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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The acting is decent, but the writing leaves a lot to be desired at the moment. For now I'm in. If I had to read subtitles, I probably wwouldn't be. I think that is a big misread of the situation. He isn't a villian, he's just somebody trying to keep his country save and make a better life for his family. He isn't like Philip and Elisabeth killing people left and right. Also I think it's important to note that germans didn't have the same views as americans in the cold war. East germans weren't the enemy. They were brothers and sisters torn away by geopolitical power plays. You can see it in this episode. The west germans really don't like being used as the battleground for the soviets and americans dick measuring contest. It's the 30 year cycle. People who grew up at the time are old enough to make media now. Are we? I thought he was supposed to be your average dude.
  2. I mean Nathan Fillion can come and get it anytime he wants, but I was still rolling my eyes every time they called him 40, which was A LOT. If I didn't know he was pushing 50, I might have blelieved it, but I do. I probably wouldn't have cared if they wouldn't have sayed it over and over and over again.
  3. Wow, on this show it's easy to get somebody pronounced mentally incompetent. You just have to say it and then a social worker shows up and says "hurdur, I really can't tell, so I'm gonna err on the side of caution and condemn this young woman to a life of limited motion, with which she can't work in her chosen profession." Yeah no, somebody has to be a clear and present danger to themselves or others. Just doing extreme sports doesn't cover that, or any rock climber would be in a padded cell. This show really grinds my gears with it's blatant disregard for any realism. I wouldn't even go that far. Maybe I see some things too black and white, but I think Lea doesn't get to be hurt. Well I guess you can't control your feelings, but she certainly doesn't get to be "righteously" hurt, like the show is portraying it. She left without any warning, decieving Shaun for quite a while, certainly during their last day together. Then she just shows back up again, again without any warning and wants Shaun to be her emotional support blanket. Yeah, no. That's not how that works. First you have to apologise for being such a shitty friend, then that apology has to be accepted and maybe then your friend will ask why you are back and support you.
  4. I don't get the part about the Hysterectomy. As far as I could tell, whatever needed to be taken out wasn't immediatly life threatening. Also the operation went on for way too long anyway. Wouldn't the logical, ethical and responsible thing to do have been to close her up, wake her up, ask her what she wants and do the operaten in a few weeks? As a big burly man I had similar experiences. People tell you to be more assertive, but if you don't actually have the confidence to back it up, it comes off as bitchy and people hate you for it. So being assertive is crappy advice. The key is to actually not give a fuck what people think, speak your mind and do your thing. That people respect. (still haven't quite figured that one out either, though) I think more women than men have a problem with that, in general. If it's biology or socialisation or a combination of both can probably be hotly debated for the ages.
  5. I don't really get all the complaints. South Park has always been very political. Who could forget the snuke up Hilldogs snatch as one of the earlier iterations? There is a bit of a problem in that they didn't think Trump would win, so their storyline fell apart two seasons ago, from which they took a while to recover, and now they can't really use Garrison anymore. But still, I don't see it being that much different now than it has ever been? what exactly is the problem?
  6. Because that's the reality in america now. School shootings happen all the time and nobody cares. It's called satire.
  7. I love the guy, but man Jensen Ackles does not have the range to pull off Michael. It just doesn't work. Also why/how did Jack get nerfed and where is Charlie? I don't seem to remember much about last seasons finale. He should just be dead. Just how Cas's vessel is. The meatsuit was remade in both cases, but there was never an actual soul inside.
  8. The Streisand-effect in action. :D I think everybody can relate to this show. As a man I can still remember all the jackets around the waist or bags "casually" carried at crotch height, because you get boners all. the. time. It's weird at how different paces people develop. I started puberty at nine and was always a head taller than anybody else my age, yet my facial hair didn't start to grow till I was 18. Same. Wweird. I think it's because it's really close to Will Arnett's Batman-voice. She is by far my favorite character on this show. I've been saying "bubblebath" in her voice a bunch of times today. How she pronounces things is just amazing. I'm sure that was Rudolph's choice as well. I really like that. I was kinda bummed when they didn't further explore that people can be into both sexes, in season one. They kind of just dropped it there after the rock interlude.
  9. Just making my way through season one. If I wasn't sold before, that big gay musical number in episode three certainly sold me!
  10. Gooood. This has to be the schmalziest show ever created. And I swear I'm going to murder all those acustic guitar players. Why do a lot of my fellow gays seem to love this show so much? I thought I was in tune with "gay culture" with my undying love for the Golden Girls, musicals and Abba, but I guess not. Also little brother is an idiot. Two years for sitcom star money and famedom? You can do two measily years, you spoiled brat. Almost everybody has to "whore themselves out" for jobs they don't like. If you didn't want that, you shouldn't have signed such a long contract.
  11. Only now getting around to watching this. I don't know what to think. The acting is certainly top notch, but I wanted to strangle whoever overused that acustic guitar so much (last song wasn't just guitar, but still with guitar as the prominent intrument, so it contributed). But the guitar was really just a symptom of the overall sappyness, that was way too sappy, even for me. The Twist that the parents of the triplets storyline was in the past was interesting, but not quite earned, imo. There was basically no indication in the bedroom, that this was in the past, but at the end of the episode it was suddenly the most late 70s / early 80s bedroom there ever was in the entire universe. Plus that doctor had way too good a bedside manner for that timeframe. I think they tried to explain wwhy, but still not buying it. They also toned the dads and moms clothes way down. Then at the end, suddenly peak 70s/80s. Basically they cheated and they cheated hard. I don't think I would have minded that much if they hadn't done that hard turn at the end. I don't think I'd usually continue watching, but everybody seems to love this show, so I'll give it a few more episodes.
  12. I had completely forgotten how she left. Yeah, that was a massive dick move she pulled there, which makes just showing up on his doorstep an even dickier move. I think I probably would have told her to fuck off right then and there. I have ADHD. Apperently, a very common symptom of ADHD is that you feel emotions, especially rejection, much deeper and more strongly than neurotypical people. For some reason nobody tells you about this symptom. It's always the inattentiveness and inability to focus that everybody, well, focuses on. So I didn't find out that was even a thing until a few months ago and I'm in my 30s. But boy did it make a lot of things in my life make so much more sense (in hindisght it was one of the biggest problems in my life) and now I know why I often got a blank stare of "I don't understand" back from therapists. Neurotypical people simply can't understand why you reacted with such intense feeling to a situation that to them seems banale and if they don't specialise in ADHD, even therapists seem to have no clue this is a symptom. Now that I know where these feelings are coming from and that most other people with ADHD have them too, I can actually manage them a lot better. All that is to say, I know what it's like to have intensified feelings and it sucks. I suspect it might be even more intense for people with autism. It's funny, in some ways you'd think autism and ADHD are the exact opposite, but there is quite some overlaping of symptoms. My best friend is autistic and I usually don't have problems understanding what she's saying, nor does she understanding what I'm saying (unless I try to tell a joke) and we usually have a good amount of problems being understood by other people.
  13. She wasn't really a conspiracy theorist, she was just a fame whore. I disagree. The 4400 got a ton of drama out of the exemination stage.
  14. I'm always irritated when medical dramas won't actually follow medical procedures when there is really no reason. For brain surgery they don't put you under. They need you awake and alert to know when they cut into something they really shouldn't. Also the head is fixated for obvious reasons. So the last scene was just bizar to me. I don't think you have to have a history of abandonment to have the same feelings Shaun had. They seem perfectly natural. Of course a neurotypical person would handle and exxpress these feelings differently, but missing somebody and fearing they might leave you again, since they've already done it before, is just human.
  15. I think a ghost came and posessed her, when she lay down in front of her cabin. At least that's the only half wway logical explaination. The doctor in the beginning said she was significantly further along than the 4 weeks she was together with Chet. So my money is on production screwing up. Mind you, the timeline doesn't make sense anyway. Quinn and Chet got together at the end of last season and there is no way they only had 4 weeks doentime betwween seasons, since they always seem to tape the week an episode airs, but you know it's unreal, what can you expect?
  16. So episode 4. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Alexej? I kinda think of it as Karma. He had so much time to apologise to Jay, but just never did. Instead he called him a f***** again. Who gave that dude a live show in the first place? Couldn't it have been taped? In general I really wish we were beyond the Quinn Rachel squabbles. I like it a lot more when they are on the same page. Hope they can stay there for a while. I hope the jelly neww producer isn't a retread of season two. Episode 5: Quinn giving Rachel the "how could you"-look after she 'produced' the rape slasher incidente - pulease. Quinn has done so much worse. Episode 6: Yeah, that ending doesn't do it for me. I'm so over Rachel doing shitty things and then feeling bad about it. Episode 8: Meh, that was really too little too late for a redemtion arc.
  17. Miles

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Oh my fucking god. I think that sappy music and cliched opening naration gave me an aneurism. Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea? This better get better fast. Okay, guy tells them that they have been missing for five years and their reaction is shock and not laughter at this obvious weird prank (from their persepective). Sure... The brother lying to the sister about hearing voices. *groan* Rest of the episode was okay. Except for crappy CGI plane explosion.
  18. But I've also seen her in other stuff and live at the oscars and she does look 10 years younger here. I think she lost some weight, so maybe that works wonders on her? I don't want to talk about a persons appearence too much, when that person is first and foremost a phenomenal actor, but I'm jsut fascinated by this change.
  19. Really good episode. Haven't had so much fun with this show in a while. The more out there and fun theory would be that it's Annalise's son. Who wasn't actually stillborn but switched at birth for a stillborn baby, because conspiracy! *makes spooky noises* Edit: I see other people had that same thought. And I thought I was really out there with this one. XD I was wondering, did Viola Davis have any work done? She suddenly looks 10 years younger. If she had, it was done very well and tastefully. None of the scary shit we see on some faces in Hollywood. If didn't have any work done, she's got to share her secrets, because damn.
  20. Only South Park could make children constantly dying in school shootings funny. Well done. I have to agree wwith Cartman here, Black Panther was mediocre as far as Marvel movies go. Good popcorn flick to be sure, but not much substance. Also I thought it was really racist, but most black people didn't seem to think so, so what do I know. Nah, Sharon was just on her rag and thus unreasonable! /s Of course you were on Sharon's side. It would be really fucked up if you weren't. The reaction of town of South Park is a parody of how nobody cares about school shootings anymore. Remember Colombine? How that was a thing for months? Now you have shootings like that all the time and nobody cares. The smaller ones don't even make it into the news anymore. If there are enough dead it might be a thing for a week. I think they are trying to co-opt the sure to be happening twitter shit storm for themselves. #cancelsouthpark ! It was meant to show how ridiculous the whole situation is. Sharon was the only one in the right here and everybody else dismissed her just being hormonal. Can't you see that the south park guys are on your side here? Does everything have to be "problematic"?
  21. Finally saw this after Uni got in the way and then I forgot about the last two episodes. It was good, I think. Was I the only one who suspected Philip and Elisabeth to get a bullet in the back of their heads when they were looking over Moscow? Not quite sure if I would have prefered that at this point. They certainly had it coming and it would have put a nicer bow on the whole thing. That was my first thought too, but Pastor Tim also knows and the FBI will probably lean on him quite heavily. The best Paige can do is probably tell them that she knew and was very conflicted about it, but just couldn't rat on her parents. But that ofcourse she never participated. I don't think he did it (just) for them. I think dispite his protestations he knew what was on the line for ruassia and US-russian relations, should Gorbatschow be assasinated. That was the thing that convinced him to let them go. Before that revealation he told them multiple times to get on the ground. So in a way, he did it for his country. To end the cold war (for a while at least). My head canon is that Arkady, Elisabeth, Philip and his father will vouch for the fact that Oleg was instrumental in saving Gorbatschhows life and that he'll do everything in his power to get Oleg out.
  22. I actually thought last season handled it better than this one. They had stretches where people wouldn't talk to them and where the school fought back hard against their doc, but then they got famous and that opened doors, both with other students and the school. This season everybody was just like "yeah sure, we'll talk to you two kids", even the cops. An explaination might be that people jumped on the chance to be in this doc because the two guys got Netflix-famous with last seasons doc, but we should have been shown that fact, if that was the intention.
  23. I still think grandma would have been a more fun choice as the turdburgler. This season was good, not as great as the last, but the recreation of the party is hard to top. I have a few problems though. A few things seem far fetched. A problem last season also didn't have. The turdburgler needed intimate knowledge of a lot of things to pull off these crimes. Now, he did stalk the whole school on social media, but it still seems a bit far fetched that he could gleen all that information needed. But I guess fair enough. It's possible. The real problem is the brown out. Yes Maltitol works as a laxitive, but it's primary function is, as was described in the show, as a sweetener. If you were to dump enough of it into lemonade (that is already very sweet), that the whole school would shit itself, from drinking one glass, it would be way too sweet to drink.* Everybody would have spat out their first sip, it would have been so gross. It might seem nitpicky, but if you want to emulate a true crime show, the crime has to be possible in the real world. It's the most important part. And I still don't see the reason for using Maltitol. They could have used your run of the mill tasteless laxetives. Sure they would have had to cut one misdirect, but that was it. Also seems a bit far fetched that the two guys blackmailed for their dick pics and the girl blackmailed for her tit picks would go along with this. The turd-crime is so much worse than the pictures and they know the black mailer will just have more on them afterwards. Especially the teacher was confusing. As far es he knew he sexted with a consenting adult woman. And an adult man should know better than to go along with that blackmail. I can see it with the teenagers, but not with him. *As per wikipedia: "Like other sugar alcohols (with the possible exception of erythritol), maltitol has a laxative effect,[6] typically causing diarrhoea at a daily consumption above about 90 g.[7] Doses of about 40 g may cause mild borborygmus and flatulence."
  24. To me it seemed like she just really wanted to figure out who did it, be it Adnan or somebody else. The evidence against him was flimsy, there was no motive to speak of and he had shit representation. The whole case really hinged on the testimony of a guy who might have done it himself. All the other evidence was circumstantial at best. He might have done it, but boy did the police and prosecution do a shit job proving it. I'm a 100% sure he wouldn't have been convicted in germany. I don't remember her having any disdain towards police or prosecution. I remember some disdain towards Adnan's lawyer.
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