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Everything posted by TaurusRose

  1. Hey! Them there dragons are real! LOL And you just had to go and remind me that one of those little babies is dead. *cue banshee-like wailing* I was looking forward to the reunion as well, but Claire just made me want to slap the you know what out of her in this episode and then I remembered...Claire really started getting on my nerves last season during the Paris fiasco. If she doesn't turn it around soon, I'm afraid I will be out, too.
  2. My unpopular opinion is that I don’t really care for Claire now that she’s time traveled back in time. I don’t think she considered all the ramifications of her appearance 20 years later beyond her love for Jamie. Also, she is critical, judgmental and smug when she should be hanging back and trying to get the lay of the land. She doesn’t know who Jamie is or what he’s been up to any more than he does about her. And her comment about not knowing how it is to be a parent was, IMO, the wrong thing to say to someone who has been unable to be a part of his children’s lives for reasons beyond his control. Jamie isn’t perfect and has made his share of missteps since Claire’s return, but of the two she has been the more intolerable and unlikeable. Furthermore, the whole surgical procedure scene was fucking ridiculous. That part of the script should have been majorly tweaked, if not just canned. It was too elaborate, too long and nobody cared.
  3. Not sure what you didn’t like, but if you’re referring to his comments while looking at Brianna’s bikini picture, I have to disagree. The pictures are from the 20th century, but Jamie is an 18th century man. Of course, he’d be scandalized and concerned with his daughter’s honor. I thought it was poor judgment on Claire’s part to include that particular picture, but if one thing is becoming crystal clear to me about Claire, it’s that she’s not one for understanding situations or details.
  4. As of this episode, I pretty much can’t stand Claire.
  5. This. I was probably most annoyed by her judgemental, smug attitude. Particularly when she was saying how she could have saved the attacker no one cared about if she were in Boston. I rolled my eyes so hard they got cramps. I wanted Jamie to yell, “Look around. Does this look like Boston 200 years from now? If you miss it so much GO BACK!!!!” Claire bugged me so much in this episode that I was actively rooting for the welcome she’s going to get when she returns to Lallybroch. I agree about Ian the senior; the actor is killing it.
  6. Didn’t really like Claire at all. Maybe a second viewing will soften me up toward her a bit, but as it stands right now...SMH no.
  7. I don’t blame Claire for the actions of someone else, specifically the assault, but I do blame her for not thinking about her surroundings or considering her personal safety. I thought it was ridiculous that she sashayed downstairs in a shift, even the madam was shocked to see her hanging out with the whores. And don’t get me started on falling asleep without locking the door. The scene didn’t work for me because the whole “Jamie is living in a whorehouse and the details of his activities and associations are sketchy enough to put Claire in peril after she hangs out with whores” fiasco made me roll my eyes. The situation here is completely different than the wedding episode. The whorehouse is a place of business and men wanting to get laid can show up at any time, also illustrated in the hanging out with whores scene. So Claire doesn’t get a pass for being silly (IMO) yet again. I guess I’m just getting tired of all the contrived drama; Claire has been back one day and she’s attacked. Oh, and Jamie is living in a whorehouse! I know this stuff happened in the book, but it just didn’t translate well on the screen for me.
  8. Gotta agree with this. But since she just had to leave the room, was it really so hard to put on a bit more clothing? She is in a whorehouse after all and random men roaming the halls was not an unexpected occurrence. Seriously, for someone so intelligent, Claire acts as if she was dropped on her head as a baby quite a lot in the 18th century.
  9. I agree with the bol part. I broke down and did something I swore I’d never do, read Outlander, the first book. DG’s writing style is bad, really bad. I have no desire to read any of the other books.
  10. I expect her to get away unscathed, but damn! How about not putting herself in sketchy situations in the first place just once and a while?
  11. Claire is a moron. She challenges when she should retreat. I’m really not bothered about her almost getting raped because she’s reckless. How hard is it to stay in the room and LOCK the door? And if failing that, running out of a room with a strange man ransacking it? Regarding Jamie’s aging, in addition to the glasses and the way he carried himself, I thought his facial hair was tinged with gray.
  12. I read someplace that DG is on her ninth book; how old is Claire (and Jaime) supposed to be at this point?
  13. I believe Claire came through the stones in the exact same place she had gone through them when she left. She traveled from the stones to Edinburgh. She had money to pay her way. It doesn’t begin to make sense to me that it would work any other way. I thought she was a little better this time.
  14. Dark Shadows?! Best daytime soap ever. I can remember me and my gang all rushing home after school to watch it, then talking about it incessantly the next day. LOL
  15. 1. Why are you asking that question? 2. Hilarious. 3. Already addressed by another poster. 4. Agreed. That would have been the terminology used during the '60s.
  16. Really enjoyed this episode, especially Jamie’s reaction to seeing Claire in the flesh. LOL I’m so glad they didn’t make us wait to see them in the same room again, especially since we have to wait two weeks for the next episode.
  17. I have no problem with sex scenes for the most part. None of my friends look like Sam and Catriona or any of the other good-looking people getting it on in film or television; also, it's not their job to have sex for my entertainment, so you're right. Wouldn't be interested. LOL But to be OT, my unpopular opinion is having to deal with another man who has the hots for Jamie. Seriously, it's starting to look a bit gratuitous at this point. Stop it.
  18. Add me to the list of people who hated that song. It was manipulative and out of place.
  19. Quinlan was my favorite character. I hated to see him go out the way he did. Hated Zack, Eph and Dutch. I wish Dutch had died instead of Nora. Dutch was unattractive and nowhere near good enough for Fet. He should have gone after Charlotte. Overall the series was entertaining and grim. I’ll miss it.
  20. And animals don't sell each other out and bring this shit on themselves so, yeah. I'm worried about the dogs.
  21. There wasn't anything wrong with the way the sentence was constructed. I understood he was talking about two different people.
  22. I stopped watching SPN religiously after S5 and only dropped in sporadically through S7. I thought SPN should have ended after S5 and after binge watching S8-12 on Netflix, I stand by my original opinion. I'm amazed that SPN still has an audience, this show is crap. The introduction of Rowena, Mary Winchester, Claire, and Alex annoyed me to no end. Castiel has been reduced to a sappy, dumbass sad sack. I hope he is dead because he bears no resemblance to the badass angel he was when he first appeared. I never favored him becoming besties with the Winchesters and got so sick of Dean's moralizing and judging a superior being, I couldn't stand it. I wished that Cass had put the big smite on him more times than I could count. Crowley, in his badass form and in small doses, was entertaining, but he wore out his welcome as well when they neutered him and made him Dean's bitch, too. Why the fuck didn't they get rid of Lucifer and Mary? It's hard to say which of them I hated more. SPN has never known how to pull the plug on characters, especially ones that either they or the fans fall in love with. Apparently, it didn't matter if said characters became a drain on the show. I really despised the whole BMoL storyline and don't get me started on the spawn of Lucifer. I'm pretty sure I won't bother with S13 when it hits Netflix, it almost hurt (literally) to finish S12. Carry on my wayward sons indeed. Blech.
  23. As I've said previously, I'm done with the discussion. You're not saying anything new or even supporting your faux arguments with anything that makes sense to me. See you next season.
  24. Okay, I'm bowing out of this discussion because the points have become repetitive and some people are willfully ignoring the entire situation as it played out. You can point fingers and assign blame all you want, but winter has arrived and the WWs were going to breach the wall one way or another. The north doesn't have the manpower to go it alone. But if the north is dumb enough to behave like people are predicting, I say--by all means, bitch, piss and moan because the person they made king acted kingly. A huge cup of STFU needs to be passed around stat. Peace. Out.
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