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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. I think the big difference between Klaine and Finchel though is chemistry. I could overlook Finchel's often crap writing at times, because Cory and Lea sold it. The most Klaine ever sold with me was their early day flirtation. It was Glee tried to say they were more than a cute, flirty couple, was when I lost interest, and it only got worse as time went on and the actors distain for the story became more and more apparent (and who knows what the off-screen dynamics of Chris and Darren are, but I don't think either of them are particularly close to each other). I think Klaine is literally the only couple I've ever watched on TV that I thought either didn't actually like or know each other in any real way. Even other ships I passionately hate (like Ezria on PLL. DIE DIE DIE) I believe they know and like each other on some level. I'm actually amazed that people continued to stay with Klaine despite it all. So even though Finchel did have plenty of writing problems, they didn't frustrate me in the same way, because I bought it on some level. I agree Klaine would be endgame regardless of what happened with Cory, but I don't think their relationship would've gotten to the level of fucked up that it did because the focus wouldn't be on them that much (because I was mostly ok with them until Blaine out of nowhere dropped the engagement bomb. I was also naive and thought Klaine would work their shit out and once that engagement bomb was dropped, I realized that their sole function was to make shippers squeal, which if they had Brittana levels of chemistry might work on me, but since I tend to see Kurt trying to avoid looking Medusa (Blaine) in the eyes it utterly fails for people like me who mostly chemistry ship).
  2. So I just listened to the Child Star songs, and how dare they let gay jock ruin The Cure. And the kid on Lose Your Breath is a joke. I cannot handle Break Free either...
  3. I live tweeted "Mercedes, no one wants Sam and Rachel." Most retweets I've ever had.
  4. I have the magic gift to tune out awfulness when Brittana is doing stuff, so I mostly tuned out Klaine and enjoyed the wedding dress fashion show, brittana before the wedding, and the numbers. My only bitterness was intercutting the vows. My desire to hear brittana and tune out Klaine were hard during that scene. I will await the brittana only edits. I like that Mike Chang remains a decent human being. Go mike for being nice to tina.
  5. oThey'd probably assassinate those vegetables as hard as every glee character.
  6. They are doing something right. Good job, Glee. You get a point.
  7. Jeeze, I hope so. How depressing would it be if he died only having had sex with Blaine. Bad enough that they're saddled together for life.
  8. Now that I've seen it, I'm annoyed too. It was a nice closure for Mike, who is one of the few decent people on this show (and it reminded me that I used to like Tina. Poor Jenna for getting thrown under the bus). I would've taken it over Rachel, very unfairly, getting into NYADA.
  9. When Quinn sang "Never Can Say Goodbye" and the whole point was her saying "I AM GETTING OUT OF HERE, QUICK, BEFORE THEY MAKE ME ACT CRAZY AGAIN!"
  10. I've only seen the movie version of Hedwig, like 5 years ago, but from what I remember, I really don't see Darren having the edge to pull that off. His voice is too clean-cut for that kind of role, but movie versions don't tend to have as strong of a cast as stage productions, so who knows.
  11. I don't mind the popular kids being shown as bullies, if it is used to show how far the characters have progressed (or as far as anyone can progress on Glee). I can deal with Santana and Brittany not being there, since they were more background, and it sounds like the wedding will give them both some closure. Mike was also very background so even though I really like him, I'm fine with him not showing up either. But Quinn and Finn were really important in that time, and while nothing can really be done about that, they shouldn't be doing a flashback episode if they can't do it correctly. In Charmed, after Shannon Doughtery left on bad terms, they were smart enough to not have a flashback episode. Another key difference is that once she was off, she was really off. The character was dead and they made up a BS reason that her ghost never came back although their grandmother popped in all the time. And they killed her off in season 3, and Charmed lasted 7-8 seasons, so she had been long gone by their finale. Obviously, nothing can be done about Finn, so I can let that go, but the fact they brought back Quinn for a Becky plot, in which she wasn't really necessary, and are not bringing her back for 2009 in which I'd imagine she'd be relevant, is stupid. It kind of makes me wish she just had left after season 3, when whatever happened between RIB and Dianna had strained the relationship, because then her not being in the finale/another episode she should be in would not bug me as much. Sorry, that was a rant. But this is so, so dumb. Thank you! Also. . .yeah, that would not make sense as the finale. Hopefully they switch that order.
  12. I could've accidentally skimmed over it in looking through the thread, but where are people getting the idea that 2009 is going to be the finale? Is this confirmed or speculation?
  13. Well, and around the time Lea's book was getting released, I was listening to an interview with her, and she thought she was fat in season 1. It's scary what Hollywood's definition of fat is if Lea fit it back then.
  14. There was huge drama in the Naya fandom during her relationship with BS, in which she started going heavier with the make-up, and she tweeted about him a lot and her random song had him on it. A lot of people thought it was a PR relationship, and that she had changed. I mostly tried to stay out of it, as I like Naya as a talent, more than as a person. It was also during her relationship with BS and the few months right after she looked really underweight to me. It does seem, that as weird as her random marriage was, that she's a bit more stable, and even though it's sad she feels the need to do comestic surgery/work, at least I'm not as worried that she might have a secret eating disorder that's slowly killing her.
  15. Yeah, Nayas definitely had work done, which is sad. She's still pretty, but I found her prettiest in season 2. I'm just glad that she looks like she's at a healthier weight. When the UT did Toxic, all I could think was that Naya looked mostly like ribs.
  16. Our Day Will Come hurts me, because I love Naya on it, and I wanna get my girl's last song. But Darren is reallllly weak on it. I think I'll have to download it and figure out if I can edit Darren out of it.
  17. I'm like 90% sure they're only doing "Hey Ya" because Heya is Heather and Naya, and the meta is worse than usual this season. I normally love Kevin's voice, but Hey Ya is terrible (but the original is too).
  18. I just looked up "I want to hold your hand" live. There's some rough bits, and some nice bits. I've heard Darren live and I feel similarly. Amber is amazing live, based on this random video I found of her. Also, Amber and Naya are both awesome doing River Deep Mountain High live.
  19. I feel like Sam generally elicits less. . .passion? Positive or negative. I don't think there's as many hardcore fans of his, or at least they're a quieter fandom. Likewise, I tend to see more hate towards Lea, Darren, Naya, etc. who I think just get a stronger reaction out of people. I think recently, he has been getting more hate that Darren, people the majority of Rachel fans seem to want him far, far away from her.
  20. According to a wetpaint article (not the ideal source I know) Alex doesn't considering himself transgender. He has showed up at events in high heels though, so he doesn't seem to care about gender norms that much.
  21. My whole point was that Hollywood isn't a completely merit-based industry, therefore him not being submitted for Emmys or winning PCAs I don't think is necessarily hurting him. There are plenty of working actors who aren't anything special, and who don't win awards. I'm not saying he's going to be the next Phillip Seymore Hoffman or Robin Williams. I also don't think anyone else in this cast is going to be that. I also couldn't tell you why Darren's album got shelved (although I don't really know much about it). Amber's had problems getting an album off the ground, and she's certainly not a talentless hack. I also don't think Darren is a talentless hack, even if his fans overblow his talent. But I think there's an assumption that the most talented receive the most success, and I think that's a false assumption. I will give you that he is more generic, and likely has more competition, but he's also going to have opportunities to play a straight romantic lead, which with the biases of Hollywood, Chris isn't likely to get (although I don't think he's terribly interested in those roles either). Anyway, all I'm saying is, I think he will have a career. Do I think he'll win Oscars? No. But I don't think he's going to become a homeless bum either, and I think he has enough appeal to have a career.
  22. I'm curious, so sure. To be fair to Chris though, I think he sees himself as an actor who sings, rather than a singer who acts. I don't think Darren's career will die just because he doesn't have anything publicly lined up at the moment. Do I think he's going to be a huge deal? No, but I don't think 90% of the cast will be either. Also, talent is not necessarily an indicator of success. Iggy Azelea is terrible, but huge. I think it'll come down much more to luck, and an advantage Darren has over Chris is that Chris is at risk of being typecast as the gay guy (something a lot of gay actors are at risk for). I feel like especially because Kurt was such a big deal for Glee, people are probably going to have more difficultly thinking of Chris as something other than "gay guy from Glee". It sucks, but it's true. Even if one is more talented than the other, Darren has a wider appeal and doesn't have to combat the homophobia in Hollywood as Chris does.
  23. I'd bet Darren gets similar hatred from people who don't like him as Chris does (and I've seen some go waaaaay too far in attacking Darren, but I'd say the same for Lea, Naya, and others too). And I think the hatred that Darren gets likely comes from the amount of screen time he's given, and his character's association with Kurt, who is one of the better liked characters, and Chris a better liked cast member imo (and I'm not a Stan of either, which sadly I have to include because when I've criticized Chris's acting choices in the past I've been accused of being a tinhatter which, no). I think a good amount of it too is backlash. I wasn't deep in fandom at the time, but most people I saw around seemed to really love him until season 4. I felt like he became more devisive at that point. Personally, I wouldn't say Darren is a subtle actor. He's had acting moments I've liked, and he's had ones I've hated (the one that really comes to mind was his stuff with Sue in Feud. Aaaaargh I hated that). Having watched his Starkid stuff, I'd say I enjoy him more in those. One, because college aged kids writing parody musicals are better writers than RIB, and two, I think he gelled better in that environment than on Glee. Since they were a group of friends, they could write to his strengths, whereas I don't think glee typically does.
  24. At different points in the series, I've gone back-and-forth on who is the bigger asshole. Right now, I am at the point in agreeing with this, and saying I don't care about either of them anymore. Kurt pissed me off more this time, because yeah, why is he still hanging out with Walter after Blaine kissed him, and why didn't he talk to Blaine about the fact they kissed? Eh, whatever, I kind of hate everyone on this show who isn't a Latina lesbian. Speaking of Klaine though, I never got why people are so fixated on Blaine cheating. EVERYONE on this show has cheated at some point. It's as common as a papercut on Glee, and even though I like Quinn, I think she wins the worst cheating incident on the show (because she also lied about having Finn's baby which is really messed up). And he did come clean relatively quickly about it (again, unlike Quinn).
  25. I think Marley and Brittany did Tell Him in the choir room. But when I think about it, I don't recall her doing other numbers in there.
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