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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. I just don't understand how you can do a flashback episode without Cory and Dianna. And including characters that weren't even at McKinley during that time. It makes zero sense, but I do like that Puck will be there.
  2. But wasn't Will really gross to Unique at some point in season 4 when he made some comment about her breasts?
  3. I do hate Sam, at least this Sam, who inappropriately asks his ex if she's a virgin, and tells Rachel while he's rejecting her it's nothing to do with her butt. At least this version of Sam is so gross with women. I almost wish we were getting Blam instead...
  4. On the positive, the scene where Kitty was talking about how she was sad about Glee ending actually got to me. On the negative (at least of those not yet mentioned), that Klaine kiss felt explotative. Like the way TV shows will us two girls making out not to have a story, or meaning, but to titalize straight people. This was basically that with how long it went on.
  5. That clip was. . .painful. First of all, I am among the many that thinks they don't even seem to like each other. Are they trying to insult me for having my own opinion? Maybe you should convince me then. Second of all, TOO MUCH META THE DREAM SEQUENCE MADE ME WANT TO DIE. And third, yes, it is creepy as hell a woman in her sixties is worshipping two of her ex students. Sue has become the person I try to avoid as much as possible on tumblr. UUUUUUUGH.
  6. Same Love is the ONE song I wanted Glee never to touch. I guess, at least it's not at Klaine's wedding, and it's not Chord rapping (not that I want this anyway, but, nope). And Samchel, a couple that's just now existed, will have almost the same number of duets as Brittana. Ew.
  7. I'm assuming they're trapped in their contracts. Didn't Matt and Jane sign a seven-year contract? I think I'm more confused as to why they didn't rework a contract to let Matt go, since they don't seem to like him, or the character.
  8. My friend made the same comment. But that's the glee way
  9. I would choose the newbies over basically every storyline happening with the originals right now.
  10. I've been team get-Rachel-a-love-interest for a long time. I didn't want anyone in the Glee club (or formly in it) to be the guy, because that seems weirdly incesty, and odd? Also, Sam has already been with every girl, and he did not need to complete the record. I also just kind of hate him. However, I could perhaps tolerate this plot if we were acknowledging how big of a deal it is for Rachel to be into a guy again. And if Sam hadn't so callously rejected her (seriously why the fuck did he bring up her butt in that conversation that was not even remotely funny), it would be fine. This is actually a huge deal for the show, but they made it a joke. Also kind of nonconsensual? It's messed up. I hate it. I hate it more than any ship to ever exist in the history of shipdom. Klaine and Bram used to be my most hated ships, but this one has officially taken the cake. I hate it. The rest of this episode? Yeah, it was boring. When that Klaine conversation was the most tolerable part, there's a problem. Well, except when the VA kids said they didn't like Will. That was hilarious.
  11. I think I lost a little bit of my soul when I saw that Klaine shrine. Also, last time Sue had any word about Karofsky, she was upset that she didn't see him trying to kill himself and she felt bad about being hard on him. Now, I guess that doesn't matter?
  12. Even though I do find the Santana rant problematic, I do think there's too much reading into this, in terms of trying to vilify Kurt. In my readings of Santana, she doesn't care about Blaine, really. In fact there are times when she's actively annoyed by him (see Last Friday Night). She's picking on Kurt because he barged in on her moment, she probably knows Blaine is a sore spot right now, so that's what she's going for. It's not like she's saying "Blaine is the best, Blaine was such a catch!" Or anything like that. Her motives are framed by her anger at Kurt, and aren't really about Blaine. I don't even think the writers were thinking about propping up Blaine at this point. I think they just wanted Santana to have a go at Kurt, and that's how they ended up framing it, because he compared her and brittany to him and Blaine (which made my Brittana-shipping heart rage because if Brittana was similar to Klaine I would hate them). I'll also say, some of the insults were kinda funny (like his 3 dance moves, and his song choices, which if you like, fine, but santana wouldn't). Some made no sense (being the gay apex is Blaine, not kurt), and yes, some were just cruel (more feminine quinn fabray). Idk, in terms of santana the character, I'm finding mental gymnastics for it, for the writers, it's still crappy and I wish it didn't feel like an attack on chris or effeminacy.
  13. Because Ryan and Brad are the pettiest show runners ever?
  14. On a completely different topic...I really love the mason/Jane song, but damn it, why did we need Klaine flashbacks thrown in? Maybe if I liked the ship I wouldn't want to kill things, but as I care more about the new kids right now, I was offended on their behalves, and annoyed because Klaine is just boring at this point.
  15. I like Spencer. Yes, he's a dick, but I tend to enjoy the dickish characters more. I prefer that to being told to think someone is in the right most of the time. See, I DO feel like Kurt being gay is an incredibly important part of his identity. I like seeing someone who is just like "yeah, I'm gay, whatever, it's not my main thing." I don't think one is better than the other, in terms of that. But I totally related to him in the sense that it was assumed that of course he'd connect to kurt based on his sexual orientation. On another note, I like the unholy trinity and their breaking character moments. They were having fun, were freakishly hot (minus Quinn's hair color), and I enjoyed it.
  16. Gotta say, I didn't hate these episodes. LLM was definitely weaker, although for me, a large part of that is that I'm not here for the Blaine/Rachel show, although I gotta say, seeing Rachel knocked down a bit was refreshing, and it's the most invested I've been in Rachel for a long time. I think she does know she was stupid, and I hope she actually works to make her way back up. Klaine. . .man, I hate that relationship. However, I will say, I do feel like this is the first time in a long time I actually bought Kurt cared about Blaine. But it baffles me, and man, I wish they'd kill it already. If the past few seasons hadn't existed though, or if I had only seen this episode, I might've had a chance for rooting for them. With their history though? Nah. Also, Uninvited was bizarre to watch, because it's such a dreary song to sing while she's riding on a freaking golf cart. Homecoming was way better. Considering the stories I know are coming for the old characters, yes, more of them please. Tightrope had me grooving and Mustang Sally was awesome (and thank you for a distinctive male voice! In the season 4 New Directions, I could only pick out Kevin and Darren in group numbers). I really love Roderick, Spencer, and Jane. The numbers in this episode were a lot of fun, especially Problem and Home. My only real problem was that I found Blaine and the Warblers annoying as hell. Good on Jane for leaving. Sure, things make about as much sense as they always do, but at least I felt good watching it this time* *that might just be alcohol though.
  17. The way the newbies weren't integrated was always really weird to me. I remember in the New Rachel, I thought they were setting up Sam/Marley (which yes, keep Sam away from Brittany. It would've been better for everyone). I did tend to enjoy the newbies the most when they were interacting with old people. I thought Brittany and Marley were funny together, and some of the Marley/Finn stuff was kind of nice. Finn trying to get Ryder/Jake to chill out was one of the better parts of season 4 in McKinley. Honestly, I think the larger problem was Blamtina and Brittany were not going to be capable of anchoring the newbies.
  18. I think general, a mistake that was made was not exploring different dynamics, especially in New York when there were fewer people to work with. One of my favorite things about Community was when they'd explore different dynamics within the group. On that show, even though Troy and Abed were very close, you'd get a story between Troy and Britta, or a random story with Abed and Shirley. I really wanted more of that on Glee. I understood on Glee, you know, so many characters, so many potential relationships, but during that NYC-only part, I would've liked a Kurt/Sam story, or a a Mercedes/Artie story. I felt like the closest we got to that was the Artie/Rachel thing in New New York, and maybe kind of in ODNT with the Artie/Sam song. But it mostly was Klaine, Samcedes, and Rachel, and sometimes Artie would do a thing that was generally irrelevant. I was let down.
  19. Considering what they're doing with our main cast, I'd actually kind of prefer to spend more time on them. Less time to mess up characters I like and care about. Interesting, I guess. Their dialogue feels very Brittany-ish, which, eh, IDK how I feel about that.
  20. I think they're all more interesting singers than Jake/Ryder/marley (although I do like jakes voice). When combined with Sam, I thought the male voices all blended together. I have no expectation of liking the newest people's characters, but I'm enjoying their voices more.
  21. Storylines I would've liked: - Proper mid-game developments, such as exploring Kurt and Adam, Santana and Dani, not ending Brody with him being a prostitute. - Brittany working towards being more regularly coherant. - A Rachel/Mercedes friendship (because they worked really well together in Tested). - Tina gaining respect in New Directions. - A night out with just Kurt, Rachel, and Santana at a gay bar. Of course, only Rachel would have fun. Storylines that should have never happened: - The worst for me ended up being Marley's eating disorder, personally. I was legitimately offended. - Tina vaporaping Blaine - Klaine engagement. Or at least have it play out very differently. - Everything that happened to Quinn after season 1. - I Kissed a Girl (or again very different).
  22. I know I've seen the idea floated around on tumblr, but the spoilers seem to be very Klaine-focused (aside from Rachel having whatever with Sam, I doubt that's all she's doing). I'm sure there's still stuff we don't know, for sure. Also, I don't know if it should go here or in the singing section, but Noah Guthrie, playing Roderick. . .even if I end up hating the character, I love this guys voice. He's very different from the guys we currently have on the show, which is something I wish they had done with particularly the season 4 newbies (because I found Blake, Jake, and Marley's voices bland, even though Jake and Marley were good singers). Here's a cover of "Somebody That I Used to Know", which is probably my favorite of his covers: I'm just scared they'll overproduce it into garbage like everything else in season 6. The other noteworthy newbie, Samatha Ware, is apparently a Broadway vet (I know she was in Book of Mormon from my random googling), and she's got a strong voice too. So, even though I expected to hate the newest crop of newbies, I actually have a tiny shred of hope with some of the songs, at least. I still love the season 2 Warblers. Whoever replaced them, made it seem so. . .bland. I haven't enjoyed a Warblers song since, really, or at least not to the degree I did then.
  23. Even though I stan pretty hard for Santana/Naya's singing voice, I will say, I thought it was utterly ridiculous when she came back for Rizzo. Have Tina, Unique, Kitty, anyone actually AT the school do the stupid part. Although I thought the actual song was gorgeous, it was really stupid. Honestly, all I ask on the show is fairness. I get that Rachel is the lead (as much as anyone will be on the show), but it needs to be spread out more evenly (at least among the more talented singers--I actually like Brittany, at least when she's done well, but Heather Morris should not have had so many songs in season 4). And boy, do my eyes roll in the back of my head whenever I hear Blaine or Rachel fans complaining about how they don't have a song/solo/whatever. And that eyeroll increased 5 fold when Klainers complained about not getting a Klaine duet in PUC, because Brittana has only had three duets, ever. Quick, 1 (in season 5). After Finchel, they definitely get the most. Generally, the entitlement of certain fans is bad. I certainly think every character has had really awful treatment in some way, and obviously people are more likely to notice it with their favorites, but I still solidly say Tina has gotten the worst deal.
  24. Yes to all of this. Even though there are things I do like about Kurt, and I think Chris Colfer is awesome, that conversation between him and Quinn made me really resent the character. And I think most of my liking for Quinn, ironically for Glee, is stuff like this, where they obviously have another character make her seem way worse and more deserving of hate than she is (I'd also include Finn during the wheelchair fiasco--she wasn't totally comfortable walking yet, and also Will when he yelled at her over his stupid glee club when she was clearly having a break-down during her skank phase). And generally, I tend to like the supposedly less morally superior characters (mainly Santana) because Glee doesn't try to tell me they're better or more deserving than they are. I think it was really at this time, I started to cringe whenever gay issues on Glee came up, because they're always treated more seriously than anyone else's pain. As I'm saying this, keep in mind I am part of the LGBT community. When the people they're supposedly speaking to are finding it awful, that's a problem (although I'm a woman, so maybe I don't count).
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