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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I felt bad for Kelly, because she had a monster sunburn going. Her partner at least had sense enough to cover up.
  2. I'm in. I can only hope that the writers have learned to tell a cohesive story that makes sense from beginning to end.
  3. Say what you want about Tyra, she is an amazing model. Her ego and God complex is way out of control, though! Devin is such a clown. I am amazed that he has contracts based on his personality and the way he acts on these "shoots". I realize that ANTM is far from professional, but I can't imagine him acting so silly when there are real dollars at stake. I'm tired of Gross Mikey, Devin the clown, and Possessed Bello. Why didn't he do that in the other shoot? He surely looked scary posing as a doll.
  4. So... we get rid of Courtney AND Bello just to have them waltz back in next week? Sigh. I want a Nyle doll! That's all I got.
  5. Those waves were fierce! I especially liked when Hadassah was knocked clean off of Justin. Mame must have mentally willed that wave to strike. Please tell me someone made a soundbyte of Tyra mocking Devin at panel. That was hilarious. I still laugh when I think of it! "Smell my fee-ass biiiiiiitch! Feel my boom biiiiiitch!"
  6. The outtakes from the Boom Boom Boom commercial: https://youtu.be/I--4cHGiLS0
  7. Agreed. Bello is way too feminine looking (especially with the 2 pounds of hair) to be mistaken for sexy. I couldn't be with a man who was prettier than me! Courtney looked like she had meth face in the commercial! I guess only the camera loves her.
  8. Well, that was fun. Bello may have been horrible in that ridiculous commercial, but he didn't gay it out like Devin. Tyra was right when she spoke what he looked like: "Smell my Fierce biiiiiitttch! Feel my Boom biiiiitch! *laughing* I'm so glad Mame got a taste of the green eyed monster. Justin looked all kinds of sexy; unfortunately it was wasted on Hadassah. Ashley was featured so much in this episode that I knew she was going home. Guess Gross Mikey will have to cuddle up with Devin or try to take Mame from Justin... That commercial was ridiculous enough, but Nyle... Sigh. How was Ashley supposed to respond to a man who doesn't speak?
  9. I didn't like the shit stirring either, since they did not pair Justin and Ashley in the same manner. Plus Mame didn't seem too bothered by gross Mikey. I wouldn't want to be touched any other dude if I has Justin in my bed (and shower!). That and the pissing matches with Hadassah have lowered my like of Mame considerably. Free Justin!
  10. I just rewatched the episode. Bello wasn't face down, ass up for the entire segment he was filmed. Such a shitty photographer! I bet I could take better photos with my iPhone. I'm going to tweet some more.
  11. Yes. That was hella rude! We have to find him on social media so we can get his opinion of that photo. I'll bet it matches ours.
  12. Courtney may be a wreck in person, but she photographs awesomely. She will make final 3 for sure. I don't care what Tyra says; no way was that Bello's best shot, looking like he got tangled up in the harness. That wasn't even a graceful ass shot! They practically telegraphed Ava's departure. I hope she gets rid of that mullet the second she gets home. Why are they pairing Mame with Mikey in the shoots? He's disgusting. I bet Justin has to wash him off of Mame before he kisses her. It was so cute when she told her mother about Justin and when she coached Justin through his shoot. I like them together. Ashley's photo was awesome. But she is just one bad photo away from elimination. Devin didn't annoy me this week. Mikey is disgusting. Nyle finally lost that dead face in his photos! Nyle is so handsome.
  13. Lacey is fierce. She'll probably go home next. Mikey is such a dick. I would set his hair on fire if I had to live with him. And Ashley girl, since he took his bro Devin to a romantic dinner, you should stop canoodling with him asap. Courtney needs to suck it up and get a backbone. Stop that damn crying! Hadassah is so beautiful, but the camera doesn't like her. Also Dustin and Nyle. Devin is so much easier on the eyes now. Just keep your fingers out of your face!
  14. I love y'all. You are my people! Throwing shade like it's sunny out here. *still laughing*
  15. I had to watch the show on demand before commenting. I agree with Stefano's boot. He was annoying. Tyra kept commenting on the hair in the photos. Perhaps you could have had the photo shoot after the makeovers? Sigh. Bello really didn't need an extra pound of hair. Devin looked better. Ashley now looks like Tyra. The mullet should be outlawed immediately. I figured that they didn't shave Mikey because then he'd look like Dustin. Courtney would have benefited from a darker color. Nyle is so handsome in person, but so dead in the photos! The camera does not love him at all. Hadassah girl. You don't really look that different from before the shave. You do know that you could just throw your hair on that side to hide the shave, right?
  16. Oh you know he has one. First of all, free Rachel! I came into this show late, so I missed the first few episodes. CW is totally that guy who treats his wife like shit and is relaxed and human-like with his mistress. I think he treated this exercise as an extended "recharge" session. The minute Rachel came back to him, he went right back into his previous behavior. Houston at least learned to appreciate his wife. Leah showed him what continuing to ignore Aleshia might happen if he didn't straighten up. And I will be damned if I will be married to someone who told me I was not allowed to go into any room in the house we lived in together! Seriously, I'm the type of woman who would have spent every waking moment in that room I wasn't supposed to be in. I'd even sleep in there. Danielle isn't that bad of a person; I figure that if you are a major Type A personality, you would not choose someone so laid back to be your lifemate.
  17. This. Right. Here. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't stand Bello outside from the bitchiness he displays. Then I imagined Prince being in this competition and probably winning it even at his lack of height.
  18. I noticed the amount of ink on these male models. Isn't that frowned upon in the modeling world? Or it doesn't matter if they can be covered?
  19. It should have been done a while ago. Her husband will never forgive her for cheating. I think they are done as soon as this experiment is over.
  20. Tyra's boyfriend is the photographer? I guess she can't get any professionals since she booted Nile. Hadassah's photo was hilarious to me because her body practically telegraphed that she wanted nothing to do with Devin, let alone being tied to him for the sake of a photo. They aren't looking at each other and she seemed to be straining in the belts to get away from him. Did he stink that day? I wonder about the strangest things on this show. Bryant. Who gives up a full ride scholarship for the possibility of a legit modeling career? Idiot.
  21. Okay, Devin looked remotely better in those photos. But he looks freakish now! What the hell happened? Maybe Tyra can make him under to look like he used to look.
  22. That was entertaining. I knew Devin and Bello was in, if only for the house drama. Line them and Mikey up for haircuts stat! That can only improve Devin's looks. Most of those hamsters that were cut I had never seen before. Bello was hoping for Dallas and I was like "Who is that? Oh, he's cute. Aaand he's out." Justin's crush on Mame is so adorable. And they look hot together. I refuse to believe that shot was their best one. I think Tyra should let us see most of those shots because by seeing them pose there should have been better ones. Or maybe video doesn't translate as well as photographs. Stefano's cocky ass should have gone home.
  23. And judging by the preview for the next show, CW is straight out lying about the drinking he did with Danielle...
  24. Hell, Jonathan and Drew look more like models than most of guys picked this cycle.
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