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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. She can't mess up ABBA more than everyone in Mama Mia did (I was forced to watch it). I'm surprised they didn't do DSB. I'm still pretending Glee ended at New Directions. Before Samchel, before anyone got married, before Rachel made terrible life choices...and that's me being as generous as I can be.
  2. Of course the script wasn't finished by the time they were filming. Is this normal for television, or is this more proof of the wriers' incompetence?
  3. I remember listening to an Ian interview during the back half of season 4, and he said something along the lines of how they used to get credit for the meta, but they didn't anymore and he didn't understand why. So the idea that the audience does not understand the RIB genius is somewhat legit.
  4. God, the New Normal. I will always remember the Fake Quinn on that show complaining about lines being out of character, and Nene going off at her about it. If that's why things are strained between Dianna and Ryan, I'm totally on her side, especially with Quinn.
  5. The only one on that list I actually agreed with was Rumor Has It / Someone Like You. I Feel Pretty / Unpretty is probably my other favorite one.
  6. Amber can play anyone on Empire, as long as she sings and gets a scene with Cookie.
  7. I didn't really talk to other fans until season 4, so I wasn't aware of that. I'm sure there are Brittana shippers like that too. I haven't really seen it much, but probably because I avoid the crazier brittana fans (and I know a lot of people in that fandom were leaving out during season 4). I do feel like there's a difference though between liking your gay ship most, and totally ignoring other lgbt representation, and claiming it's not important at all. I hate Klaine, but I try to give credit where it's due (like that first kiss being a big deal). I also have zero feelings about spencer/whatever his name is, but it's nice they're there, at least. I don't think you have to like a lgbt character just because they're lgbt, but it does get weirdly competitive and comes off as only caring about pretty guys. I think coming from the Klaine fandom, it extra-bugs me, because most of them are straight, and I've seen too many brittana shippers get lesbophobic slurs in their tumblr. I'm sure there's brittana fans that send stupid stuff too, but i don't think they tend to come with homophobia. I don't know, the weird competitiveness of the whole thing annoys me.
  8. Ever since I started watching Empire, I've been crossing my fingers that Amber will make it on. I need this like fish needs water.
  9. So, one thing that really bugs me about the Klaine fandom is their false sense of important, and their belief that Klaine is the end-all, be-all of LGBT representation. First of all, whether you love it or hate it, you have Santana, Brittany, Unique, Bieste, now Spencer, and a lot of other side characters. They also act like Klaine is the only important thing about this show. Which, maybe it is to the Klaine fandom, but seriously, don't speak for everyone. Being in the Brittana fandom, I've heard plenty of stories about how they've been helpful to LGB people, and I'd bet it would apply to Unique and Bieste as well. And, do these people not know about any of the other shows that have way more interestingly written LGBT characters (basically every other show)? I mean, I'll give Kurt and him actually getting a boyfriend who he can kiss some credit, but they aren't the beginning and the best of the gay rights movement. Aaaaaaaaarghhggghg.
  10. It's hard for me to get why it matters who various actors date. wouldn't self-insertion be easier if they were single?
  11. I'm still going to say it. It's really shitty that we aren't getting flash forwards of everyone, which I suspect. I'm LEAST invested in Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine right now. Like, they can spend more time on those three and Will, I don't care. uuuugh.
  12. Well, it looks like they're all sitting around in the choir room together during Will's song in another picture, so I don't think it's out of context. They could still flashforward in a montage during the song to show the future beyond the 5 years? Or maybe the whole thing isn't 5 years in the future (just like I'm guess not all of 2009 is in 2009).
  13. If that's the case, they really are retconning this pretty intensely. I'm pretty they didn't think that back in the pilot. And yeah, my bad, I don't think Rachel hated Kurt either. But Kurt would not hang around Rachel long enough to talk to her about anything pre-Glee, and even then not until season 2.
  14. I've never cared about dancing, really. Unless it's Roderick levels of awful, I don't mind it. I honestly think the main failure of the season 4 new kids was just that the writing was terrible at that point, and RIB very, very stupidly framed them as new (insert old character), even though they obviously weren't the same. They never felt like fully formed characters and just empty shells to poorly bring up very special topics with (see Ryder's entire story). The one that could have been interesting was the catfishing story, if Ryder had actually been willing to give it a try. But, they dropped that one really hard, so, pft. The originals did have the benefit of better writing and our pre-established love for (most) of them. At this point though, I'd rather watch the newest group, for the most part. It's never been more obvious that Glee has no more story for these old characters, which is sad. I'm just. . .tired of them at this point. In general. pointing out one thing that made the early success and later failure of glee is hard, because there are a lot of factors. There's so many reasons different people watch the show. Some people just like the musical numbers, some people really gravitate towards one character or actors or ship, some people like the dark comedy of season 1 (which isn't really around anymore), and probably a ton of other things. I was mainly invested in the LGBT storylines/characters and the fact that in the earlier days, there were fewer options to see that. I also really love the group dynamic, which I do think is a lot more the actors than the characters. If you look at the things the writers make them do, you do wonder why any of them talk to each other. But when the actors just get to have fun, it's fun to watch.
  15. Oh, dear God, no. Klaine would ruin a child. Seems to be a bit much, but hey, it's not Sam's so I'll take it. It's weird though. On the note of popular, although Lea and Chris both sound fantastic, I do find it a weird choice. The point of the song is a popular person guiding the way (which is why I wanted Kitty to do this song, because she's popular. . .). So. . .what context is this in? Is it just them fantasizing about being popular? And as everyone else has pointed out, they hated each other in season 1. They're totally retconning the crap out of this episode.
  16. Hummelberry duet, yay! And a Tina solo! And I totally see pony becoming a guilty pleasure. Not gonna lie, I wanted kitty to do popular, but Lea and chris sound good, and yay chris gets to sing on something that isn't a Klaine duet!
  17. Blaine and Kurt will obviously move to a magic gay castle, live off Blaine's money, and be househusband to each other forever. And then get screwed over when the divorce happens after toothpaste comes up again.
  18. I think this applies to a lot of characters on Glee, one of them being Rachel (I'd add Kurt, Quinn, Santana, maaaybe Brittany and maaaaybe Blaine to the list).
  19. No one should date on a Ryan Murphy show. Although at least on AHS, that soulmate crap is gone, which is one way his other work is superior. Granted, AHS sucks, but the ways in which is sucks are more tolerable to me
  20. I'm on my phone and quoting is a pain on the mobile version, but thank whoever said that Chris being jokey about CrissColfer would be probably be taken as predatory by some. I tried to explain this to my one Klaine friend (who isn't a RPSer) and she didn't get it. Also just doesn't seem to be Chris's personality.
  21. Apparently as long as you get married to someone, you need no other fulfillment.
  22. Ceeg, I did make a clear warning that while Naya was good, the movie wasn't. ;-) In interviews I read with her, the main appeal of the project was it being totally opposite of Glee, with the small cast and totally different genre.
  23. Yeah, am I supposed to think Roderick and gay kid will improve? Just bring Jake back, and have newest newbies stand very still while Jake and kitty dance.
  24. All of Darren's solo work that I've listened to anyway is very white-guy-with-acoustic-guitar, and I think it's what he pulls off best. I'm also a Starkid fan, but even then, I only think a few of the songs were good (and actually the Starkid show that I think generally has the best music, Twisted, happened way after Darren's time). Like I said, I don't think he's an awful songwriter, but it isn't that unique, and probably not worthy of being Rachel's Tony-winning performance. Also on Take Me To Church...yeah at least what I can hear of it, it's not as good as the original.
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