sometimes screws kids up because they have internalized that their parent's love is conditional on being "perfect". A state which has an ever changing goal post. They can never win. I think that we see that with Charley. I liked the therapist and I think it will actually be good for Charley.
  18. One of the Baird brother to the other: "You're an idiot!" Me at home: "You're BOTH idiots!" OMG! Other than Brooke, all of these camps look like amateur hour in the backyard. Lucas, Jose, Fowler (and the girl from last year with the cool shelter), must be laughing. What some people from prior seasons made was artisan quality. That Baird brother (I don't care enough to remember who is who), puts up a tarp in the air, and you have a "shelter". That is very unsafe and will have to be changed. His boat is a joke. Brooke and Dave all the way. It is theirs to lose in my opinion.
  19. How many fingers you can put between the eyebrows and hairline. Many people are 4 or 3 (2 is more Neanderthal like-that chick from Real Housewives of NJ is a 2 head) . I remember when I watched Top Model, there was a lot of talk at how far back Tyra's hairline was. That sometimes happens with people who get weaves, or always wears tight ponytails, or buns for good portions of time. The constant pulling on the hairline makes it fall out permanently.
  20. Nick actually looks fatter now (his face) than in season one. The haircut, while an improvement, doesn't help that situation. You know the show is bad, when you spend most of your time commenting on the hair styles of the actors.
  21. This should be a big moment for the actress, and Madison is still stone faced and dull. Absolutely no emotion and no connection to the material. She is terrible.
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