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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Is there a thread for the Vegas Revue? I have thoughts.
  2. Episode 8: They don't give the queens Windex to clean the mirror? I'm aghast! Priyanka didn't tuck? I was wondering why she was holding herself so oddly during the lip sync. I still believe that she was on the bottom only to get rid of Ilona. Turns out the puppets were needed in order for our queens to read properly. I liked Rita's show the best, for she was able to get back at Jimbo using JBC right in front of JBC. Shady bitch! Jeffrey's makeup gets worse with each show! He needs to have a queen paint him if he insists on wearing makeup on the runways. Welcome to the Family! Jimbo: I don't know why the judges are so surprised that Jimbo set his drag gun to Whore. You just clocked him last week that his gown wasn't glamorous enough. As soon as I saw the red leather, I knew what was going to happen. His daughter looked the best, even with the meaty tuck. Scarlett Bobo: Girl, you were safe only because you went with the bodysuits for you and Violet. You could have added a skirt. I did cackle at Violet's man poses on the runway. Priyanka: They have to do something about the shoddy camera work next season. I wanted to see Priyanka do her pose on the runway, not have it as a cutaway during judging. Electra was adorable and it was cute to have an actual fan be her Drag Daughter. Lemon: She did make her Drag Daughter look like her Drag Mother. Lemon was gorgeous! Perhaps she is not as skilled at painting other people or she didn't want Lime to look better than her. Lime should have had longer hair to frame her face. Rita: I'm not a fan of clown makeup. The Bagas could have left the clown noses off. Why didn't anyone go the Glamour Puss route with these makeovers? Da Lip Sync! Finally a song that I know! I love Alanis Morissette. This was out of Lemon's performance level. You don't pussy pop to a song of angst. Rita had the best performance this week. Ta-ta, Lemon!
  3. They should call this the Blood season. So many cheftestants cut themselves in the Chopped Kitchen!
  4. Episode 2: Probably more of a control freak. I'm glad the children had their GG! I was wondering how long it would take for Deon to call either his mom or Karen's mom. He couldn't hold the system for a week. Surely he could have had someone to watch over his business while Karen was on bed rest? I think that's what they had for breakfast that one day. Deon made such a big deal about being the chef of the family; I expected him to cook breakfast at least once. Plus the children pretty much told on him letting them slide with food and treats their mother wouldn't let them have so often. I cackled when Karen fussed at him to give the kids vegetables and they were all eating chips and cheese balls. Typical Dad stuff. When GG got there, they were eating cereal. When Karen complained about the hospital food, why didn't Chef Derrico bring her food? I just found it odd that she was stressing out about children safe at home when she had to fight to keep from giving birth too soon. Were her priorities really in order? Welcome to the world Dawsyn, De’Aren, and Dyver! These names... I try not to be judgy on what folk name their children, considering that I have what is considered an unusual first name for a Black girl back when I was born. But... anyway. I hope that the Derricos consider counseling for the entire family regarding the loss of Carter. Dawsyn's current issues are reopening that wound a bit. I was wondering why the bulk of the help seemed to come from teenager Darian, until I saw that the other singleton Derrick was 8 years old! I hope that they let Darian be a teenager and not surrogate parent.
  5. I'm in! I watched the Duggars up until Josie (?) and then I was done. The fact that this is a Black family is what drew me in. I'm watching the first episode and I am impressed with the way the Derricos are raising their small army with little to no help from what we see. They all love each other and show no signs of dysfunction or neglect. I like that. Karen has been on bed rest with every pregnancy; she has 3 babies in her belly and is now freaking out about how necessary bed rest will impact the other 11 children? Ma'am. I need you to lay down immediately and let Deon run the place until the triplets are safely born! A minor quibble: The triplin' you lost got a name that started with C, instead of a D? Seemed odd.
  6. Episode 7: I agree with Swanpride. It was time for Sissy to go. Priyanka is what I would call a lip sync assassin! I was worried when the camera seemed to focus more on Illona waving her arms and standing in one spot. Priyanka just saunters along the stage and demands that you pay attention to her. The runway gown was *chef's kiss*. I like Lemon, but I thought that the judges should have thrown Scarlet Bobo a win. Her dress was gorgeous even with that ruffle on the side. Now she's going to psych herself out of the competition. Rita's wig was crunchy as hell. That gorgeous gown deserved better hair. Jimbo was harsh as fuck in his read, but that wig was the only thing Rita could be clocked on. Jimbo should have gone sex kitten on the runway. Instead he covered up the silhouette that would have netted him the win. Somebody needs to let Jeffrey know that the eye makeup wasn't hitting it that week. Do a cat's eye or have a little green in the corners if you must do that. You still Bae though!
  7. I'm glad we were told how the Handler acquired a daughter. I wonder why Lila's parents were killed? Wouldn't the assignment have called for the child to die as well? Diego either needs to wash his hair or cut it. It's totally killing his hotness! Poor Klaus. How did he expect that confrontation to go well? Dave had to do what his uncle commanded. The Hargreeves siblings just can't help stomping on all the butterflies, can't they? I think it's funny that their mere presence causes apocolyptic shit to always happen.
  8. Episode 6: Maybe my taste level is questionable, because I didn't think Lemon was the funniest during the mini challenge. It's also sad that the other queens dogpile on her because they are jealous. Hopefully they all get along better now that they are out of the pressure cooker that is Drag Race Competition. Illona and Bobo cracked me up during the making of their commercial. I hope they agreed to do the spitting and fisticuffs beforehand; usually spitting on me merits a meticulous ass whipping! A book to the face, though... I did love Lemon's comeback to Bobo thinking she was vindictive in her choosing of the teams. "You didn't think your Sissy was talented?" I rewound that scene just for Bobo's reaction and cackled every time. I'll have to watch it again, but the judges didn't award a best commercial? Maybe they just judged to Queens individually in them. The judging is a bit harsh! They are savage. I still love Jeffrey, though. He is Bae! Denim on Denim on Denim and not one Queen did a gown? Ele-GANZA, ladies! I did like Bobo's runway outfit. I would have given the lip sync to BOA; I understand it was her time to go. I figured that once she told the story of her assault. The producers are getting a little too heavy handed with the shenaniganery and foolery. Please don't bring the rigga morris to Canada's Drag Race! Tom Green was not a good guest host. I can't believe that he called his mother in the middle of a gig. That was the funniest thing he did this episode. Please drop the guest host or choose one for the whole season. You can always add guest JUDGES.
  9. Episode 5: These girls should have kept the library closed. That Snatch Game was as awful as I thought it would be. Jimbo deserved that win. My girl Pri fell flat as Ms. Cleo, and Kiara didn't even know that Mariah Carey has 2 children. She clearly isn't a Lamb. The lip sync? Kiara lost that one instantly for me. She really didn't need to pussy pop to this particular Celine song, plus she kicked her shoes off. Thou shalt keep thy shoes on when thou art lip syncing! Priyanka embodied the song and was so sexy on the main stage.
  10. Shea incorporated rose petals in 1 runway look this entire season. She was directed by Ross Matthews to incorporate talking about them in her standup. I can see Shea milking them if she came into the werkroom in a rose outfit and trailed petals everywhere she went, talking constantly about rose petals. She explained why rose petals are triggering to her (fans and haters throwing them at her at every event) and a RDR sister threw them at her in a challenge. I don't feel like Shea was playing this up to parlay into a "pity' win.
  11. The rose petals only became the focus simply because other people weaponized them against Shea. I'm sure she would love to not talk about them anymore. I wouldn't want the storyline producers to pick at the family loss trauma, so yeah let's talk about the rose petals people keep tossing at me.
  12. This season ended the way I expected and Shea rightfully won the crown. The thing about Cracker is that she is an entertainer, not a competitor. All the lip syncs she did was painful looking and she was never vibing with the tempo of the songs. She was either a beat behind or doing too much! Plus she wanted to pull a stunt that deflated when presented on the main stage. Was the cone titties supposed to shoot glitter out of them? Total Fail. Her final LSFYL outfit also paled in comparison to Shea and Juju. All of the lip sync song choices outside of episode 1 were poor. Usually I would buy the Ru song that is played at the finale, but "Clap Back" wasn't it. I didn't like that song at all. I did buy the song that Shea did her pole dance to; I love Shea's music! On to the Vegas Revue!
  13. I couldn't have been the only one yelling for Ilona to suck it up and send Tynomi home. For goodness sake, they are not taking your sister out back to shoot her in the head. Only one of you are going to win this gig. It was time for Tynomi to go anyway. This format simply isn't for her. Did the queens expect to never get any criticism? Also have they watched Drag Race before? I'm curious. I understand that these queens are artists and real sensitive about their craft but these runway breakdowns are worrisome. Do they get a week between tapings? Usually Drag Race doesn't give the participants a chance to breathe, which is why they are so emotional. The Pit Crew? Yes. Give me Number 4, please. For next season, either pick one special guest host for the entire season, or drop it entirely.
  14. And speaking of the rose petals, I am rewatching episode 1 and Mariah threw rose petals at Shea during the reading challenge! So yeah, folks are not letting Shea "get over it".
  15. Agreed. I'm not with the "Get over It!" talk when others are clearly not willing to let Shea get past it. Trauma is real and I would probably hate rose petals if folk tossed them at me everywhere I went. Drag Race is grueling and a pressure cooker to all the queens who participated in it. They should have a show therapist to help the queens transition back to regular life once the show is over. I did like that Shea is at least willing to talk about that point in her life and how it changed her. There can be a form of therapy in acknowledging your feelings about a situation. #TeamShea #TeamJuJu
  16. I was rolling my eyes the whole lip sync. My prevailing thought was, "What a waste of Kennedy's talents. The right queen better be sent home tonight." The only highlight of the episode was Blair getting the chop she deserved. I would have called Cracker all kinds of names if she let Blair into the top 3. #TeamShea or #TeamJuJu They better not give this to Cracker.
  17. I stan Priyanka. She is so much fun! I wonder if someone hadn't already let the cat out of the bag with his father. Hopefully he will be accepting. I did cackle when he said he told his father he was dating a girl named Priyanka. Heh. I'm also liking BOA. I wonder if she is as nasty as Bobo said she was in episode 1? Shows like this one has a tendency to amplify good or bad traits in a person. Is BOA that good of an actor or is she the Issa to Bobo's Molly? (Insecure on HBO. Get into it!) Bobo clearly didn't like the way that BOA was getting love and praise from the judges. Bobo was all, "I picked you up out of the gutter and gave you work. How dare you be better at Drag Race than me!" With a friend like that girl... Tynomi should have gone home when she didn't take that colored hair off to show the better hair outfit underneath. I'm betting that they didn't want to boot her on front of Deborah Cox. She is a better dancer than lip syncer. I'll miss Muva Anaquway. This format really wasn't for her either. But she will slay another day! Muva ain't leaving no messages either! I live.
  18. I am also tired of Bobby Flay. Surely FN can find someone else to feature in these shows.
  19. The judges remarked on how slowly one of the queens (Priyanka?) walked the runway. It's a good bet that most of these new queens who only been doing drag for 2 years or less are still learning to walk in heels.
  20. Agreed! Outside of Kyne, I wanted to be in with these queens. They are a joy! Speaking of Kyne, she might have saved herself if she wore gowns. BOA better have a dress on next week; leotards and corsets are not a complete outfit. Lemon is very pretty this week. Turns out she is a far better actor than dancer. Heh. Scarlett Bobo and Jimbo are my favorite runway lewks this week.
  21. Episode 8: I really enjoyed this season! The judges have gelled into a decent working unit despite Law's foolishness. I also didn't like the megahouse twist. Mother Eyricka was just not working with House Gucci. I would have given the "Tales of Atlantis" battle to Balscada because their team had members from both houses. As for Balscada, London should have walked and Jamari should have vogued. London is handsome, but his vogue always looks slow and painful. "Octo Pus Pus Party" - The judges really didn't like either team's performance. Might want to not use this category next season. "Merfolk Physique" - Did anyone expect Cali to beat Father Jarrell? Heh. "To Sea or Not To Sea" - Shyanne was gorgeous! I see why the judges went with Balscada. "Rich Fish Bitch" - This was cute and I have to agree with the win for Balscada. Jamari and London had that thing and sold themselves as a rich couple. I wonder why these competitors didn't get that the judges don't like masks. I didn't mind Tamar being a judge. Episode 9: Loved the dance with Leiomy and Deshaun. So beautiful! Balmain turned out to be the main attraction after all. I think House Lanvin let those previous wins go to their heads a little. They assumed that the win was theirs before they got it. Jemari and House Balmain fought until the very last battle and their win was well deserved. I want a Season 2!
  22. I'm hoping that AS5 will not do that. Clearly it is still a touchy subject with Shea. That would not be fun to watch; since they didn't pull Mimi Imfurst out when India won her week, I can be assured that the producers won't pull that out for Shea to be hurt more. It's pretty rude that "fans" actually dropped rose petals in front of Shea at her meet and greets/Dragcon to stick it to her for losing to Sasha Velour.
  23. All the hate towards the Black Queens is generally on social media; theirs and Ru's. So this "Lip Sync Assassin" moniker is being used in a general context? I looooooves me some Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, but I would not call her a LSA. She is banjee as hell and would probably have done better on a rap/hip hop song. Or is this more producer fuckery to make these queens look so basic during the lip syncs so to not outshine the All-Star? India deserved the chop for that travesty of a Snatch Game character. Jeffrey Bowyer Chapman is bae.
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