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Everything posted by TheNewJanBrady

  1. I love that they are using the nicknames from the comic books--Juggy, Archiekins--but I do think it's too early in their relationship for Arch to be calling Veronica Ronnie already. #tinynitpick I also just about died every time Archie called Ms. Grundy Ms. Grundy to her face and not Geraldine...or Jennifer...or anything more personal/romantic than Ms. Grundy.
  2. If you look at their Twitter feeds, you learn that both Amanda and Stephanie had their families at the finale. I guess they just didn't have time to introduce them.
  3. The Summer House twins look like Missy Pyle.
  4. I didn't watch the second hour of this but Kyle calling Stassi Steve Jobs almost convinced me to. Gold, Jerry. Pure gold.
  5. I've always thought Goldi was gorgeous, but I've never seen the actress without the hijab before. When she took it off--wow. She looked like a stunning WOMAN (which isn't necessarily good for high-school show purposes, I guess!).
  6. If for nothing else, this season was terrific for Lola's abortion storyline. They actually showed the procedure and how yes, it can be a stressful decision to make, but also a matter-of-fact, relief-filled one--it's not always this dramatic, devastating, agonizing thing. I can't remember a show in which I've seen a character have an abortion like it's a regular medical procedure (which it is) and not some botched, bloody back-door operation. Bravo.
  7. I only had DD crullers growing up but pronounced them "CRULL-er" not "CROOL-er". Which is correct? Is this like Nia's "Stalin" from the Stollen challenge?
  8. 1) Every time Nia pronounced stollen as "Stalin" it made me want to shoot someone. 2) Michael (Brooklyn doctor?) gives me a serial killer vibe, but I do find his trajectory from doctor to precision baker interesting (and sense-making).
  9. I feel like Leon loved Cyn but couldn't be faithful? I could be wrong, though...
  10. YES to all this. Toby is a gross horndog and that weird hair swirl is so distracting(ly bad). Kate deserves better. On the other hand, I thought it was Milo under the prosthetic face, not Miguel, until I read about it here, so what do I know, except that the aging device seems so hokey to me and I wish they'd just left Mandy/Miguel in a separate storyline where they belong, sans creepy fake makeup.
  11. Very curious to see how far they'll go with the social implications of the adoption and potential prejudice--people telling Jack and Rebecca they're crazy for adopting interracially, Sterling's feelings about not looking like his family and possible quest to tap into his black roots amidst a white family, Jack and Rebecca walking around with a black baby and getting looks, etc. Even today I know women in interracial marriages who appear to be a different race from their biological children and are asked if they adopted or are the child's nanny. And this is 2016! So there's a whole potentially different (and interesting) angle to the show than I was expecting from the ads.
  12. The thing with Tregaye (aside from the fact, as has been mentioned, that "on fleek" stopped being a thing like a year ago) is that she does have a FN personality, but without Bob and Suzie around, she didn't get the boot camp treatment, and the show just isn't the same for me without that. They would've questioned her use of senseless slang to make her really verbalize a POV in plain English. Plus, remember the days when they actually made contestants film a full 30-minute pilot with cooking included? I haven't watched since the Justin Warner season but it's just not the same without Bob and Suze (plus the way Giada practically orgasmed every time she said "Daaaaa-mee-AHHHHH-nohhhhh" makes me suicidal).
  13. I made the mistake of eating dinner during the beginning of this episode; the scene of the Abbies picking each other's nits and whatever nearly turned my stomach. Then I realized my real mistake was watching this season of the show at all.
  14. Oh Meredith, you bitch. Why would you bring up Cristina on Owen's wedding day, of all times? So she's his one true love even though she doesn't want to be with him? What's he supposed to do, stay single forever and pine away for her? I get that your husband died but you don't need to shit on everyone else. Jeez.
  15. Ooh what did they say about Jacob? I was watching but apparently missed that part.
  16. 100%. He actually has a nice voice, though it doesn't really do anything for me. His Clark Kent looks do everything for me. Rawr.
  17. Ugggggggh I found Christopher Abbott shamefully hot in this episode. That's all I really came here to say.
  18. I just went to a new cat cafe in NYC--the third one in the city. It's great and the kitties are definitely not drugged. You hang out on couches with tea or coffee (snacks are in the other room) and they have shelves and areas they can go to if they're not feeling social, when they're sleeping, etc. This particular cafe chooses kittens (which tend to be more social) and particularly friendly older cats from a shelter. They've already had 11 adoptions in one month! I've thought Adam and Jessa had chemistry since last season. They really suit and deserve each other, for better or for worse. I like the idea that Adam and Hannah are not some true-love soulmate end game for the show (or at least, hopefully not). That kind of relationship happens less often and less neatly than TV tends to make it out. And yeah, no underwear in bed is actually recommended by gynecologists. It's good to let the nether regions air out sometimes without the undies trapping in moisture/heat!
  19. Right--there was a scene set in 1995 where Mrs. Bean finds out about the dead bathtub girl and tells JLC about it, which is how the show reveals that JLC covered the death up. So she can't have been one of the sorority girls. I haven't seen Abigail Breslin in much, but agree she seems miscast here, unless a future episode explains why she's not quite as Chanelesque as the others (another legacy?).
  20. Josh Charles is from super-preppy Baltimore (and went to a prep school there—I'm from Baltimore and around the same age) so seeing him with the triple-popped collar was triply amazing to me.
  21. Did NOT need all those lurid flashbacks to Anna giving birth on the bed and then on the toilet. Nightmares.
  22. I get why people wish the musical numbers had been cut for space, but if you read histories of the show (and interviews with Lorne), live music was integral to him as a part of the show--it was part of the groundbreaking nature of the show, per him, to bring on new acts and expose the country to music they wouldn't otherwise have seen (remember, this was pre-Interwebs, when you mostly only heard your favorites on the radio). So many big moments on the show—Elvis Costello, Sinead, Ashlee—have been music-related, and so many show favorites—Paul SImon, JT—are musical. I don't necessarily agree with his choices of guest, but I don't think there was a way Lorne would've structured the show without musical numbers.
  23. As someone noted last week, I really, really thought that it would be revealed this week that Peter Krause engineered the Luncheonette break-in for the insurance money (can't believe more people didn't think this!). He seemed so blasé about the whole thing. I guess that was just supposed to be his relief that now he had an excuse to bail. But now...he's back in? I'm having panic attacks FOR him imagining him paying for Haddie's tuition, Snowflake Academy, Nora...
  24. Yeah, that's what I thought was weird too--we weren't shown any evidence that her team DID rebuff her. A question for the reunion! (Do they still do reunion shows?)
  25. I think Mei was being sarcastic. I did a double-take at first, but I think she was saying that to explain why she was passed over for EC—because that's what other people think of women chefs. And I also don't blame her or Gregory for not stepping up. Like Phoenix780 said, EC and FOH are kind of thankless roles; seems you do better in Restaurant Wars by being a strong team player and cooking a stellar dish than by trying to prove something.
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