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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Imagine being undone by not paying attention to the clue on the wall...
  2. I don't have a fear of heights; I have a fear of falling from great heights. I couldn't have done the rappel easily!
  3. I thought they had to drive that route! I can memorize a route.
  4. Now I kinda want Leo and Jamal to be defeated by England again. Heh.
  5. Agreed. That was so weird! If she had nothing else to do, she could have helped get the food out. I'm ready for Sol Food to go.
  6. Hilton Head: So Sol Food didn't use the pork given to all the food trucks? How were they able to get away with that? They must not charge a lot for those hummus wraps to wind up in the bottom again. Did Tyler not announce what the difference in sales was for the People's Fry to go home? Their only other issue was not charging enough for their food. Tyler: "The food is good, but y'all are slow as fuck." Nola Creations looks like the team to beat!
  7. I was right there with them. How did corn with sauce drizzled on it beat out the other dishes?
  8. I get it, but I feel that Sol Food Collective should have gotten popped for not using the crab meat. Is this the first time a team biffed a challenge? I don't remember any other GFTR team simply refusing to use the challenge ingredient. Why can't this show ever get brand new food trucks? You'll get enough drama from someone's poor driving or parking skills. It should not be raining inside a food truck, nor should there be issues with fryers.
  9. Hell, there should have also been a scene with Yara kicking Euron's corpse.
  10. Upon rewatch, Tyrion was the only person punished for his shortcomings. Bran chose him as his Hand to "fix what you messed up". Watching him fix the Small Council chairs made me cackle a bit.
  11. I guess you heard me saying, "That bitch better not take a breath". I was worried. They only framed Jon's exile as punishment to satisfy Grey Worm. Anyone who really knew Jon knew he would be just fine North of the Wall. I was cool with the ending.
  12. So I wasn't the only one screaming for Jaime to cut Euron's head off? It's bad storytelling to leave live enemies behind you knowing damn well they want you dead.
  13. That's what I was bothered about as well. There was no need to torch the entire city. The woman you wanted to kill was in the big red building over there! All that handwringing about the Dothraki and apparently enough of them survived to sack King's Landing. I'm going until the end. I just have to see how the story ends.
  14. After watching that elimination, I was wondering if something happened in the show that we didn't see. But Rachel can't be that good of an actress, because she had the same confused look I had listening to the Survivor girls vent their spleen right there. Oh well. Rachel is alright with me.
  15. Plus we have never seen Jon interact with Ghost as you would a domesticated pet. Jon respects Ghost for the wild wolf that he is. Now the show should have had Jon smile and nod at Ghost as a goodbye. Then Ghost turns and walks towards Tormund. That would have worked better.
  16. That's a good question, considering that Harry had to put "go away powder" on Tessa's body after she died. This show gives me a headache trying to make it make sense!
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