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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. The only episode I like all the songs in is Journey to Regionals, which is mostly classic rock. It does feel wrong to not go out on a classic rock song, and I actually like "I Lived", but still...
  2. Yeah, I was just adding other potential factors. Im not really a mega-Lea fan, and I got it, because I think it's a nice song.
  3. I think what SOMETIMES saves Finchel, Wemma, and Brittana, but not Klaine, is a certain level of chemistry. Those couples had it, and Klaine did not. Kurt always looks uncomfortable around Blaine, at least in season 3 or 4 on (that first kiss was still pretty good as much as I don't ship them). The only person I saw have romantic chemistry with Kurt was Elliot and he obviously wasn't going to even get midgame. Well, I kind of saw it with Karofsky too but they would've had to do a LOT of work to make that happen. There's no one that really sticks out as having chemistry with Blaine to me, but Blaine needed something other than Kurt and I would've taken it. I'll also agree that Tested was my ultimate stopping point with Klaine. That was really messed up, and he hasn't redeemed himself for me since (although he hasn't bugged me as much since). I'll also further agree that Klaine is meant to be a big epic romance, but the writers/nonexistent chemistry in later seasons makes it just seem sad. At least up until season 6, in which it felt like they got them married for the hell of it and to shut fans up, but not without poking fun at them along the way (although klainers I've seen didn't mind it which I do not understand).
  4. I also think "This Time" is a better song than Rise. I know Darren talked about it being a love letter to the show, fans, etc., and it feels like it. It's not as generic as Rise, and it doesn't have a ton of people I struggle to tell apart singing on it. But I'm sure it being the last Lea solo is a factor.
  5. I was trying not to listen to most of the finale songs but I caved. I only really liked This Time and I Lived (although the other ones weren't bad--just not my taste I guess). Still would've liked I Lived a lot more if we had gotten more people on it. I guess I'm not as picky about the production on This Time as a lot of you guys seem to be. It does have a starkid feel, when starkid songs are good anyway. A little cheesy, but I like it. On a sad note, for some reason, I keep thinking I'm gonna hear Cory on I Lived. Definitely feels like a song he should be leading on.
  6. I'm not surprised we don't have more people on I Lived, but I'm still disappointed. I would've liked all of the originals, and even Chord and Darren, to sing on a song together. Even the ones I don't care for helped make the show what it is, and I wanted them all to have a moment. Also, even though I do enjoy popular, I noticed Lea kind of imitating Kristin. Controversially, I generally find Kristin's voice a little irritating, so I would've prefered that to not happen, as Lea trying to do it is almost more annoying. But when she's singing as herself I like it. Listening to "I Lived", you realize that they kept a lot of the guys around and not enough of the girls. Grrrr...
  7. But then there'd be no Klaine. Or at least not as it is now. Whether that's good or not, I don't know, but yeah, Darren wasn't right for Finn at all. I think out of the almost Finn's we've talked about, they cast the right person (although I would've had no objections to having Aaron or Adam on or on more).
  8. I feel like Glee ignores that Lima is supposed to be a small town all the time, so, whatever. I just want to enjoy the end as much as I can.
  9. See, I really don't care if Rachel chose NYADA or BW, as long as she'll actually commit to it. I don't think we were given a reason, but I'm going to pretend we have so I can just enjoy. I'm pretty sure the "bad year" thing was just in reference to Finn. I know more generous fans were speculating that Rachel was ruining her life because of grief, and it seems like Glee is pulling that out now? If I'd gotten this sooner, I might've felt some sympathy while she made dumb decisions.
  10. Surprisingly, I liked this one. ND was fun, Jesse was awesome, and Samchel is deader than Dalton. And Jon and Lea still have amazing chemistry. Also the flashbacks have generally been annoying this season, but the one to all the previous wins got to me. Especially the Finn one. I just...I wish we'd actually SEEN Rachel coaching ND more, so I could believe this crap about her making a difference in their lives, when just two episodes ago they were making jokes about how she doesn't know anything about them. Kind of undercut whatever impact I should've been feeling. The Sue stuff was also pretty dumb, but I think I just watched for the Jesse/Rachel and the numbers, so I got a little more than expected.
  11. I think seeing so much of Burt goes back to RM working out his own issues. We haven't even gotten that much of Rachel's dads.
  12. I don't really think it's a straight guy's place to say whether Santana is a coward or not. He doesn't really know or understand the potential consequences of being out, or how being outed could affect Santana's life. I guess it ended up not being too traumatic for her, but that's not everyone's situation. And yes, that whole episode was a mess. Especially seeing how they handled this with Kurt, it makes me want to punch things.
  13. That was an interesting article. As an Empire fan, I don't feel like the music aspect is as important on Empire as it is on Glee, in the sense that I think you can watch Empire and not be watching for the music. I think every Glee fan is somewhat listening for the music, or at least some people's voices. You've only got two people regularly performing on Empire, so it's less diverse (and you also aren't wondering why so-and-so hasn't sung). I don't know how much Empire will actually affect Jussie's independent music career. Unless you're a super-fan, you probably wouldn't know he's also got his own stuff out there or that he wrote some of the stuff on Empire. But I do agree that working on Glee probably has stifled some people's ability to get their own music out there, but I also think that has to do with the type of show it is. Even when Glee was huge, it was kind of categorized by non-watchers as "high school musical the tv show", and as it has always been of debatable quality, I'm sure there's people out there who might love one of the cast member's voice or potential music, and never look into it because of the Glee connection. In the grand scheme of things, in terms of music, I think Glee will have the bigger impact as the big musical TV show that offers the downloadable music for people to buy.
  14. I'll mention again that most of the Brittana fans I've seen have been pretty satisfied. And Santana finally got to close out the thing with her grandmother. But overall, yeah, most people aren't happy.
  15. For the girls, those Cheerios outfits make everyone look bad, and they're all actually very attractive. The ponytails do not help.
  16. Well, he's going to have to shave for Hedwig, but if I was him, I'd probably cry at the sight of hair gel.
  17. I don't care who wins. And a dog is voting to determine this win, so this obviously is not a merit-based.Probably doesn't help that I hate these new Warblers. They seem more bratty than the old ones (who I stopped caring about once the Bubs left). I wish that they had some goal other than winning a competition that I have no investment in, and found other ways to perform. When I was in middle school band, we went on a trip to Disney World to play there. Glee should've had more of those type of performances, rather than a ton of competitions with unimportant consequences. Although Glee's problem in general is that there's no stakes, and consequences never really matter.
  18. The hair gel makes him look kind of plasticy to me, or they're also using bad make-up on him. I don't know, but I tend to feel mild revulsion when I see Darren in the Blaine costume, but when he gets to look like himself, I don't. It's weird.
  19. I don't see why giving newbies any credit has to involve unfairly criticizing the original cast, because I do think the criticism is unfounded. I do blame the writers primarily for my disinterest with the new characters. My hatred for Marley's eating disorder plot knows no bounds. In the beginning, I gave them a chance, but Glee's writing flaws were so strong, and I didn't have any built-up affection for them when I was watching fumbled plot lines, like I did whenever someone else had a fumbled plot. I think the 2.0s worked as hard as they could, but ultimately, I still didn't care. I don't really blame the actors, but they weren't able to rise above it for me. But I don't understand why we can't have our preferences, and acknowledge that we've all been screwed over by this show at some point.
  20. I saw a lot of chemistry between Cory and Lea later in the series (like season 3). I never really saw it with Lea/Mark, but definitely with Jon/Lea (although after finding out he was gay and her best friend, they got slightly weird to watch together.) Also, Puck's lectured Quinn, and I have a feeling based on the promo that Jesse might end up being a lecturer too.
  21. I think with Puck/Rachel and Jesse/Rachel, there's also the novelty factor. Maybe this will be better! But probably not, in the long term. I also think Finn could come off as, I don't know, not as interesting to people, when even though I'm not his biggest fan, he was probably one of the closer to realistic characters. I know I'll always wonder about if other mid games have been given a chance, like a real chance, how things could've gone. Or if they hadn't gone the pair-everyone-up route. This was a show too afraid of its shippers.
  22. I felt like he just got...gross. Like when he initially said no to Rachel's date in HL, not hypnotized, he said something about her butt while telling her no. Who the hell does that? Answer: someone I have no desire to spent time with. And his whole "Are you still a virgin?" Thing with Mercedes. Uuuuugh.
  23. But that's so dumb. One of the things I will always appreciate about community was not having of this "endgame" crap. In season one, you could tell they were setting up Britta/Jeff and Annie/Troy. However, they realized Annie/Jeff had more chemistry, so we get endless Annie/Jeff tease. Britta/Troy dated a bit during the gas leak year but fortunately it was undone. That's also a show better at doing friendships though, and they generally didn't do a lot of romantic plots... But that aside, this concept of endgame is hella dumb. During six years, on a strong show, things change, new relationships form, and sometimes later ships end up creating some interesting stories (even though I hate it, see Spuffy on Buffy). New characters can actually bring out interesting things in characters, and it's part of the reason I was pissed about how Kurt/Adam ended. I never shipped it, but damn it, we coulda had character growth. Uuuuugh.
  24. Naya also championed Santana being in love with Brittany (even if you don't like Brittana, having a lesbian up in there is good). I just wish the writers would throw a scenario at the actors and let them improv. I'd be so much more entertained. I also don't get the complaints about Mercedes. Yes, he needs to grow up, and Samcedes Sam is the least stupid of the bunch, and mostly likable. Bram and Samchel Sam is...ugh.
  25. She also talked about bad egos...omg, I have fingers crossed for her doing a tell-all (or really anyone. As long as I can understand what the hell happened to this show).
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