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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. I thought Cassandra too. Could Marina be the person Penny40 greeted at the elevator? That cliffhanger is also still open.
  2. Please tell me I'm not the only person who replayed the "You let go of Falcor!" moment about 5 times in a row. 😄
  3. It was like an hour long (stretched to 90 minutes with all the pledge breaks) trailer for a film that doesn't exist. I kept wondering when the actual episode was going to begin. 😒
  4. Comments on Season 3 from ASP and cast members during the MMM panel at Paleyfest. https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/marvelous-mrs-maisel-creator-season-3-1203165019/
  5. I agree and think it will be Coleman and Hughes until the time of Albert's death. The final sentence of the article indicates at least another season.
  6. Self-absorption, thy name is Pearson. Wow, it's one thing to get into it with your family, but Kevin and/or Randall also went at the doctor, a couple of nurses, Madison (poor Madison, I really felt bad for her), and the poor woman who dared to sit down in a PUBLIC waiting area and eat a bag of pretzels. Why was no one allowed in to see Kate? Last week, both Kevin and Randall were in the room together with her. Now not even her mother is allowed in? For 26 hours? Run Zoe, run. This is the family you'd be dealing with, while living with an alcoholic. He says he's sorry for lying to you while he's got vodka in his water bottle? Get out while you can, Zoe. Right at the opening, the first words out of my mouth were, "Now Beth is there in CA too? Who the hell is with the kids?" I did like that Beth was looking out for Rebecca though. Of course the baby's name is Jack. That baby could have come out with green skin, pointed ears and a tail and he was going to be named Jack. I don't care what Rebecca said about having to see him first to decide his name, or that young Kate gave weird names to her stuffed animals per Randall. What an awful episode.
  7. First, thanks to @MrAtoz for the official Jeopardy! explanation. That said, I still think that in this particular instance, her response should still be ruled incorrect because her addition of the article meant that her answer did not fit the category. While I don't recall the exact name of the category (Size it?) each of the correct responses had to do with adjectives indicating size. Adding the word "The" before the word "Titanic" makes it a noun; definitively the name of the doomed ship. Without the article, it could still mean the ship's name but also allows it to be interpreted as the adjective meaning gigantic and as such, fitting a category about size. Additionally, there was a 1996 documentary titled, The Titanic.
  8. Padma has been named a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/news-centre/news/2019/-on-the-eve-of-international-womens-day--undp-appoints--new-good.html From the article: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today appointed Emmy-nominated television personality, award-winning author and internationally acclaimed food expert Padma Lakshmi as its newest Goodwill Ambassador. In this new role, Lakshmi will mobilize support for the Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on fighting inequality, discrimination and empowering the disenfranchised. “As we celebrate International Women’s Day tomorrow, let’s remember that women and girls face some of the worst discrimination and hardships in the world,” Lakshmi said at a press conference held at UNDP headquarters in New York. “My main mission as UNDP Goodwill Ambassador will be to shine a spotlight on the fact that inequality can affect people in rich and poor countries alike.”
  9. Isn't Sophie's position as Mistress of the Robes dependent upon which political party is leading Parliament at the time? The Queen's Court changes if a new PM is named. I'm wondering if the Queen's offer of an apartment for Sophie and her child will supercede the political aspect.
  10. From a probable lonely POV, I'm chuckling at your choice of this particular film to select for this comment because if there is one film in the last ten years that truly ticked me off when it won BP, it was this one. The Social Network would probably be my choice for film of the decade. Instead, the Academy went with its typical bland selection of a biopic and/or period piece. 🙄 TSN should have been named Best Picture and David Fincher should have won Best Director over Tom Hooper. Colin Firth was great though. I don't begrudge him his Best Actor victory. JMO, of course.
  11. And not just the cupcake, Penny was "recruited" by Hades himself! We're pretty close to the top of the food chain in terms of the gods right there. I'm looking forward to Penny 40's story line just for that reason. I'm sure the writers didn't introduce Hades just for a cameo!
  12. I don't think we've seen any official notification yet as to when Season 6 will begin airing but Patricia had this Twitter exchange with a fan earlier.
  13. You're right about it being Barbra Streisand, but the film in question (with BillyCrystal)was Yentl, which was the first film she had ever directed. Then, of course, Barbra received the same treatment from the Academy for her direction of The Prince of Tides. 🙄
  14. In addition to those already mentioned, other James Beard nominees who are TC alumni are Tyler Anderson (one of "The Bears") for Best Chef Northeast, Gregory Gourdet for Best Chef Northwest and Lindsay Autry for Best Chef South.
  15. It looks like the world could use Lord John Marbury right about now.
  16. I expect Eliot's blackboard to have its own Twitter account any day now! 😅
  17. Yes to all of the above, and don't forget about everyone getting on him for not denouncing Bryan Singer, which I felt was very unfair to Rami to be singled out for.
  18. If you haven't had the opportunity to see Rami Malek's press room speech, you should take a look.
  19. I didn't see that interview so this may be off base but Melissa McCarthy's husband's name is Ben (Falcone.) Perhaps that's the husband Ryan was referring to?
  20. A few comments about the telecast itself: I think having no host worked just fine. Having Queen open the show musically instead of an opening comedic monologue worked well but then the producers must have felt they needed to hedge their bets and brought out Rudolph, Fey and Poehler to do an abbreviated comedy bit, which I thought was unnecessary. Several minutes could have been cut right there. If they choose to move forward without a host next year, the opening becomes an issue. Having Queen perform this year made perfect sense because of Bohemian Rhapsody. Also, Queen's fandom spans generations of viewers. There aren't many acts that would fill that bill. I suppose an alternative would be to have a host do an opening monologue and then perhaps some closing comments, without all the filler crap that hosts normally do. I think what really kept the show moving last night was that there was no insipid, scripted banter between presenters. Pretty much, presenters walked on stage, named the category, led into the list of nominees and then announced the award winner(s). The only pair who seemed to improvise some (IMO, not very funny) banter was Awkwafina and John Mulaney. What was the deal with the presenters for the acting awards? All four of last year's acting award winners were ultimately there as presenters--I know there had been talk of not having them present at all--so why didn't Sam Rockwell and Allison Janney present the Supporting Actress/Actor awards? Teaming them up with Frances McDormand and Gary Oldman, respectively to present Best Actress/Actor didn't make particular sense. I wish the producers would explain their thinking on that. Earlier in awards' season, we'd heard that the producers of the Oscars' telecast were telling celebrities that if they presented at the GGs, the SAGs, etc. they wouldn't be presenting at the Oscars. The specific group that kept coming up in these rumors were the actors of the MCU, with an "Avengers reunion" hinted at strongly for a ratings' draw. So what happened there? I saw Chris Evans and Paul Rudd but they presented independently. Where were the rest of the Avengers? That seems to be something that fell apart. This part definitely comes with a "just my opinion" warning: By and large, the songs nominated for Best Original Song are boring as hell. I'm not just talking about this year, but every year. There's usually one standout, sometimes two. If the producers want to cut serious time from the broadcast, lose the performances of the nominated songs. Do exactly what they do with the acting nominations. Name the nominee and then show a 20-30 second clip of the song as recorded for the film. I am so glad that the presentation of ALL 24 of the the awards remained in the actual telecast. Even though I saw few of the short films this year, the energy and excitement that radiates from the winners of those awards is well worth seeing. An Oscar truly means something to these filmmakers. They know that "Oscar winner" before their name will mean more funding opportunities for their future projects. Many viewers may look at those categories as a good time to go make a sandwich, but I think differently.
  21. A disappointing ending to a good night overall. I really thought that the preferential ballot would allow a Best Picture win for Black Panther. I was fully prepared for Roma to win and I was fine with that. Roma is a creative masterpiece and while not necessarily an easy watch, it stays with you well after the end credits. But Black Panther was a great piece of entertainment that was so important to so many viewers; I had hoped more Academy members would see that. 😔 I did see Green Book and enjoyed it, but didn't think it was deserving of a Best Picture Oscar. And I'm disappointed for Glenn Close. I actually liked The Wife and thought she was wonderful in it.
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