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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Pulling my chair up to the table as well. Thankfully, the temporal device doesn't strip you of whatever you wore or used in the other timeline. I'm going to pick up the book outling the Eugenics Wars, to see how close to canon they are going to be. Perhaps Khan uses that gun to escape the laboratory he grew up in...
  2. Daughter. Her name is Clover. She is a beauty! Time Travel Shenaniganery with La'an and James T. Kirk! Taking it for what it was, this episode was enjoyable. Knowing that La'an is feeling the weight of her heritage, someone at the Temporal Division decided to use her for the ultimate trip back in time. Why a different version of Kirk? She wouldn't have survived without his skills, honestly. He was even quicker on his feet than she was! Plus I am bothered by the fact that she didn't even try to find out what day it was; that would be the first thing I would determine if I was dropped out of my time. She gets points for at least knowing where they were... Pairing her with a Kirk who had never been on Earth with no Federation, fighting the Romulans and saying the hell with the Vulcans? I liked that! This episode was pretty much an ensemble piece with a focus on La'an. We did see everyone on the Enterprise; we even got to see Pelia in Vermont! Then we bring La'an face to face with her ancestor. I couldn't imagine actually seeing the relative that brought so much pain and angst to a whole world later on down the road. There was no epic love story with Kirk. That was an attraction that will never be. She had never even met the Kirk of her timeline! I am looking forward to the resolution of her story at the end of the series since she is never mentioned again going forward. Canon be a bitch sometimes...
  3. I think that Skrulls can recognize each other; that Russian painter/arms dealer recognized Talos in their fight. I think that Talos would recognize his daughter no matter what face she wore. I don't think Rhodey is a Skrull. He is clearly trying to make it look like he is against Fury for the eyes that are on him. He is doing a song and dance for TPTB while he figures out how to help Fury on the low. Yes, he would be annoyed that Fury let himself be seen by everybody in the world! I did like him and Fury collectively wanting to carpet bomb Slovakia. "If this heffa rolls her eyes at me one mo gain..." "Carpet bomb they ass!" Fury knows his wife is a Skrull. She is the one who introduced Gravik to him, right? That also explains why Fury is so determined to fix this situation himself; he has a vested interest in keeping this particular Skrull alive and unharmed. Sonya is awesome. So if she isn't a Skrull herself, she is certainly more than she seems to be. "That door was locked!" "Well now it isn't. What does that tell you about me and doors?" *chef's kiss* I did find Gravik's grudge to be petty, but it is totally relatable. His hero Fury goes poof while the Blip happened (Fuck you Thanos!) then when he comes back, he is changed. Rather than deal with the fallout, he goes off to find a home for them that doesn't materialize. We should get a Carol Danvers cameo to at least shed a little more light on why every species tends to NIMBY the Skrulls. Talos is still keeping some things close to his vest despite telling Fury that he called all of his people back to Earth, which understandably caused Fury to freak out.
  4. Huge co-sign. I love spycraft and this is the perfect vehicle to really get into it MCU style. There are a few nitpicks, of course: For as high tech as SHEILD is, how is it that you know Skrulls can handle radioactivity, hence making Russia their home base, yet you have no idea where at least 20 or more former nuclear power plants are? I get that you won't send humans there, but come on. Haven't created a drone that can withstand radioactivity yet? (It might have been yet another "Thanks and Fuck you, Thanos!" result of the Blip. I wish the MCU could have called it the Snap!) I love my Mother of Dragons, so Emilia Clarke is cool with me being Talos' daughter. I'm sure the real Everett Ross is still criss-crossing the country with Okoye... He wasn't shown in that warehouse where Gravik kept the other humans he kidnapped... I figured that the skrullRoss did something to tip that agent off to try to kill him, so he must not have had RealRoss' memories and thought patterns. Maria Hill has "died" so many times by now, so I will wait to see if this death sticks before screaming. In fact, I am going to presume that Fury is playing chess while we are all playing checkers. Everything is not as it seems...
  5. I LOOOOOOOOOOVVVED this episode. And it answered the question I had all along; who snitched on Una? Turns out she snitched on herself! So she couldn't straight up ask for asylum? Poor La'an thought she was the cause of her mentor's arrest! Neera is awesome. I'm glad Una was able to repair their friendship; I just wonder how was Una's parents were able to "blend in" at the non-Illyrian city? Did Illyrians also have racism in their culture? Spock is also awesome with the quips and the run-ins with people who worked with his parents. It seems like there is always someone who is six degrees from Spock!
  6. Sigh. I'm going to enjoy SNW for what it is and not endlessly compare it to Discovery or TOS. TOS was a product of its time; let's leave it there. Discovery is its own entity now, no longer connected to SNW. I'm not going to look for connective tissue for time travel shenanigans. Captain Burnham does not exist in SNW; that's it. My understanding of this show is we get to see the adventures of the Enterprise before Kirk becomes her captain. We know that Pike will meet with a horrific accident at the end of his 5 year tour. Spock was probably the hottest mess a Human/Vulcan hybrid could be before he bonds to Kirk and becomes the Spock we are more familiar with, so I am cool with him shedding a tear and going on rampages. He and Chapel aren't in a relationship now and may never actually be in one; they are basically pining for each other. Yes, M'Benga and Chapel could have been soldiers on the ground in a war with the Klingons before they went to Starfleet Medical. Yes, Khan's descendant can actually serve on the Enterprise. Yes, I cackled like a fiend at Speck's go to warp line. Is "Let's go!" taken? I want to see all those stories! Since we know how this will all end, I fully intend to jump on board and enjoy the ride.
  7. I love Michelle Yeoh and Daniel Wu. That's all.
  8. I'm glad Jin is not the only student of color in this high school. It would have seemed really weird for him to be the only one that Wei-Chen could be placed with, even though we know that Jin was chosen on purpose. I wonder who is going to clean up all the destruction that is in Wei-Chen's wake?
  9. So you mean to tell me that Jin is the only Asian person going to this school? I really didn't like the way that the principal spoke to him. I didn't like the way most people talked to him. Brought back flashbacks of high school, which isn't really a pleasant place! That "Beyond Repair" show was hella cringy, but totally representative of the shows we used to watch. I'm amazed that Jin didn't hurt himself smashing the back of his head into the trophy case...
  10. Heh. Nicky and crew was far too nice. I would have gone to jail after beating that girl into oblivion. Smacking her head with the door was not enough for the havoc she caused over a dumpling rejection!
  11. Because like most competitors for the same product, they would tend to cut corners to try to beat out the originators in some way other than superior product. Melody was trying to get more product out than Harmony, since they couldn't beat out Mei-Li's better tasting recipes.
  12. I'm binge watching Season 2 and 3 and I couldn't help but wince whenever Nicky's phone went off at the most inopportune times. I keep my phone on silent damn near every day; why on earth wouldn't Nicky silence it while slinking about in places where she doesn't want to be discovered?
  13. I'm so glad that I wasn't the only one thrown by the elimination in episode 1. Alex and Gabe made such a big thing out of the gal who didn't cook anything that I was sure she was the one going home! Hopefully the Black chefs won't all be eliminated next...
  14. The Borg had evolved with the help of the Changelings. The young of Starfleet got that new improved cellular assimilation package. Seven got the old fashioned metal and biological merger assimilation. She can't ever remove the implants on her face and hands. These kids got off light!
  15. Sidney has the utmost respect for Commander Seven, so coming to her senses realizing that she was pointing a phaser at her shocked Sidney to her core. Plus it seemed that Alandra was closer to Geordi than Sidney was, so it wasn't really that out of bounds for Sidney to embrace Seven in front of her as opposed to her sister behind her. Remember that when Seven showed the girls to their father onscreen, she was standing between them.
  16. Well, Seven saved the Earth 3 times if you count Picard Seasons 1 and 2. She is quite deserving of being Captain of the Enterprise. Shaw was going to call it a day had he survived this adventure, and she was going to be Captain of the Titan, anyway. As much as Starfleet owes Jean-Luc, they would never give a ship to his boy. As for Jack, his character reminds me of one of my favorite Cosby Show episodes; the one where Vanessa introduces her parents to Dabnes Brickey, her fiance that she told no one about beforehand. I don't dislike Jack, per se; it's just that TM presented Jack to us like a perfectly cooked steak dinner that was placed on a garbage can lid. Jack wasn't as appealing as he should have been based on the way he was presented to us.
  17. Well, all I can say is that I hope the writers coming in take advantage of the considerable lore (pun intended) to craft tighter stories for Star Trek that doesn't shyt on what we already have been given. The writer's room needs people who are fans of the subjects and can remember what went on before they step in, so at least these stories can make sense to those of us who watched everything Trek these past few decades. It shouldn't be so easy to pick apart an episode based on what the previous ones already told us. I'm forgiving, so I am not about to declare all NuTrek is trash.
  18. Seven was already a Commander at the start of this season. She wasn't in the Academy. She has been Captain for a whole year before the Titan became the Enterprise. Guess I will go to Twitter to harass I mean ask TM some more questions... I wonder if we will get all the BTS gag reels and scenes they cut for the Blu-Ray? As a fan of both Picard and Discovery, I wonder why people seem to want to watch something they really don't like? Real Life is eventful enough to experience rather than to torture myself by hate-watching entertainment media. It was her voice. They used portions of her work from the Star Trek TNG movie.
  19. Yeah. It would have been a nice touch to have Q and his son to round out the father/son theme on the finale. I may watch this finale again; my memberberries are overflowing!
  20. And this could be the Starfleet version of "We don't really know what to do with him, BUT we need to keep an eye on him. Let Seven babysit him." Who else to watch an Ex-B but another Ex-B? I think that if there is any residual hate towards the Borg invasion, it should be leveled to Admiral Beverly Crusher. It might not have gotten this bad if she only told Picard about his son twenty some odd years ago. Starfleet managed to forgive Picard for being Locutus, and most of the folks who survived Worf 359 perished in this battle. If Jaaaaaack is now an Ensign, clearly no one is holding Vox against him publicly. Does Jack still have his Borg powers? I guess they are saving it for the eventual series/movie. I need the future writers to make that a true ensemble Trek series and not focus on Jean-Luc and Beverly's boy when it happens. I need adventures with Captain Seven, Raffaella, Crash, and the other ex-Titan crew. Let's keep Jaaaaaccck to a minimum, no less than 3 episodes total with Q hijinks, please!
  21. I, too, am happy that none of the Original TNGers died. That Post Credit Scene... I instantly forgave this finale for not mentioning Kestra at all and not actually showing us Guinan giving the TNGers bombastic side-eye! (aaannd for not telling us who Geordi's wife is and where is Worf's son? Just a mention, guys!) I startled my son with my hooping and hollering upstairs while he is in virtual class downstairs. Anyway, I was satisfied with the proper sendoff this crew earned and with Captain Seven of Nine of the USS Enterprise G. I thought for a moment that the ship was going to be called the USS Picard, but I guess he would not have wanted that. So is Ensign Jaaaaaaaaaccck still going by Crusher or is he now a Picard? So Jean-Luc's trial is over now, Q is going to f*ck with Jack's life? NOW I feel sorry for Jack. At least he has Sidney LaForge to pal around with! So is this finally the End of the Borg as we knew them? I don't want to see them anymore. I was tickled that Philadelphia, PA is still around in the Future! My stomping grounds! I'm sure they worked feverishly to clean up the mess the Borg left behind in the year. I'm especially glad that they cleaned up the fallen ship graveyard. I never understood leaving the debris of great battles in space when you have the capabilities to retrieve everything left from the fallen ships. It may mean everything to the familes of those who were taken to have something to remember them by. I'm down for a new Enterprise series or movie, since Jaaaaaaack will hopefully not be the center of it with his Q troubles yet to come. I'm sure Seven will have plenty of reasons to not like Q. As long as John DeLancie is down for more shenanigans! Oh, and Terry Matalas also has to tell us what happened to Elnor. I liked him. Soji is traveling with Wesley, so maybe we will see them in another Star Trek feature. Section 31 is getting the movie treatment now that Michelle Yoeh has gooten more expensive, so I can't wait for that. I was satisfied with this finale. Happiness beats frustration with the media I choose to partake in. They better give Discovery a decent finale...
  22. The thing is, most of the chefs already had nicknames coming into TOC. Maneet is the Dancing Spice Queen, Shirley Chung is the Dumpling Queen. It's just when Guy tries to "Guy up" the nicknames or give a chef a nickname that they didn't have previously. Shirley is the Dumpling Queen whose fans are the Dumpling Mafia; what does Guy do? "Dumpling Mafia Queen", which is a no from me, dawg. Shota Nakajima doesn't have a chef nickname, so why does Guy go to the lowest point of his imagination to come up with "The Ninja"? Because Shota is Japanese? That's the best you could think of? If the chef doesn't have a nickname (or you can't use the name of their restaurant like Guy did for Tobias Durzon), let them be Chef Whoever you are talking about unless they do something noteworthy in the competition, say "Bracket Slayer" Britt Rescigno....
  23. According to what we are shown in the show, the chefs are shown who is in the bracket and where they are positioned before the first battle. So if you know that you are going up against Jet or Maneet, then you can quickly formulate a game plan to use Asian or Indian type flavors in your dish. Only Randa and her foolishness could either mess you up or deliver complimentary ingredients to your dish! Other than Aarthi, Maneet is the only one making Indian adjacent dishes. However, Jet isn't the only Asian chef in TOC, so his opponent could get away with parroting an Asian style dish like Adam Sobel did.
  24. *i will NOT jump on my feminist soapbox* Sigh. On to Star Trek: Jaaaaaaaaaacck... As soon as I saw the Borg Cube, I thought, "So... are we going to see Agnes Borgati?" I was thrown when Beverly said that they hadn't seen the Borg in a decade... Did Picard Seasons 1 and 2 just not happen? I was like "Picard was mucking around with the Borg just a year ago! What do you mean you haven't seen them in a decade?" As much as my memberberries was overflowing this season, I just can't look past the way this story was written. I just shut my Vulcan brain off and enjoyed the ride. I was already done when they killed Elizabeth Shelby. (She was my favorite character in the Peter David Star Trek: New Frontier novels, which I am recollecting in hardcover versions.) I was really bummed that Shaw was killed. I guess this was the only way to get him to use Seven's name and get her to be the captain of the Titan. I also wondered why she and Raffi stayed on the Titan knowing that they aren't in control of her and the ship is overrun with Borg drones... I'm surprised that Alandra LaForge wasn't on the Bridge when she was assimilated. She practically spent every minute since we were introduced to her stuck to Geordi's side! (And who is their mother, Geordi?) I almost felt sorry for Jaaaaaaaaaacck, I really did. Knowing that he was going to run right into the Queen's arms tempered that feeling really quickly. If Picard was smarter, he should have sedated him the moment he found out about the Borg connection. So we are never going to forgive Picard for being Locutus, huh? Fleet Formation. Starships acting like Borg. Ugh. I would have liked to not be witness to the destruction of the Exelsior. That was the only ship without an abundance of crew under 25? Clicking my Vulcan brain back on for a second: I also hated the tone shift when the TNG crew got back to the Fleet museum. Ya'll just left the StarBorg Fleet, which is about to annihilate the Space Dock (so no one there was assimilated? Yikes!), and you are taking a leisurely stroll down memory lane? With no sense of urgency whatsoever. The Defiant and Voyager isn't spaceworthy? Gaah. Lines I laugh/snorted at: Data: I hope we die quickly! Deanna: I have never been so happy to see wrinkles in my life.
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