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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. I don't think the old characters are the problem, but this season seems to be about assassinating as many characters as possible. They can't really assassinate the newest newbies, so sadly, this was like a nice vacation from the stuff I hate. If this was a better show, I'd share the frustration. However, since it's not, I'd rather have less of the old characters. Which I don't think is gonna happen. Sure, it was pointless, but nothing had me screaming in horror or groaning in frustration (again except for every time the brat was on screen who officially wins the title of my least favorite glee clubber ever).
  2. Can someone explain the wtf reactions? I mean, this wasn't great, but no one was hypnotized into kissing anyone, nor was anyone locked in an elevator with a jigsue. Aside from that awful child, it was at least where it normally is, without all the ships I hate. Or...have I just been brainwashed?
  3. BTW I saw the guy playing Spencer's crush is actually 17...although he does not look it.
  4. I could tell pretty early on Roderick wasn't going to be an amazing actor. He also doesn't have a very good screen prescene, and he just looks awkward in numbers. Not a cute awkward, like Cory did, but just highly uncomfortable. But everyone else is passable enough to me.
  5. You know what? Since I hate all the main plots (and we had no Klaine or Samchel which have been so frustrating) I enjoyed it. Was it a little pointless? Yeah, but it felt more like Glee is actually supposed to be about. My only big gripe is that I hate that little brat and I want him gone, like, now. And I can't really tolerate Sue after the Hurt Locker stuff.
  6. The only thing I think most Brittana fans hated was the double wedding aspect of the wedding. And I'm a Santana fan, but the Kurt rant wasn't cool. Otherwise? I'm actually surprisingly happen with what they did with them, especially bringing Abuela back. For whatever reason, I think they actually did listen to Brittana fans, although I would've liked more for Santana's career/future aside from a throw away line about college in New York. But I also do think I'm being less picky because, yes, thank heavens she is back. The more I know, the better prepared I'll be for the train wreck. Also. . .I don't really need more Jane Lynch singing. We could've had literally anyone else (aside from Vocal Adrenaline anyway) and I would've been happier.
  7. Aside from the incorporation of music, Empire and Glee have nothing in common. Well, and I guess both have a gay character and confront homophobia, but Jamal and Kurt are nothing alike aside from that. BUT, Empire's music is all original (except for one song I think they redid). And Empire's original music makes Glee's look like a real joke, although they've got Timbaland doing their production, so that probably helps. They also don't cram songs into episodes, and it keep very much out of using music in fantasy, and it's pretty much always being performed. Despite this, they actually use the music to drive the story, which Glee used to do. . .
  8. I never really saw Blaine as a lead in Lima, minus the amount of singing time he had. And yes, Rachel was the NYC lead, but most episodes had maybe 10-15 minutes of NYC. She still got sidelined.
  9. That's not a storyline. That's an excuse to have Kurt in Lima so Klaine can happen.
  10. See, Glee never really made up its mind if it was an ensemble show or if Rachel was the lead. On Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy was consistently the center of the show. During the few times Buffy wasn't in an episode, it was still very much about her, whereas the few episodes that Rachel was missing in action, it was to give focus to people who had no relationship with Rachel, or it had nothing to do with her, or even people she was close to. That's part of the reason the season 4/5 split was so stupid. During that time, they essentially sidelined their lead in favor of the ensemble back in McKinley. Again, I understand that she's a big part of the show, and the closest thing to a lead on Glee. I think if everyone else had a better closing arch, this wouldn't bug me so much.
  11. See, one of the problems with Glee is that it's tried to be an ensemble show, and have Rachel as the lead. And that's extremely frustrating for me. I expect Rachel to get focus in the finale and that's fine, but don't flash forward if other people who have been really important to this show are being left out. And even though Will was a huge character in season 1, he was barely relevant in season 5 and 6. This was one of the things that bothered me about the AHS:Freak Show finale. It was 90% about Jessica Lange's character, who was so unlikable that I didn't even finish watching it. This isn't a dig at Rachel, but I like the show best when it's not too focused on any one person, and in my head, it's been an ensemble, and it should end tying everyone up, especially because they only made an effort to close out Brittany and Santana, out of all the non-regulars. And if they had felt they had already closed off Quinn and Puck or whoever, they should've not brought them back to have me wonder about what they're up to.
  12. In terms of Chris's movie, I thought it was good for a younger writer, but I agree with the comments about Carson, and I think the middle needed to be fleshed out more. And I didn't feel sympathy towards him, unless his mom was being the worst. However, it was nice to see him play something so different than Kurt. And it was refreshing to have a movie without any high school romance. The Naya horror film I watched too. She was awesome in it, and it was good to see her play someone really different than Santana. Not good overall, but Naya's performance was great.
  13. Ok, all the songs in original songs in original song were good. ;-) But I don't even remember what the rest of them sound like. I mean, I think Darren's a better songwriter than whoever wrote Shakin' My Head or All or Nothing. But, come on, let Lea sing something that's been proven to be good in the finale.
  14. I like some of Darren's original music, but if I'm meant to believe he can write a song that would be part of a hit Broadway show, they are beyond delusional. I also don't understand their clinging to this original song concept. Aside from Loser Like Me and Get It Right, the original songs have been failures. The only song done on Glee that's come from the cast that I liked was Amber's.
  15. I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved that we probably won't also get flash forwards of everyone else. On the one hand, I certainly feel like all the originals deserve the same amount of closure as Rachel, Klaine, and Sam (and I'm saying Klaine since I'm sure there's will be a joint flash forward). On the other, I feel like I could come up with endings more satisfying to me than the Glee writers could, and I get the feeling I'm going to hate wherever most of these characters we are getting FF will end up. Also, on the note of Samchel, although we're pretty much known this since we've known Jesse is coming back: Thank da Lord Samchel isn't endgame. Knowing how awful these writers are, I wouldn't have been surprised if it had gone that route, although I'm not particularly surprised they aren't either. It's bad enough they went there to begin with.
  16. I just need it to be far enough in the future for someone to give me a tell-all book so I can understand what the hell happened to this show. In the meantime, I will enjoy all the cast (except maybe Lea) throwing shade.
  17. I wonder if RM took more of a back seat this season, and Brad was doing more. I've heard, at least, that Brad likes Brittana and doesn't like Klaine. I think Ryan is flipped in that respect. Regardless, this season does seem like a huge screw you to fans. A part of me is surprised that they aren't just blowing up Brittana and Klaine and having no endgame couple, just for funsies. They've always seemed kind of scared of the Klaine fandom, but it really doesn't matter anymore, so why not? But the other thing is, especially after season 3, they pretty much ran out of ideas. They have no idea what to do with anyone, so it's either a weaker retread or so wtf ridiculous.
  18. The only story I've been completely satisfied with this entire season is Brittana and Santana/Abuela. So I'm glad I got that, but as for everyone else? Yes, this is massively disappointing. And it's a shame because I thought the first two episodes this season had promise. But it looks like Rachel is going to win everything without even trying, Kurt and Blaine's only purpose was to marry each other (to be fair that's kind of true of Brittana but I guess it bugs me a little less with them because their relationship and Santana coming to grips with her sexual orientation was her biggest story--I don't feel the same applies to Kurt). And everything else just feels. . .irrelevant. I don't care if Glee Club still exists, I don't care if they win sectionals, I don't care about Sue and whatever craziness they're going to make her do (and I'm actually dreading it). I don't care about vocal adrenaline or the wanted guy. I just wanted to see the originals (and even Blam) get satisfying endings. I went into this season deciding it was poorly written fanfiction, and for the most part, I'm sticking with that. To me, it ended in New Directions with Will saying goodbye to the choir room (which based on this season I feel like will be more satisfying than the actual ending).
  19. I almost never care for the random competitor songs, even if they're good (and this VA incarnation, they tend to all sound the same to me). I tend to like songs more when there's an emotional context I care about, and the chances of that happening go up when they have actual characters singing. So yes, this is really stupid.
  20. Ok I listened to more than a few seconds of Rather Be. Samantha Ware is the only one who sounds good on this one. I don't hate Becca's voice but this one does not work for her (and really not for any of the guys and I like Noah's voice but not for this one).
  21. I hope that this is the only original song. While it's not a terrible song, I agree it sounds a bit generic. I'd still take it over most of the original songs Glee has done though. The only one I was even interested in listening to was Rather Be, and as soon as I heard the first few notes sing, I realized I'd rather listen to the original. Not bad, but nothing special. I got through a few notes of Sue singing before I said "Stoooooooop I don't care about Sue or her singing."
  22. Yes, every Glee relationship is doomed to the writing. However, chemistry can redeem things for me, a little bit. I just wonder if all the ships were chemistry was weak had love interests that worked better with them, I would've found them more tolerable. I also think, for this season, I could also handle the shitty romantic relationships more if we had other stuff going on for these characters. What are Klaine and Sam doing other than ship stuff? Or Brittana (except the Abuela thing). I guess there's sectionals eventually, but glee seemed to forget about that. And Rachel trying to get back to Broadway, but that's only around half the time. -sigh-
  23. Even though I am mostly liking the dudes voices (minus spencer), yeah, it's dumb the girls aren't singing more. Especially Jane, when Tightrope is still one of the best things this season. All the girls are better than gay jock (and yes his ruining the cure is unforgivable).
  24. Fair enough. I fully admit to being biased and that I ship brittana pretty hard (and it started at a time I was desperate for lesbian representation). It became more apparent when to me when Dani was a thing. I guess there was chemistry, but it felt really forced? Idk, they always look like, extra happy around each other and I find it cute. I'll always wonder what would have become of glee if the fans had been open to new ships (especially Klaine fans but all of them) and glee had actually bothered to explore new relationships, and with people not in glee club. I feel like Kurt outgrew the teenage dream. And even though they were really never gonna stray from Finchel until circumstances forced them too, I liked Brody/Rachel until him being too cliche about waiting at trains or whatever.
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