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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. I hope she isn't a publicist (or at least not to Rachel). After that frenemies argument, her being "beneath" Rachel would tick me off. I'd like to think she's got an album, of reasonable success.
  2. I'm referring to Jagged Little Tapestry more (although we should've at least gotten an update from another character about what she was up to now). Because she was obviously able to film more then, but all she did was help Becky get a boyfriend (like who cares). And did Mark do...anything at all this season? Aside from wear the uniform all the time and get weird with Blaine's mom? I'm just really bitter neither of them got any kind of ending this season. Even if it's not glee's fault, for once, it's disappointing.
  3. One thing I did actually like about Tina/Mike not happening was that during I Lived when Mike and Matt danced together, I was able to pretend they were together (and you can't tell me otherwise.)
  4. I'd want to ask why when they CAN get people, they get jack to do (cough dianna and mark cough).
  5. I expected to feel something during I Lived, but I just got pissed it was several bland white guys, Rachel, and literally a second of Mercedes. But I guess that represents what Glee became.
  6. I see both sides of the argument. I do think his comments, either way, can be warped by your opinion of Darren. I probably wouldn't have thought anything about them if people hadn't said anything about them. I think it is a little awkward though since it's obvious to people who aren't delusion CrissColfer shippers that they aren't close, and I probably wouldn't make those kind of jokes with someone I wasn't close to.
  7. Lea's best solo for me is always going to be DROMP. It was really iconic, and she nailed it. I think I feel more over saturated by her singing than anything. She's good, but if I listen to too much of anyone, I'll get tired of them. And her ballads tend to all sound the same to me (but part of this is my dislike of ballads).
  8. Yeah, they aren't equivalent. Kurt was being practical. He saw they couldn't live together and were always fighting. But I think what it all comes down to is...why does Kurt want Blaine back so badly? Stay in New York, hang out with Adam Lambert, realize that he's the better boyfriend/future husband, and it's all happily ever after. Neither of them would've been miserable if they had just moved on. They would've moved on, met other people, and probably lived in more functional relationships.
  9. I was so horrified for Rachel. I get the idea of Rachel being selfless here, but that's beyond selfless. Have your own kids first, at least. And even for my best friend in the entire world, I'd need serious compensation.
  10. Yes, Knaxx, it was all about the group for me. They really should've just kept it in a timeless universe where high school never ended. But, on the other hand, you can tell there were characters they were just totally done with (Quinn and Puck). So maybe it was good they couldn't ruin those characters after the graduation. I also agree, and think I said the problem with Blam was that their entire characters were silliness. Hell, BRITTANY had a part in Santana's coming out and her pain of not being able to date Santana. If they can give a character that's supposed to be totally silly something with emotional weight (and even if you don't like her or think she pulled it off there was something written for it), why didn't they do it with Blam? They gave emotional stuff to the 2.0s, but it also never stuck long enough for me to care (I'm looking at Marley's eating disorder and talks of molestation).
  11. I didn't even see Kurt humbled. They the same people as before, unless you're headcanoning it to the point where it's fanfiction.
  12. Did Rachel seem...off to anyone else? I've mostly seen praise for Lea, but I felt like something about the acting wasn't right, although I might just be unsettled because while she's physically changed some, it's not as obvious and Chris, and Kevin, Amber, and Jenna are about the same. Idk, she seemed less energetic to me than pilot Rachel, and something about her looked severe, although that might just be physical changes plus the costuming choices.
  13. Yes, how hilarious it is to see privileged white guys pick on a woc (am I talking about Blam or the writers? You decide). Actually, no. She was one of your few underdogs left, and the whole point of your show is supposed to be underdogs. It's part of why Rachel getting all the attention bugs me. When you put her next to Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and even Artie, she seems less like an underdog and more like unrootable. Same with Blam. There's nothing amusing about the privileged trotting all over the underprivileged. That's just an unfortunate reality that reflects how shitty anyone not a white straight guy is treated.
  14. Yeah, I feel like Santana always had more respect for Mercedes than Hummelberry (she did approach Mercedes in duets about doing a song together and said good things about her voice). I also feel like Mercedes is more willing to forgive high school Santana, whereas in episodes like frenemies we see that Rachel never fully got over that. Also, the TroubleTones. My definition of an eargasm.
  15. I never really noticed with Artie, but I think there was a lot of time that Blaine and Sam were shitty to Tina. But the main thing that sticks out was when Sam kept talking about her boobs and Tina felt complimented instead of smacking him across the face, as I would've. But that's because the writers just use her as their punching bag. I mean, even in the quarterback, we had a "look at Tina being terrible!" Scene, although I didn't find her terrible. If anything, I left thinking Emma was a shitty school counselor.
  16. Anything Naya sung, I pretty much loved. She also was really good in group performances. Her, Amber, and Jenna on "Shake It Out" is one of my favorites. Even though I do really love Brittana (because I pay more attention to the chemistry than the writing), I wish we had more stuff between Santana/Rachel/Kurt when she did come back. Obviously something happened with Naya in season 5, and there was definitely an interview where she shaded Lea a bit, so I get the feeling something did happen between the actresses and so they tried to keep them apart. Which is a shame because I liked Pezberry until frenemies. I'm more bitter about the lack of Sancedes, which is totally my favorite Santana friendship, and a lot more should have come of Kurtana after what happened in the Quarterback. Like seriously, she is the definition of wasted potential. However, aside from that Kurt rant (which was at least provoked) I think she's one of the people who actually grew the most. She wasn't very snarky this season, and she did show up for people and let them know she loved them, AND we got closure on her grandmother. So even though I'm still annoyed there's so much wasted for her, she still got one of the better deals (and thank Jesus she was close enough to Klaine to surrogate for them).
  17. 2009 Tina was the most I'd ever liked Tina. She seemed to have more personality, and we could've gotten Tina and her struggle to maintain her goth group and her Glee group. Tina probably would've been one of my favs if we had THAT Tina.
  18. I thought Blam was alright in the beginning of season 4, but that's because I thought they were going to actually make the characters into something. When Sam got dumbed down, I started to hate him a lot. Then Blam started getting mostly really, really stupid, unbearably stupid plots. And singing way more than I cared to hear them. They didn't balance the heart with the goofiness, and it was all goofiness. It was meaningless. I think my main disappointment about NYC Glee was they had led me to expect it to me Kurt/Rachel/Santana led. I assumed Blam would come in, and if they were gonna be supporting, I could've dealt with that, but when they were the focus of Movin' Out, I might as well have been back in Lima (also there was that gross Samchel moment THREE FUCKING EPISODES after the Quarterback). So yeah, if there was one moment most people knew it wouldn't get better, it was probably then.
  19. Sigh...I hate both episodes. I was really drunk, so I could be wrong, but everyone in 2009 seemed OOC, and DCT was so fanficy and pointless. Doesn't help that most of the characters I actually care about didn't get more than a second in the finale. I shouldn't be surprised but last week had me feeling really good. I'm gonna pretend 101 was the end. That Will scene was far more touching than most of this stuff in the finale. The one thing I was amused by: Harvey Milk Elementary. I laughed.
  20. Everyone in 2009 felt OOC. I was too drunk to pay attention to dreams come true but fuck no to Rachel carrying Klaine's baby (or them having a baby). Still pissed not everyone got an ending. I wish it had ended at 101 instead. I just expected to care, and I didnt.
  21. I just watched it on tumblr, and it's definitely a reflection (she's singing in the auditorium alone and in the hallways and stuff).
  22. I think Blaine and Kurt are both pretty annoying. But maybe you stopped before Blaine got ridiculous. I've liked Kurt at points, but I have always found Kurt's holier-than-thou attitude really off-putting. And Glee does seem to use his character as the gay mouthpiece a lot, and it does sometimes come across that only gay guy problems are real problems.
  23. I think Lindsey said something about having problems with the Quinn/baby story, and their general take on adoption. Which, yeah...don't blame her.
  24. I know someone joked when heather got pregnant that if they wanted to keep her on, they could've had it been Sam's baby. Which, fuck no. In my head, they find a sane person to be the sperm donor.
  25. The Cory comment was sweet. And thanks Chris, for pointing out that there were other gay couples before Klaine. I mean, I guess it deserves some credit (I credit it for being mainstream), but he's smart enough to know there were gay people on TV before Glee.
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