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Everything posted by tennisgurl

  1. Now that the show is ending, and some people are talking about a re-watch, I gotta ask: What are you favorite scenes, characters, episodes, stories, etc. from Once? What kept YOU here for so long, through the good, the bad, and the ugly? Because, as much as I have to complain about how many ways this show failed, the reason I complain so much is because I loved it so much, and I've seen slivers of good, or even brilliant, work throughout the series. For example, I really love the episode Hat Trick. I think I actually like it more retroactively than I did at first, because it showed so many elements that the show would later dump in favor of Regina pandering and convoluted family stuff. Its got great performances, especially from Seb Stan and Jen (and them being a couple at the time probably does make their chemistry spark more), it actually played with the ideas of world hopping in a way that made sense and had actual stakes, the Hatter was a really interesting character, and I liked his combination of pitiable and scary/crazy (which Seb Stan would perfect in the MCU) and his backstory, and miserable life in Storeybrooke. You really could see how this place was a curse, and how Regina has so created a world to screw with people who upset her. It also had a magical feeling to it that would be lost later, both in the flashbacks, and in the present. I just freaking love Jefferson's ending where Emma pulls his scarf off (after saying he was crazy and delusional) and sees the decapitation scar on his neck, and he screams "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" before disappearing out the window, leaving only a hat. Granted, a lot of that wasn't followed up on, explained, and it sucks that Jefferson wasn't used more later, but it was still a great, atmospheric episode that moved the plot and characters in natural ways, and seemed to be hitting that "fairytales in real life" sweet spot. What about you?
  2. NTA has always kind of sucked, even when they were still on Team Arrow, so the idea of them defeating Oliver, a guy who was the actual leader of a League of Assassins for a bit, is ridiculous, and could only happen if Oliver and Diggle were seriously holding back so they wouldn't hurt them. I could see that happening but if they REALLY wanted to fight, Oliver could beat them all down after doing several shots of moonshine using one hand. I mean, Curtis and Rene, together, couldn't even take down Anatoli, and while Anatoli is certainly a tough guy, he isn't exactly a spring chicken anymore, and has always been more of a schemer than a fighter. So they think they can take down Oliver? Sure Jan.
  3. Barry is Central Cities highest rated Uber driver!
  4. Man, Archie is the only person in the world who I think has accidentally joined the mafia. I still really like the Lodges, especially if I dont connect it with the first season too much, Back then, they seemed like a rich family that fell from grace when dad got arrested for some white collar crime, and now Veronica and Hermione have to adjust to a more "normal" life. All makes sense. But now, her dad is some kind of super well connected mob boss, as is Hermione, and they have a whole Soprano's style crime family and criminal underworld behind them. Because this season takes everything that was already at an 8, and takes it up to a 15. Like, the Coopers were always wacked out and had creepy secrets, but now its just gone so hard, it feels it it isn't even close to real. Like, could Chic be any MORE obviously evil? And could Alice be any dumber for going along with everything this obvious serial killer says? Come on. Cheryl doing archery in her spiffy archery outfit was great though. The Blossoms are still working fine, because they were always at a 15, even while everyone else was at an 8. Now that everyone is at a 15, the Blossoms dont get to Blossom the way they used to, and the whole show is going off the rails.
  5. The cat puppet song just killed me, it was this show nailing the song in a way it hasn't the last few weeks. I do wonder why it is that cats are so attached to lonely single women. As the cats say, if you want someone to pay attention to you, get a dog. Cats a better if you want a pet who can be more independent. In general I mean, I know plenty of very social cats and independent dogs, but still. Of course, Rebecca should get neither, because I cant imagine her being a very good pet owner. It was nice to see Valencia and Josh get a plot, and it was cute seeing them get to a better place. I do wonder why, if Valencia hates West Covina, she hasn't left? I do love when they both get to dance though! I dont mind seeing Trent again, especially if this is his ending. He works as a lens to Rebecca, especially when she is getting closer to falling into bad behavior, like lying Paula to get her to join her plan/montage. Trent is usually more...extreme than Rebecca, but you can easily see how Rebecca could fall down his creepier path if she doesn't get help and stop making bad, selfish choices. Of course, as far as we know, Trent never burned down a persons house or put a hit on someone in the dark web... I love the running gag of White Josh being completely baffled as to why all his friends fall in love with Rebecca. "Even his choice of Ramen is unsettling"
  6. At least Riverdale didn’t have the high school teacher sleeping with their student marry the kid. Unlike PLL.
  7. If Riverdale goes full PLL, I’ll be very disappointed. PLL has moments of actually being good, but it was mostly soap opera crazy since day 1. Riverdale has potential, and still has moments of actual story and character, so it becoming all nuts and ignoring the story would be really sad.
  8. I hope they can find a way to play “I’ve got you babe” during Zaris time loop episode.
  9. That picture is amazing, I love looking for everyone. Its like Wheres Waldo: Marvel edition!
  10. I think it would be awesome if Juliet just shows up next week like "Oh my God that cult is actually super crazy it wasn't Bolivia it was some guys backyard in Kentucky screw that" and we just see her and Avery and Cadence hanging out and being cute. The Deacon and Daphne stuff is really good, the best plot they have going on. I think things are going WAY too fast between Jessie and Deacon involving the kids, but I really liked the talk between Daphne and Jessie, and everyone is acting in character and sympathetic. I knew that Gunnar was going to hook up with the new girl, I knew it 100%. Of course we could only have our Three Bros for a few episodes before they were drenched in angst source and pointlessness. I mean, new girl has a good voice and the actress is fine, but there is nothing super interesting about her, beyond proving how Gunnar continues to make bad life choices. I might actually be fine with Scarlet at the horse ranch bonding with kids and singing with cute horses, but if course they have to give her a new cute but messed up boyfriend, who she helps cure of his PTSD due to one chit chat. Of course.
  11. I think Alena as a info broker, morally grey sometimes ally sometimes enemy of Team Arrow is a good idea, and a good use of her character. Generally, Arrow has set up a decent amount of possible reoccurring allys who can show up from time to time, and I think they should continue with that. Even the newbies would be fine (or at least, they were before this stupid schism) if they hadn't eaten up so much screen time on boring stuff. It seems like we are finally getting that Black Siren redemption arc they keep hinting at, and...they are really pushing this. I could deal with Black Siren becoming less evil, I suppose, and even becoming a sort of bad guy who has some good in them, but as of now, it just seems so flimsy, using things like "she hesitated before turning an allys brain to soup in front of his girlfriend!" to say that she isn't so bad, and she has shown no real interest in redemption other than when Quentin is stalking her, and she was just so murderous and nasty before, it would take some REAL effort on her part to become a good guy, and right now, I just dont see that from her.
  12. No idea if the Connor/Oliver wedding will happen, but if it does, what do you bet it ends with someone getting murdered?
  13. And it sucks, because there is some good things in it. Seeing the towns folk hang out, Snow and Charming getting walked in on by Emma and Henry after some alone time, some other nice town bits, and Charming being all commanding and kingly. Tragically, it was also the one with LasagnaGate, that would go onto start the "poor sad Regina" theme that would last for the entire freaking series. Regina and her crocodile tears over that damn pasta, followed by the flashbacks of Snow kicking Regina out of their jail and stopping the execution (if they had killed or jailed her, SO MUCH BAD WOULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED!) ended foreshadowing the beginning of the end for the show. It was also a part of the weirdly specific "feel sorry for Regina while we flashback to her killing people all the time" plot that happened over and over from then on.
  14. Remember how totally down with executing Regina Charming was back in Cricket Game? Like, he was 100% ready to fill her with arrows up until the very last second when Snow told them to stop. Good times.
  15. You know, if NTA just hates OTA so freaking much, maybe they should give Oliver all those costumes and weapons he bought them with his own money back...
  16. Yeah, I think thats why, as repetitive as his arc was and how abusive his relationship with Belle was, I never quite hated the way I hated Regina. Rumple at least was aware of the fact that he was a crappy person, and he didn't really care if people (other than his family) liked him or not. That actually made his relationships with the good guys more complex, especially more so than their groveling to Regina. They were allies at times, and even had moments of compassion or understanding, but none of them really trusted or wanted each other around, and everyone except for poor Belle knew how he was. Regina and crocodile tears and how everything was re-written to make her the victim of everyone else and how everyone had to act like like she was so awesome just made me loath her even more. By making Regina the eternal victim and everyone suddenly excuse all of her evil actions without her ever really working to repent, they actually made her less interesting, and made everyone around her less interesting as well. Its actually funny. Awhile ago, I was watching the show with a friend who never saw it before, and when they got to the part where everyone is going off to eat and Regina is crying alone, she actually said "Is she seriously crying? Wasn't she trying to kill them like last week?" I also tried to not say much when she asked if "that bitch" (her loving term for Regina) gets her cumuppence later. Oh, you sweet summer child.
  17. The whole gang (minus Michaela) jumping around chanting wedding over and over was so adorable. I like the K4 plus Oliver when they're working on cases, being competitive, and acting like young adults hanging out with their friends. Plus, Connor goes back to law school! I figured he would, now that he found his legal fire raging against the machine, but it was still nice to see. Isaac is clearly a mess, glad that Annalise pulled the plug on that bad idea train. She already hooked up with one of her shrinks, and we all saw how well that went. I really thought he might attack her in that last scene. Of course, people do tend to get caught up in Annalises drama vortex, so I get where he is coming from. So, this cross over is gonna be a thing now, huh? I guess this is a way to make it happen that makes sense, but it also means I have to catch up on Scandal, and that just sounds...tiring.
  18. The idea of the newbies beating Oliver, let alone Oliver and John, with an assist from Felicity freezing their accounts and such, is the most ridiculous thing in this entire franchise. And that includes the telepathic time traveling gorilla.
  19. I think we are getting closer and closer to a big "ARGUS as bad guy" plot that could impact not just this show, but the whole Arrowverse. At least, I hope thats where they're going, its all right there... Actually, finding out ARGUS was behind it all would make the title of the episode make more sense. They're a top secret agency that keeps their shady behavior behind the scenes of all the superhero drama, after all. And the heroes have continued working for them, despite seeing their VERY morally questionable behavior, and lack of interest in human rights. But no ones really knows whats really going on. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist".
  20. At this point, if anyone needs a redemption arc, its Quentin.
  21. So, we are actually going to go full on Civil War with OTA vs. NTA? Oh wow, wont this be an evenly matched battle of titans! Who will the audience possibly root for...oh wait a second... *Doubles over laughing hysterically until I cannot breath*
  22. SHUT UP RENE! Seriously, Oliver could give Renes dying daughter all the blood in his body to save her life, and when the transfusion was complete, Rene would just be like "Thats cool I guess, but this doesn't change anything, Hoss". I just dont care at all about the Newbies, beyond how much they made my throat hurt as I yell at the TV. Dick Dragon is the big bad? He isn't very interesting, but he makes the most sense as the Judas of the Legion of Meh. Vigilante never made sense (until we found out what his deal was), Anatoli has no reason to want to mess with Star City, Black Siren is a follower, and that only leaves him. I have to say, its quite disappointing that they used such an awesome movie line for such a lame reveal. If they really wanted to play that line, they could have had a rouge faction of ARGUS or someone really cool that we wouldn't see coming at all. At least it wasn't Alena. Michael Emmerson tried so hard to make this work, and this role had so much potential, and it was utterly wasted. The whole story just fizzled out so sadly. So, Quentin has lost his damn mind. This is turning into some weird Indie horror movie, out of his frankly deranged obsession with this psychotic stranger who looks like his daughter. Would Laurel like this? Dont think so Quentin! And after we were actually making progress! Who cares that she hesitated before she killed Vince, she still killed him! I almost got used to William not being stupid. Guess thats done.
  23. What a tragic waste of Michael Emmerson. Gasp?
  24. So, Quentin has gone 100% off the deep end. This now a horror movie.
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