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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. I feel like on Glee, it's almost pointless to spend too much time thinking about your character. Good to the people who still did, but knowing how one day they can change the entire course of your arch on a whim (see Bieste), I wouldn't blame anyone for just going with what's on the page. I've reached a "meh" point with Darren, because I think people who totally hate or love him are extreme. I've been through phases where I loved and hated him, but now I'm just at a point where it doesn't matter to me anymore.
  2. I don't 100% blame him with Glee though. Dianna tried to speak up, and look what happened to her. He probably could've done more with the actual acting choices, but him being such a yes-man probably helped stay in the good graces of RIB.
  3. I Lived would have to be in November, since Sue was officially the VP, right? November is when the U.S. election happens anyway...
  4. Well, if I remember correctly, Glee at the time the vaporape happened didn't even seem to understand how creepy that was (although they've generally handled consent wrong, long before that). I think they only turned that into a joke to cover their own asses.
  5. You know, if anyone should've ended up with a baby in the end, it should've been Quinn. Except now she'd more mature, and in a place where wants a kid (with or without Puck). If not with Puck, then I think him ending with a kid with his theoretical new maturity could also be good, since he really did want to be a dad in season 1.
  6. Ironically, I started watching Glee because I was a starkid fan. I hated Blaine so much, it bled into me hating Darren for a while. It wasn't until someone on my Twitter posted him doing a cover of "proud of you boy" that I remembered why I liked him to begin with. I think I might rewatch AVPM again soon, to see if I can like him again. He's also said some stuff that I think will keep me from liking him as much as I used to, but I don't think he's completely void of talent. I think Glee just overestimated him and shoved him down my throat a bit too much, at the expense of others.
  7. I feel like cleverer shows give the characters some of their own inner life, at least enough so you can kind of forget that their main function is to support. Glee is not usually very good at that.
  8. They could've given Klaine another kind of break-up (long distance was too hard, Blaine felt they were growing apart with Kurt out of high school, etc. Although I still feel like the fandom gives Blaine more crap for cheating than others). For dating, bring in a new character? I feel like these decisions were also for shock value. Sigh.
  9. One of the annoying things about this is that they apparently didn't see how codependent dynamics are created by both people. Nothing on how clingy Blaine is? Nothing on how he's so insecure he'll sabatoge other people's diets? And I think Kurt's problems with Blaine are the unwillingness to forgive. Whenever the lighthouse guy came up, Kurt was always really passive aggressive about it. Not saying he has to forgive it, but if he's going to marry the guy, he probably should. Idk, it seems like in season 6, they put all the blame on Kurt, and not even for the right things.
  10. It's nice to see him get to wear nice clothes for a role.
  11. Sometimes dumb shit does also appear in general spaces (in Chris's interview on ODNT I remember a commenter saying people can't relate to lesbians as much as gay guys. What?)
  12. What I took by the female writer saying Rachel should lose it to Finn was that she doesn't have to stay a virgin in high school. Now, pity sex was a bad way to go (as was the Emma thing ugh). Glee in general is weird about virginity, like how Santana allegedly meant something to Finn because he lost it to her, even though it meant nothing. What the hell?
  13. I don't think the tour is necessarily a reason they pulled back on Will as lead. If Will was the main focus of the show, I don't know if I could've stuck through it once the other cast graduated. Nothing against Matt, but Will is one of the worst characters, and even when I go back and watch season 1, I see how awful he is, and it only got worse. Regardless of Matt's talent, Will has always been the worst part of the show for me. He did get a bit better in season 6, but it's hard to make a comeback after all the shit they made him do.
  14. The fact Amber never sung Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye kills me a little inside. I also hate when mashing up songs ruins them. I freaking love "The Way You Look Tonight", but mashing it up with the Annie song turned it into a mess. Interesting points about the Quarterback songs. I actually felt a weird obligation to have those ones (and fortunately I think they're all good). I did feel that way about Lea's original song about Cory off-show. I think the time the context most ruined a song for me was when Lea did "The Rose". It's a beautiful song, that should not have been used for a bad audition. Uuuuuugh.
  15. I feel like you could cut out at least half the episodes in the middle, and it would've made no difference. Thinking back on it though, Ian typically wrote some of the worst episodes (and this season he definitely did). Just let him write weird crap, but not whole episodes. Aaaaargh! I'll agree that as much as I hate Ryan as a show runner and as a human being, when he actually tries, he can write good stuff.
  16. Exactly. Like in Charmed, they killed Prue at the end of season 3, which in the universe of charmed means the character could've come back, but never did because of drama on-set. The character got an ending and never appeared for the rest of the 4-5 seasons, so, whatever. Woulda been nice if she could've cameoed in that finale, but you let it go. Them dangling some of them around after they had potentially good endings (Quinn stablish at Yale, Puck in the military, heck, them getting together in the 100 even), and I would've said "ok, that was their ending." But they came back for stupid shit this season, and I just wonder...why? I'd have rather left those characters on good notes instead of dumb ones. Brittany and Santana, I'm a bit more iffy on. They at least got the wedding stuff, and with whatever happened in season 5, I feel lucky we got Naya back at all, but, by doing the five year time jump, they had reopened the question of where they are. I was fine leaving Brittana on "married and going to college." But while Rachel was winning a Tony, where are they? What did they major in? Did they graduate? Did they join the children bandwagon? These things bothered me. Had Glee been smarter and more forward thinking, they could've tried to schedule everyone back for the finale. Them coming back for I Lived was obviously last minute, based on those Naya and Heather tweets after the wedding and that one dianna interview. I guess it's better than not having them back at all, but you barely saw any of them in the number. It was distracting in "Teach Your Children" that some random people were there, but some people we've watched for six years weren't, and who I give way more craps about. It might not be their fault, but I'll always be bitter about it.
  17. Because glee never knew what to do with her post-high school aside from have her be Rachel's friend/enemy. If she's in college for something not related to performance, she could totally be a cutthroat businesswoman, with a killer suit to match.
  18. In some ways I am, seeing what they did to everyone else. It's the principal though! And I'm headcanoning everything after that point away anyway. ;-)
  19. I don't think it was necessary for any of them, really, but again, it's a difference in how we view the show. To me, regardless of what Glee's TRIED to do, it's been an ensemble. Everyone in that first group matters to me, and I have some degree of emotional investment in all of them (even if I kind of hate them). To give such unequal endings is just wrong, to me. And as Ceeg pointed out, I think on the whole, Puck, Quinn, and Santana at least were bigger than Mercedes, Artie, Tina. Like I said, I'd personally have preferred an open-ended ending for everyone, but if you're fine with it, cool. I have a right to my opinion, you have a right to yours. Because everyone watches this show for different things. Yes. And, I'll be frank, I stuck with this show mostly for Santana. I know she is not the point of the show, but she's still the one who matters most to me. I'm not delusional enough to think she deserves more than Rachel or whoever, but as she's the character I've mainly poorer my heart into for 5 years, it's a bummer for me that she's not considered worthy of a real ending. I again think it goes back to the fact that everyone watches this show for different reasons in different ways. I watched because I connected to the closeted lesbian with a ton of emotional walls. I know that's not the reason for most fans, and if literally everyone else loves the finale the way it was, cool. But I personally can still be disappointed that she didn't get an update.
  20. But I don't think a line of dialogue would've detracted from the episode, and it wouldn't have left me so annoyed. Or if when at least Puck and Quinn were brought back, they did something good for them to end on. It's why I'm personally going to pretend New Directions was the finale. We had an idea of where everyone was going, we got DSB, and video where everyone talked about what the club meant to them. Also, that Will scene with the kids voiced broke my heart into so many pieces, and I was way more touched by hearing Finn's voice there than the audiorium dedication. I guess I'm also one more for the bittersweet, open-ended endings rather than having (most) people tied up so neatly it's fanfiction. The only thing that made getting to the actual finale worth it was Brittana (cuz I ship them), and Rachel and Jesse (even if I had to slog through Samchel), because it was important for me to see Rachel could find love again (even if she drives me nuts half of the time)..
  21. I was still disappointed by not at least getting a line about the others. Those characters were really important at one time, and I deserved proper closure on them. The show has always been about the group to me, and it wouldn't have been hard to at LEAST get a line of dialogue about the other originals. Maybe I just feel that way because the only person I like of the group that survived is Mercedes. -sigh- What pissed me off about the speech was more that Kurt always gets the LGBT credit of the show. Whether you like/dislike them, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Unique, Karofsky, and Sheldon were part of this too. I think Kurt was probably handled the best, but elevating one gay guy above the others does annoy me.
  22. I've also never been into her angst ballads. I just tend to find those songs...boring. Although I felt that way a lot about Amber's songs too. Guess I just hate ballads.
  23. I still don't buy that bullshit. But hey, Mercedes walked out of this show as one of the few characters I still liked. And she still got success and not stuck with Sam (in my head she's got someone better). In my heart, she finally got to win.
  24. It sadly does tend to outside of Glee though. I was listening a podcast with Rider Strong (Shawn of Boy Meets World) and he was talking about there's a lot of publicly closeted actors (even if Hollywood knows) so they can still get the leading man roles. And I think I heard Matt Bomer lost out on Superman because he's gay. It'll be interesting to me to see if Chris can break past that boundary, especially since he's closely associated with one of the most well-known gay characters.
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