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Everything posted by orza

  1. Colin is not saying that Regina caused Hook to go dark. "Linked" could mean anything. It could mean Regina just discovered his back story somehow and tries to leverage that knowledge or any number of other things.
  2. People are just making it up because the interview didn't say that at all. It
  3. In most cases actors don't need to know what will happen in future episodes in order to do their job filming the current episode.Many actors say that giving a good performance is all about being in the moment and having knowledge of the character's future can have a negative impact of one's performance. There is no reason that, to use your example, Clare Coffee would need to know that her character was engaging in subterfuge in order to convincingly portray Adelind as a helpless new mother, unless it were the intent of producers to let the audience in on her secret. Many actor's also don't read the whole script but only read the sides that have their lines so that they will not have any more information that the character has because, again, they don't want it to influence their performance. I read and hear actors from many different shows say in interviews that they don't know more than one or maybe two scripts in ahead what is going on with their character. I figure if the actors are fine with only knowing what their character is up to in the current and next episode they are working on, then I don't need to get upset about it on their behalf.
  4. Most shows operate like this out of necessity. At any given time actors only have the scripts for the episode they are currently filming and the next episode. Script writing is only about 3 or 4 weeks ahead of filming and scripts can undergo changes right up until the last minute. That's just the way it is in tv production, at least for the major networks that need to crank out 20 or more episodes in 9 months. Many producers don't want their actors to know too much about their character's story arc so events planned for later in the season will not influence their performance in earlier episodes. Bitsy might have reasonably seen about half the scripts for the season by the time the show premiered at the end of October because the actors got their first script in June, began filming in July and were working on episode 9 or 10 in October.
  5. Grace got through to Bea Wilson because of name recognition. By this time most people know that the governor's wife is an attorney and Grace introduced herself by name when she said she was from Florrick/Quinn. Bea Wilson also said she had worked with Alicia before so she wasn't taking her business to a stranger.
  6. It's not canon that Rumple got his sword fighting skills from being the Dark One. The BTS video shows that Storybrook Rumple does indeed have some skills without magic and without being the Dark One.. Hook also may not necessarily have 200 years of sword fighting experience. He didn't seem to need much in the way of fighting skills during the time he was trapped in Neverland. He had a deal with Pan and there were no other enemies there to fight.
  7. Rumple proved himself a capable swordsman in The Crocodile. He also has a few hundred years experience with a sword.
  8. The show is doing ok on BBC2. Episode 5 just aired this past Thursday. I think the point is that Uhtred is a train wreck and his own worst enemy. He could be so much more if he had a just modium of common sense and political savvy and was not such an hothead. We keep getting teased with glimpses of the heroic figure he could be if only he weren't such an impulsive jerk.
  9. RC always tweets a picture about this time on Sundays to promote the show and today he probably forgot that there is no episode tonight.
  10. They do that with all the characters that have different cursed names. We have seen script teases that say "Mr. Gold" and "Rumplestiltskin" depending on which version of the character we are seeing.
  11. In the early planning stages of the show Snow was originally supposed to be a nun in cursed Storybrook. Mary Margaret is a classic nun's name. Clearly they kept the name even though the character was changed to a school teacher. Mary Margaret is also a conservative, old-fashioned name, which, I think, suits Snow. She is a conservative, old-fashioned good-two-shoes rule follower. It is fitting that she has a name to match. I think the notion that there has to be one iron-clad rule that applies to every character, be that names, behavior, redemption path,etc, would make for a very boring show. The variation in names gives us hints about the state of mind of the various characters. Snow knows who she wants to be going forward. Other characters like Red and Grumpy appear to be conflicted about who they want to be and whether they want to stay in Storybrook or not and the use of both names reflects that. David is very sure of his identity so he only needs one name. David also honors his wife's wishes by using the name she prefers. I suppose Belle likes the name Rumple because in spite of all her bleating about wanting him to change she seems to like the bad boy who goes by the name Rumplestiltskin.
  12. Gold and Rumplestiltskin seem pretty different to me.
  13. It has nothing to do with the number of syllables, it has to do with her identity and how she sees herself going forward. Snow embraced her life in Storybrook after the curse was broken and wanted to stay there and also wanted to keep the name associated with that life. She was looking forward to her future and not backward at the life she had in Fairytale land. There was enough exposition about this in season 2 that it doesn't really need to rehashed on twitter so why should Jane indulge those people who weren't paying attention when the relevant scenes aired.
  14. There are also third-party tools available to manage twitter accounts. I also assume that Adam has an assistant who posts some of the promotional stuff and generic tweets on his behalf and filters a lot of the rude nonsense to improve the signal to noise ratio on his account so he doesn't even see most of the dumb stuff..
  15. If the point is to promote the show then high-traffic venues like twitter are the right place to post for maximum exposure. The rude responses don't seem to bother Adam, so it's wasted effort for random people to take it upon themselves to be upset on his behalf.
  16. It's part of Adam's job to promote to show so I see is no reason for him to stop. Lots of people enjoy the script teases and it is really easy to just not read all the dumb responses.
  17. I see nothing weird about it. They are all individuals with their own preferences. It has been canon since season 2 that Snow prefers to be called Mary Margaret now. I wouldn't take Jane Espensen's remark about not confusing viewers seriously. People pester them with so many dumb questions it must be hard to resist giving the occasional snarky response in the spirit of "Ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer."
  18. Other reasons are that it is old, previously aired footage that the actor already got credit for (for TV shows) or the actor's appearance on screen was so brief, as in a few seconds, that it could not be credited under SAG-AFTRA rules.
  19. Yes, the vast majority of viewers don't care about fandoms and therefore neither do the producers or the network. Fandoms make a bit of noise on the internet but there are not enough online fans to impact ratings or revenue in any meaningful way. The majority of viewers watch for the overall story and perhaps a favorite character or two but they retain some perspective and don't get overinvested in individuals character or couples the way obsessive online fans do. The Bear King was a big hit with the kids I watch the show with and their friends, Since there are more children watching this show than fan girls on tumblr (and elsewhere on the internet), it is no surprise that they want to produce a nice stand-alone episode free of all the shipper nonsense for those viewers. They are giving the Disney characters screen time because the kids in the audience love them. This show is not stable just because of diehard fans. It was a smart business move to adopt the split season format and make the show more kid-oriented because they now have a steady stream of new viewers aging into their target demographic every 6 to 12 months. That's a great way to maintain a stable viewer base.
  20. So. I don't see a problem with that. That's fine if they don't want that on their facebook.
  21. The point of facebook and twitter accounts is to promote the show. Hosting contentious discussions does not support that business goal. I don't have any issue with them hiding negative comments. I also don't have an issue with Adalind and her story line. I enjoy her shenanigans.
  22. Barney Thomson won best film at the BAFTA Scotland awards today and Emma Thompson won best actress. Unfortunately, Robert did not win in his two categories of best actor and director. Just as well that he stayed home and nursed his cold, I guess.
  23. What with the ever expanding Marvel universe and DC also producing live-action versions of their comics, it's not out of the realm of possibility that Sasha could get a lucrative offer for something. He's raised his profile with this show and certainly has the physical presence for those kind of roles. People relocate for their jobs all the time and then get involved in their new community.
  24. I think the death will be Hank. If Nick is going in a new direction and doesn't return to his job there is no need for Hank anymore. Wu still has high entertainment value as the wise-cracking supporting character but Hank working cases with his nondescript partner not so much. Or maybe Sasha Roiz has other offers and wants to move on.
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