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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. One of the upsides to leaving Lima was no more competitions. I haven't really cared about one since Original Song. Doing songs for the sake of doing songs doesn't move me. Unless a song connects to the story, I give no craps unless it sounds really good. Even then, a bad context can ruin it for me (like I loved Lea doing the Rose but the context was totally wrong).
  2. Tina is pretty awful (I really started hating her when she was bitching about Marley passing out on stage causing them to lose. Seriously?! Who DOES that?), but I still feel bad about her being the butt of the jokes because she was so mistreated by the show, and Jenna deserves better.
  3. Spiritof76, I feel the exact same way about Samcedes. For a while, I felt that way about Brittana, until season 5 and they wrote Brittany decently again. I really liked early day Klaine, and by season 3, I was just bored of them. So, with Glee, all the time.
  4. I think everyone is terrible on the show, I think it just depends on what flaws are intolerable and which you can let go of. Characters that Glee portrays as terrible, and know they're terrible, tend to bug me less than the secretly misogynistic but totally hero worship worthy white dude. Which is why Sam right now is the worst for me, and season 2/3 Finn I used to hate.
  5. Roderick isn't anything right now. Does he have a personality, aside from shy? I think if Kitty is gonna end up with anyone, it'd be Artie. But, I don't really care. This matters this season anyway, it's all fanfic,
  6. And the funny thing is, I hate all the leads, because glee stopped knowing what to do with them, and rib made them so unlikable. Regardless, I still think RIB wants an ensemble show, and wants the Rachel Berry Show. Like, look at this season. We've wasted so much time on random crap, and people, to the detriment of things going on with Rachel, and building up her success. But I'm betting the ending will still be mostly about her. And I won't care because anyone who gets too much screen time on this show because intolerable. Also, this show has tried to be more than it can handle, with psas, musical numbers, comedy, drama, realistic, zaney, high school, New York, number of characters, etc. it's always tried to balance a lot, and I think it's best when they don't focus on any one thing for too long, because then it'll become the pezberry fight which made me want to kill both of them by the end (and I stan santana, but she went too far by the end of it).
  7. Whenever Finn's explicitly come up this season, I've been annoyed, because it feels like they use it to manipulate us when they want (that Burt/Carole/Klaine scene for example, to say "support Klaine's crazy decisions because Finn would!"). But they do seem to totally skirt around in regards to Rachel dating again. Which, part of the reason I didn't want Sam and Rachel is that it just seems...awkward. Because if I was Sam, I'd constantly be thinking about how weird it would be to date Finn's girlfriend. And wouldn't it be weird for Rachel too? This is why if Jesse wasn't going to be happening, I wanted to new character (and just long enough to show they were into each other, honestly). There's not really any of that weirdness or baggage there would be with rachel/any glee club guy. They also could've not really talked about Finn then, which would've been fine, but when you put romance near the beginning of the season, getting vague statements about safety while the guy is hypnotized does not jive with me, and feels odd they're avoiding it. I don't think they're explicitly trying to disregard finchel, because I think they're just being incompetent. It seems like they're trying to temporarily disregard Samcedes, because that break up was as smooth as Blainofsky's was. And Sam hasn't thought of her since.
  8. Also, the one male bisexual was the sexy santa guy. And that was not good representation. The reason we don't have that is because every vile thing Kurt said about bisexuality in BIOTA RM probably believes. They don't exist. -eyes rolling-
  9. If he's not down with it, I wonder why he was even cast (since he was initially meant to be Kurt's bf). He's really not that talented either, and I never saw the alleged chemistry between him and Diana. It...makes no sense.
  10. Becca is hit or miss for me. I liked when she did that song in Grease, but on Chandelier, yeah, her tone ruined it a bit for me. I'm not really into newer Sia anyway, so that doesn't help.
  11. Yeah, Samantha was in Book of Mormon, and I wish it'd just been her. She's been very underutilized.
  12. Everything about IKAG pisses me off. Not only is it about drunk straight girl experimentation, it was a pezberry duet. Why should Rachel be singing on it? Also, they threw in a Faberry moment, and while I'm not anti-Faberry, Glee teasing those fans while an actual lesbian is having her supposed empowerment moment was so shitty. Add the guys looking like they all had boners, when the problem with lesbians being sexualized for the pleasure of straight dudes is something Santana will face for a long time, and she should've demanded to be treated like an actual person who isn't there to get these straight guys off...ugh. But her even doing the song to begin with was crap. It was so demeaning to all the actual queer women watching this show and to who were impacted by Santana's story.
  13. So Rachel Berry is Ryan Murphy. This explains so much.
  14. She's the same person, but those flaws also made her leave NYADA. She wasn't willing to learn then, and I don't think she's more willing to learn now. At least if she choses Broadway, she won't be wasting another 50k. And maybe these directors or producers will have a backbone, and challenge Rachel. Maybe she'll actually respect them. We've seen she has no respect for Carmen. Again, her having these options is totally unearned, and right now, I want her career to be the janitor at a theater, until she can grow up. Which will never happen with these writers.
  15. While I do not blame Whoopi for not coming back (because it probably wouldn't have been much screen time for her), I would've loved to see her drag Rachel. Even if she was going to end up ridiculously getting into NYADA anyway, Whoopi could've made her squirm and I would've loved it.
  16. I'm amazed it didn't drop more. I kept it on, out of a need to finish it, but I kept muting stuff, and looking at my phone.
  17. This. Also, what you said about Abuela. I mean, her whole cluelessness about her future never got tied up (minus a line about going to college out of the blue). But considering what they've done to everyone else who has had more screen time, I'm ok with that and I'll head canon her future.
  18. I wonder if they were mainly crying because Sue was gone for a few seconds. I still do not remember what it sounds like.
  19. I agree with that. But, if they are going to have a guest sing so much, at least let it be someone amazing, which this guy is not. The Tina/Will comparisons make this even more depressing. In the states, "Glad You Came" was huge. For a few months. Then they vanished. And I think Glee did it in season 3, which was when that was popular. So I find this choice strange.
  20. jjjmoss, that is the most criminal thing I've ever heard, when they've had Idina, Kristin, Adam, and other great vocalists on this show.
  21. I feel like this whole "should Rachel choose Broadway now or NYADA now?" conflict is utterly pointless. We've seen her have both, and she took both for granted. What Glee needed to do was have Rachel work her ass off. Not hanging around her old high school, but going in, audition after audition, rejection after rejection, and then she finally gets an opportunity. Not a lead. But, she realizes that she loves performing for the love of performing, and not merely the attention and validation she gets from being the center of attention. She can work with her cast mates as a team, and she will actually be loyal to them this time instead of totally ruining Funny Girl after leaving (since she was allegedly the only good thing about it) and breaking her contract (which is never brought up again). She is actually grateful and realizes how good she has it. But obviously, Sue is more important. Ugh.
  22. I have no words left for this show anymore. Why can't it end quicker?
  23. How many chances has Carmen given Rachel at this point? Too many.
  24. Becky got redeemed? After her screaming, I muted when she came on. I'm actually team Rachel go back to Broadway. I'm not sure how NYADA will actually make her more mature. Although I'm really team learn-from-your-mistakes, first and foremost, and I don't think she's even done that. We could've spent time on that instead of Sue. I was outraged when Sue said Santana could be a high class prostitute. Where the fuck did that come from, when Sue is praising Brittany and Quinn? More points added to Glee's racist count. Add more to Glee's sexist count for having 3 girls in the entire club. Honestly, I can't say I enjoyed a single moment. At least in the hurt locker (which I found really distasteful) I was amused by VA hating Will.
  25. She's not. I'm about halfway through, and so far, I'm just really bored.
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