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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. I honestly would not have guessed that the real life problem of dirty cops worshipping The Punisher, and completely missing the point of the character, was something that the MCU would be dealing with. So I am kind of impressed that they went there. What I don't get is how long was Fisk away and where did he go. At the end of Echo she messed with his mind to help him process his childhood trauma. And when he is flying home from Oklahoma he learns about the NYC mayoral election. But in this show it makes it sound like he was gone for years (somewhere?) to recover from everything that happened to him.
  2. I really like how this show doesn't spell things out, which really works on rewatch. We never really saw how Cassian got his little saw or found the access panel but he has been there for a month and he has already been using it for awhile. He also made friends it seems with the guy on the other table who helped him figure out that the elevator isn't wired for frying people. If they had to show every little obvious thing like that the episodes would be a lot longer and wouldn't be as good.
  3. One interesting thing I noticed was they showed Bix running away, the cut to the scene with Saw then in the next scene she was in handcuffs without ever showing her getting captured. It was an effective way to show how for most people you can't run and their is no escape from the empire. Also when the other prisoner was giving Cassian the cell tour, was this the first mention of a toilet in Star Wars?
  4. It's too bad this whole storyline ended up just being a Maddie gets kidnapped thing. Because what they did last week with her going to a pretty dark place to try and save a victim was actually interesting. Her having to deal with the trauma of that could have been interesting too. Also once again in the 911 world we get one of my most hated tropes where of course Athena finds out who the villain is and is also the first one to get to her. To make matters worse she was at the 911 dispatch centre and could have easily done the "all units" thing so the nearest cop to the house could have gotten there.
  5. Buck's reaction to Eddie moving was pretty stupid. But I was pretty impressed by Maddie's story. Right or wrong her cold blooded move to get the guy to kill himself was surprising, and surprises don't really happen on shows like this. The ending was stupid. After how traumatic that last call was I can't believe Athena just told her to go home and hug her kid and start drinking. Not even an offer to drive her home or call her brother or husband so she would have some support. Or better yet talk to a counselor or someone before she left. And the very end where she was assaulted it was shot so weirdly I wasn't sure if it was the detective lady or if it was some weird surreal thing where bad-Maddie was back and trying to get rid of good-Maddie.
  6. Surprisingly I actually knew that, since she was actually an Avengers back in the late 90's when I was reading comics. That said I still think of her from the cartoon I watched when I was a kid.
  7. As a child of the 80's who loved Spiderman and His Amazing Friends that would be amazing. Although a character created for a kids cartoon might piss a bunch of people off.
  8. He probably meant co-workers plural, so he is allowed to date one.
  9. That looks pretty cool. I never really thought about why they called it the "Rebel Alliance" in the original trilogy, but it totally makes sense that if you have a dictatorship that covers a whole galaxy you are going to have all these different rebel groups starting up. Getting them to work together and agree on a common goal would be extremely difficult and would be super interesting.
  10. Is there a disability that gives people tiny plastic hands?
  11. That was so weird. Other than the puppet showing up I am not really sure what made it a PBS show.
  12. Even Johnny was better than Daniel. He mentions this in the last season of Cobra Kai how he had been practicing karate for years and Daniel had 6 weeks of training. But Daniel's main strength I think wasn't defense or wax on wax off it was his ability to focus. That's what all those breathing exercises were about. It's actually kind of annoying this wasn't mentioned more in the CK show.
  13. I thought the first season was awesome. The second season was good but seemed to rely too much on appearance from other SW characters. By season 3 it became a sequel to a show I had no interest in.
  14. Eurotrip is freaking hilarious and has probably one of the best surprise cameos in a movie ever. While Whedon is clearly a shit bag, isn't that the rule that all minor actors have to be with a parent when working on a movie or TV set? Christopher Mintz-Plasse was 17 when they filmed Superbad so his mom had to supervise his sex scene. It's like right in the SAG rules for minors that a parent who is not also working has to be able to be close enough to their kid to see and hear them at all times.
  15. That looks pretty awesome. And it's interesting that the best Star Wars stuff for me at least in the last several years has been the sophisticated show made for adults (Andor) and the goofy fun show made for kids (Skeleton Crew). Everything else that has tried to land in the middle and appeal to everyone hasn't really worked.
  16. Isn't Kill Bill almost entirely ripped off from old martial arts movies?
  17. Not sure I like the idea of the restaurant. The B&B should already be keeping them massively busy. My parents had a small 2 bedroom b&b and between cooking and cleaning and just running the business it was a ton of work. And it's not like you can just sort of half ass being a chef in a fancy restaurant. Plus in my old job I used to do mechanical engineering design for buildings, and getting your services (water, sewer, electrical, gas) out to the barn would cost a fortune even with a business partner contractor. I'm no doctor but doesn't it make sense for the cholera ghosts to have sores like they do. I thought cholera was an infection in your intestines where you basically shit yourself until you die. I am surprised they haven't taken more advantage of the fact that Alberta can use Alexa. You can use it to make announcements and reminders in the Alexa voice so she could use it to talk to Jay. Plus you can use it for home automation to turn on lights or the TV.
  18. For that matter she would probably massively resent her kid too, so it is like a massive lose-lose situation just so I guess mom can prove a point. Wouldn't it make more sense to test the patient, to see if they actually have any communicable diseases?
  19. I didn't really mind it, although Miley introducing Brittany every time it was her turn to sing or do a guitar solo was annoying. It's wild to think that Sandler has managed to become one of the most liked people in Hollywood (he got Jack Nicholson to show up) and probably the most successful SNL cast members of all time (at least financially). If someone had told me that back in the 90's when I was watching Opera man or his crazy Halloween costumes I would never believe them. To be fair, if Jerry is doing a stand up special or something equivalent to a regular SNL episode he is going to be doing material that he has probably worked on for months and refined during many much smaller sets and appearance. It's not like he is going on national TV and doing jokes live that he only came up with earlier that week. Which is interesting since while they are not the same people they did have the same basic career trajectories and when Paris Hilton hosted there were some comments about how bad she was. What Tina Fey said about her was super mean.
  20. I thought it was funny that they didn't even bother to try and show how coach hauled two crates out of the ground.
  21. I don't know, my kids who are 11 and 14 and after watching SNL for a year or two Domingo is easily their favorites sketch. They know all the words to the songs. Not sure if it's the parody of pop songs or the pop stars doing bad singing but they love it. My 14 year old has told me that even her friends who don't watch SNL know that character. Maybe part of it too is that SNL doesn't have a lot of reoccurring characters at the moment. My kids probably know more Adam Sandler characters than they do current cast characters.
  22. It was definitely weird how they jumped from cabin burning down when there was still a lot of snow to living in the teepee town with no real explanation. Hope they show a flashback in the flashback. Because even if they kept the cabin bonfire going you are still outside with no protection from wind or rain or snow. And even with their little huts how do they stay warm in them during cool spring or summer nights. Also I would love to know who made the ceremonial robes with matching leather hoods, and how.
  23. But if he is doing bare knuckle, no padding fighting competitions would it even be possible to do matches say every weekend? Even in the course of the show, over all 6 seasons there were only 3 tournaments (4 official competitions if you count the S-T tryouts). Plus Robby has to train somewhere so why not at his dad's dojo?
  24. This episode was a bit of a dud for me. The idea of a ghost fraternity didn't really work. Although alive Issac pretending to not be gay in front of Ben Franklin was funny. As for the whole liquor license speak easy thing, it was ok but the line about how they wasted all that valuable liquor was dumb. Because even if you didn't know it was valuable, why would you bring out all the bottles? Plus if you are trying to hide things from the liquor inspector, moving one bottle of whiskey through the house would be a lot quieter than moving a while case.
  25. Some more follow up to Tory and Robby's story would have been interesting. Since it could have been really messy. I mean their pro deals seem to have been based on the "I love you" moment and them being the karate couple. Which would be a ton of pressure, especially for two people that started dating when they were maybe 16. Especially when you throw in that they are travelling the world and have a bunch of their own money. Especially since the whole endorsement package might not be as good if they were to break up. And in Robby's case if they did break up, the endorsement companies might be more likely to stick with the pretty blonde girl with the nickname and the championship over him.
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