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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. Gotta say, we've only seen one episode and I'm already WAY more interested here than I am in the current boring season of the original Southern Charm. Hey Barry, I'm not so sure that Tamica's fuse is all that much longer than it used to be. She went off on Kelsey with little to no provocation even before she set her sight on Reagan. Other than the three variants of Southern Charm, I don't watch any of the other Bravo reality shows so maybe this is normal, but it sure seems like the various Charmers re-locate to new homes a lot. Loved Kelsey and Justin's new dog. Roux is such a great name!
  2. From Netflix; a video compilation for Deckerstar shippers: Lucifer and Chloe’s Love Story | Netflix
  3. This week's installment: Confessions of a Southern Charm Newbie: A Conference of Buffoons The article title is perfect, better than the actual episode title.
  4. That NEEDS to be the new title for Shep's thread here! She worked as a Page in the SC State Senate, where she became known as "Senate Barbie." Long Republican roots in the Dennis family. The new boyfriend was a Democratic State Senator in Florida, however, not SC. In answer to your question, Democrats South of Broad (the old money ones) are rare in Charleston, but the greater area is turning blue and elected a Democrat to the House of Representatives this past November for the first time in 38 years! Charleston County also went for Clinton in 2016, although the state went into the Republican column for the electoral college.
  5. And yet another episode where we have to see the Austen supposed threesome video. 🤮 Enough already! Second week in a row that those of us in the Charleston media market have gotten a Gwynn's commercial during Southern Charm. This one was for Gwynn's Men. IMO, this was a very boring episode.
  6. Agreed. I just don't get this fashion trend of the past several years of "Let's expose as much of a woman's chest as possible without showing her nipples" as even remotely attractive or sexy. Cleavage exposed through a super deep V neckline or a backless gown; to me that's sexy and generally beautiful. This wide open look just screams "Look at me! Pay attention to me!" Angelina Jolie proved that you can get WAY more attention with a strategic, high leg slit than with these fashions that say, "I'd walk the carpet naked, but they won't let me, so here's the next best thing." Also, I'm not directing this only at Zoe Kravitz. This is becoming the red carpet norm and I'm sick of it.
  7. I agree with you on most counts but I do believe that Kathryn and Shep are FWB.
  8. I found this interesting and thought others who watched the Genius: Picasso season might also. The New Yorker has a new article posted, complete with photos, about the works of Dora Maar. An exhibition of her photographs will be opening in Paris, moving to London and ultimately to the Getty in Los Angeles in 2020. Her time with Picasso is addressed late in the article. It is mentioned that she documented Picasso's creation of "Guernica" and one of those photos is included. The Voraciousness and Oddity of Dora Maar’s Pictures
  9. The thing is, Charleston society despises Southern Charm. If Eliza's intention truly is to be accepted into Charleston society once again, the last thing she should be doing is this reality show. Accordingly, I'm not really buying into the story she's telling. Like the others, I'm assuming she's doing this for the minor celebrity status and attention plus the Bravo paycheck.
  10. Yes, the episode is supersized. TV listings show it as airing from 10:00 p.m. to 11:22 p.m. (Eastern.)
  11. Dustin Waters' column is up. Confessions of a Southern Charm Newbie: Housewarmings and Peer Mediation Edited to add: While I wasn't all that impressed with last week's review, this one is repeatedly, laugh-out-loud funny.
  12. I completely agree with your assessment but IMO Chloe looked surprisingly turned on by that display of power!
  13. Shep: "Instagram gets me again." You make it so easy, asshole. I've always kind of given Shep a pass but he pushed me right off the edge with the comment about about giving the uneaten tater tots to the homeless and then wondered out loud if there were any more homeless people. Yes, Shep there are definitely still homeless people in Charleston. They're being pushed further north due to the rampant Charleston gentrification. What a POS he is. And evidently an idiot. Who puts his hand into a crab trap? I was definitely rooting for the crab! Chelsea, your new home is lovely and I'm glad you're happy with your new man who hunts and drives a truck but dipping is most definitely NOT sexy. It's disgusting.
  14. Kudos to the writers for having the guts to write a Season Finale that can also serve as a satisfying Series Finale if that's to be the case, instead of following last year's path of writing a cliff hanger finale thinking that would force the hand of Fox to renew them. Loved the scene of Lucifer re-claiming his Kingship over the demons. Also, Lucifer, Amenadiel and Maze banding together for a fight was definitely satisfying. And I knew that Eve's stiletto heels would come in handy eventually! All in all a terrific season. I hope they get another!
  15. IMO, this is the best episode of the season to date. Well done, show! I've been finding Amenadiel's story arc more interesting than any other this season and as great as Tom Ellis is in the final scene, this episode truly allowed D.B. Woodside to shine. I like the fact that for most of this season's episodes, the COTW has been mostly in the background and the supernatural aspects have been up front as they should be. Eve and Maze were great together. They seem perfect for each other. Extra points from me for the use of Leon Bridges' River in the morgue scene.
  16. It absolutely was Ed Robertson singing an acoustic version of the theme song and there's a story behind it too. 🙂 'Big Bang Theory' Creator Chuck Lorre Explains the Series Finale's Sweet Last Scene
  17. This is evidently a deleted scene from the Blue Ray special edition of Captain America: The Winter Soldier that's recently been posted on YouTube. It's the full Smithsonian interview scene with Peggy Carter. I was quite surprised by how long it is. We only got a snippet of it in the film. Hayley Atwell is just SOOOOO good!
  18. I did like that in this episode we once again saw Lucifer as irresistible to women. That was a power the writers seemed to have forgotten completely last season.
  19. The moment when Chloe realized that Amenadiel has spoken with her father was beautiful. I don't think the show has ever made me cry before this scene but that got to me. When Eve met Ella at Lux and excitedly said, "You're Ella!" my first thought was that Eve must have had conversations with Azrael about Ella (and perhaps others) while in the Silver City. Then of course, Eve said that she'd heard about her from Lucifer. I guess the writers are not invoking anything that happened in the "extra" episodes from S3, but I did like the addition of Azrael as another interesting angelic sibling, especially as the Angel of Death.
  20. I've only watched the first five episodes thus far so I don't know how this will all pan out but you've touched on a couple of the points that have been bothering me. Lucifer really doesn't have the right to be this angry with Chloe for lying to him when he hasn't been completely honest with her about a lot of things. She doesn't know that "Mom" truly was Lucifer's mother (at least for one season) and what Mom did to Linda and that she (Chloe) was in danger from her too; she doesn't know anything about Uriel's death and why Lucifer killed him (again he was protecting Chloe); she doesn't know that Lucifer died and went back down to Hell to save her life; and most importantly, Chloe doesn't yet know that the reason for Lucifer's invulnerability when she is around him is because she was put here on earth by "Father" via Amenadiel's intercession. If anyone has the right to flip out, it's Chloe because while Lucifer always tells her that he never lies to her, there's an awful lot of truth that he's withholding from her.
  21. Or, they could have just allowed Julie Andrews, who could sing and act, to reprise her Broadway triumph. She was more than ready to make the jump from stage star to screen star, as was seen that very year when she acted, sang and danced her way to an Oscar for Mary Poppins.
  22. To the surprise of no one here, Splitting Up Together has officially been cancelled by ABC. https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/splitting-up-together-canceled-abc-1203183434/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
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