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Everything posted by okerry

  1. Exactly. The baby even has the exact same nose that this man has. Own it, indeed. I hate this kind of dishonesty, too, especially if they plan to make the child believe Josh is her bio-dad, too.
  2. Okay, let me get this straight: Jazz & her family went to huge expense and risk to get hormone suppressants to block normal testosterone release and stop puberty, because Jazz did not want to go through puberty. Well, that worked. Since puberty never happened, Jazz still has the primary sex characteristics of a child. But now they want to add testosterone back in. Which is exactly what they fought and fought and fought to block. So that Jazz can have what she swore up and down she didn't want in the first place: a mature penis. You can't just localize the effects of testosterone. If she rubs the cream on the genitals, the cream is absorbed through the skin and will affect the entire system. Secondary male sex characteristics will occur. But that's what they didn't want. Until now. Except they really don't want it now, either. What they want is magic. I've never seen people in so much blind denial. Apparently Jazz and the family convinced themselves that doctors would magically be able to transform Jazz directly from a male child to a female adult. None of them thought this through or asked the right questions. Now what? Yes, women do have a small amount of testosterone naturally, but not enough to grow an adult male penis. Which is what Jazz finally wants, now that it's dawned on them that you cannot create adult female sexual organs out of infantile male sex organs. Giving Jazz enough testosterone to develop the penis will also create other male secondary sex characteristics. You can't localize the effects that way, no matter how much you think you want to. This is physical science, not magic, but Jazz & the family sure seemed convinced that it's just magic. Besides, I thought having a mature male penis was horrifying to Jazz?
  3. You would think that Jazz and, especially, her parents, would have been fully informed of what would happen with the puberty blockers; but these people are so deeply in denial, so immersed in magical thinking and sometimes outright delusion, that I could believe they would just hear what they wanted to hear and ignore the rest. They all seem convinced that the doctors will somehow pull off a miracle and there's no need for Jazz or the family to understand anything. It will just happen. Uh, no. I'd love to think that this is all scripted for the cameras, but I just don't think it is. I think these people really are that deep in denial.
  4. No, it doesn't work that way. Race is carried by dominant genes, not recessive ones. They don't hide out for a while and then suddenly pop up later, as much as some women would like to insist they do. Any baby will be a blend of both its parents. Two white parents cannot and will not create a bi-racial child. Anyone who says, "But there was someone I knew, or someone in my family - " then I strongly suggest you get a DNA test because somebody's not telling the whole story.
  5. @Snarklepuss, I see what you're saying, but IMHO we're just dealing with plain old addiction here when it comes to both Karen Carpenter (may she rest in peace) and Twitney. I've long thought that anorexia is a form of addiction, too - a physical addiction to the somewhat euphoric brain chemicals released when the body approaches starvation, the same way endorphins are released when someone deliberately cuts or otherwise injures themselves. And we know Twit is a food addict, so I think these two were/are just garden-variety addicts, sad as that is.
  6. omg - that woman is absolutely doing feeder porn. No other reason to post like that. Wonder if that will ever come out on the show? I keep thinking of that "hungry bunny" bit when she was in the park supposedly shooting the workout dance video.
  7. It occurred to me that Melissa McCarthy could play Sarah Huckabee Sanders *and* Sean Spicer equally well. on SNL. I'd sure love to see that.
  8. That's what bothers me about Joe & Mika's comments and criticism about Trump. They're not talking about his policies, etc. These are entirely personal attacks from people who used to like him very much but then suddenly were on the outs, so now they despise him and he's the worst, etc. None of this is journalism, or even useful opinion. It's like listening to eighth graders who are suddenly out of favor with the cool kids they once adored, so now they hate them and want everyone to know it. Sad. ;)
  9. They sure have. They've called him insane, unhinged, a mental case, etc. etc. etc. - but he's not allowed to strike back? No matter who's side you're on, J & M have no call to act shocked and horrified now. If they're gonna dish it out, they'd better be able to take it - and apparently they can't.
  10. Yikes - on second watching, I wonder if the big attraction for Jazz's mom is the way all this treatment keeps Jazz a child. That seems to be the most important thing to Mom. Look how she reacted to the brothers' simply going away to school.
  11. Well, the show has described to us what all that estrogen has done to Jazz's male sex organs: It has left them in a virtually infantile state. If Jazz has "bottom surgery," those exact same organs will be surgically rearranged into female organs. They will be no more mature or responsive after surgery than they are now. It's the same tissue. It's already maxed out on estrogen. The responsiveness is not going to change. The female clitoris is created out of the glans - the head - of the penis. Jazz's is, as they've told us, in an infantile state. You cannot get an adult sexual response, either male or female, out of an infantile sex organ.
  12. Not a medical professional at all, but have been quite fascinated by this and read up on it. Most of it is just common sense combined with basic biology. You cannot turn a male child directly into a female adult, which is what they want to do. The body has to go through sexual maturity first and that's what they're preventing with that implant. Jazz's breasts grew because that happens when you give huge doses of estrogen to a male body. That's all it is. And I always thought that was a major risk for cancer, but they haven't said anything about that. I get that transgender people "feel" like they're the other sex. Okay. But medical professionals, who are supposed to provide this transformation to Jazz and other transgender people, have to deal with the realities - and limitations - of the physical body, no matter how much the transgender person doesn't want to. That sounds like a recipe for disaster to me and I would beg them to reconsider and think this through, but that's exactly when you get kicked off the message board, lol. It also horrifies me that homosexual men used to be "treated" with large does of female hormones. It was terribly damaging. It shut down their sexual functioning and made them depressed and even suicidal. It was considered terribly unethical and can't be done today - except to someone like Jazz. They're doing the exact same thing to Jazz that was done to gay men as a "cure." You can Google "Alan Turing" and the film made about him with Benedict Cumberbatch - darn, can't remember the title right now - to see exactly what I'm talking about.
  13. This thought occurred to me as soon as I heard the docs and the parents had agreed to put their barely teen child on puberty-blocking drugs. But you get shut down on almost any board if you dare to bring it up: For a M-T-F transition, the penis is basically inverted and its tissue is used to create a vagina. If you want to create an adult-sized vagina, you need an adult-sized penis to work with. So if you stop puberty - which is when child-sized sex organs mature into adult-sized ones - there is no adult-sized penis to work with and therefore no way to construct an adult-sized vagina. This is what the older male doctor was trying to explain to them on last night's show. And it's not just the size that's crucial. Adult sex-organ tissue has been exposed to the body's natural hormones, which cause it to mature and become sexually sensitive and reactive - as opposed to the skin of one's elbow, for example. Child sex-organ tissue has not had this exposure , just as Jazz's has not because Jazz's puberty has been blocked. That's why "tissue expanders" - and have you seen them? - will do little, if anything, to help. Back when this show first aired, I could not believe the disconnect the family and fans seemed to have regarding, "Let's stop male puberty so Jazz doesn't have to go through that!" Okay - but that's where the process will end. You cannot just switch to female puberty because you want to. The transition process doesn't work like that. The doctors can reconstruct a mature male to look like and function like a mature female, but cannot reconstruct a child to look like a mature female - much less function like one. No male puberty = no female puberty, either. It's always been jaw-dropping to me that nobody in the family seems to have thought of this. Jazz is both sterile and impotent. You cannot simply switch puberty on and off when it suits you. The body just doesn't work that way.
  14. They don't care how badly those women treat them, as long as they can sleep with those super-hot women once in a while and, most of all, be seen with them. That's all that matters. Same old story: Neither one of those guys could have won over a home-grown American female who looked as sexy as Paola and Anfisa, so they went out and bought one from a foreign country - thinking that said foreigner would be so grateful to get to live in America that they'd shower their schlumpy husbands with love and gratitude forever and never look at another man. At least Russ seems to be a decent guy and has a real job and probably isn't a felon, lol. He could have found himself a nice loving partner to marry here, but she wouldn't have looked like a Colombian hooker so he bought Paola instead. Sorry to be so harsh, but that's exactly what they do. Don't get me started on the American boys and their fetish for Asian women. I'd better go before I get kicked off the boards, lol.
  15. p.s. It's truly amazing how many of these Americans jump right into marrying someone from another culture while knowing virtually squat about how that culture works - what's expected and what's acceptable - and then are shocked when that culture is very different from the usual American way of life and they're faced with some little detail that they don't want (like sending chunks of money to a foreign country for their beloved import's relatives to live off of.) Have we had a case yet where the American spouse is fully expected to actually bring over the immediate family of the foreign spouse? Because i know a couple of those IRL and it can be a real disaster - especially when the American spouse did not understand before the wedding that that would be expected.
  16. good god, I missed that - $450.00 to make Paola a bleached blonde? That's insane. She is NOT married. Her husband thinks he is, but she is NOT. She's probably a worse user than Anfisa. At least Anfisa made a bargain and appeared to keep up her end of it. Paola doesn't even pretend to care and thinks nothing of letting poor schmuck Russ live in an another state and pay her outrageous bills while she gets it on with her boyfriend. IMO, Paola is way worse than Anfisa. And I'll bet Russ isn't a convicted felon who lied to his imported bride about it, the way Jorge is.
  17. Paola is long gone. She'll just keep using Mr. Oklahoma as long as it's convenient and he's dumb enough to go along with it.
  18. Every one of these Americans is convinced that their foreign spouse is going to love them out of gratitude for getting to live in America. In fact, they're convinced that their foreign spouse is obligated to love them out of gratitude and they're just utterly shocked to learn that love and gratitude are not remotely the same thing. Every one of these Americans is an idiot. They thought they could buy a much hotter partner than any they could get in America. Well, they did exactly that, but that did not mean that hot partner was going to stay around the instant they got their green card. Did I say all the Americans are idiots?
  19. Now, there's a crossover show: "My Big Fat Fabulous 600-lb 90-Day Fiance."
  20. wow, they always look better on award night. Are there professionals doing the queens' hair & makeup & wardrobe for these events? love seeing Nina wearing actual drag. don't care for Ru's gown or makeup, and usually she's perfection. Trinity should do Vivian Leigh. Sasha, love ya but please put a wig on sometimes. Shea's pretty awesome. don't care too much for Peppermint, but she is pretty. WINTERGREEN FOR AMERICA'S NEXT DRAG SUPERSTAR!!! wow! I take it back! Sasha in a wig! not sure about this format, but we'll see gimmicks won't save ya - still gotta lip sync - I'd choose Trinity - oh well - there's always Vivian Leigh, lol Shea's the better dancer, but Sasha makes me feel that she's actually singing - and those rose petals, lol they were both good, but I do like Sasha - and Trinity is out, so, wow! yay, Bob! Where's the purse? Team Sasha. That Marlene Dietrich was Everything. ha love Sasha's white outfit and mask right away I'm all about Sasha i think i like the other formats better, but okay yay! Sasha!
  21. "Swiping right" means you place your finger on the onscreen photo you're looking at and move it to the right. That tells the Tindr program that you'd like to meet that person. If they also "swipe right" on YOUR picture, Tindr will notify both of you that both of you are interested in meeting. If you "swipe left," you're rejecting that one and don't want to meet them ever. A "pity swipe" would be, I guess, swiping right to at least make it look like someone found you attractive enough for them to swipe right. Even if it is your brother. Yes, I know.
  22. IMHO, most of them had very, very little charisma, which was terribly evident in Reunited. Uniqueness? Well, I guess . . . but Sasha is the only one who stands out to me at all. I wonder if she would have done much better in a different season, with different and more talented queens to play off of. But most of the others I hardly remember. Nerve? There were major failures of nerve here. Charlie, Valentina, and Nina, for sure. Talent? uhhh . . . I'd give the win to Sasha on this, because her Marlene Dietrich in Snatch Game was the only moment that really entertained me all season. I really thought that was gorgeous - at least as good as Alaska's Mae West. Sasha FTW. It do take nerve.
  23. Oh, that's excellent - I didn't know it would be done like that. Would love to see them do Nikolai Tesla, for one, and maybe Edison. And Isaac Newton!
  24. I know what you are saying - and I appreciate the stranglehold that an addictive substance has over the addict - but it is not true that "addicts have no choice." If they didn't, then no one would ever get into recovery. But many do. Ultimately, they DO have a choice. When the pain of addiction finally gets worse than the pain of recovery, that's when they'll make that choice. Penny is a monstrous narcissist. That's the real problem. Google "narcissistic mother." Her food addiction is secondary.
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