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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I'm rooting for the Black Queens, as always. I did like Lemon, Priyanka, and BOA based on how Kyne talked so much shit about her while in the workroom. Kyne let that mini challenge win go to her head. I'm glad that the judges called her on her attitude duing the runway deliberations. Personally, I would have made Kyne lip sync for her life. But then it would have been a fall hazard. Miss "I am a Seamstress" couldn't have secured the balls to her pants better than that? She should have sewn them to her pants by the handles so they weren't falling all over the runway. Juice Boxx was the right decision to sashay away.
  2. Episode 7: I found this episode more enjoyable. The judges behaved better this week. Winnie Harlow looked like she had a blast in the guest judge chair. Queen Titans: Father Jamari Balmain is it. Love him! His reveal was the cleanest one and he didn't leave bits of his costume on the floor. I deduct points for sloppiness in the reveals. I wanted Jamari to eat Shorty up, and he did. Thanks! Elastic Fantastic: I also have a deep appreciation for Carlos Lanvin. He looked especially good dressed up as Dr. Strange. I wasn't even looking at the villian at the end. Super Fashionista: Who can beat Mother Eyricka Lanvin? Nobody. Mother Eyricka got bonus points for snatching Champ's umbrella as hers. How dare he try to cover up the brilliance of House Lanvin? Wonder Twin Power: I was up for Mikalya and Packrat Lanvin! Hopefully she didn't mess up her knee even more with that desperation flip in the Villian battle. I was so entertained with Lolita Leopard 007 and Honey Balenciaga! When Lolita yanked Mikalya up, it was over. Hopefully we will see another season of Legendary to see 007s and other Houses. I would have been surprised if any other House was superior than Lanvin this week. I do think Mother Eyricka should have chosen House Balmain to push House Gucci and Escada out. I get she wants to battle House Balmain, but no sense in letting them get any props until you get to battle for the title of Legendary House.
  3. I wonder if there is a rule that Chise couldn't be chosen for the battle because she was the Ninja who did the Fembot challenge?
  4. That lip sync was a travesty. Cracker was doing too much for a mid tempo Rihanna song. I guess they didn't want to give a queen $30,000 doll hairs next week. This season is not as much fun with the heavy producer manipulation. We know this is a reality show, but sometimes it is much better to let the drama unfold on its own.
  5. Agreed. I'm not a fan of judge drama. Law doesn't really add anything to this panel of judges. I have no idea who Taylor Bennett is. I'm Old. LOL! I knew it was time for House Ninja to go. I guess they couldn't use Chise to save them twice. Yes, that House performance took too long to execute. I thought that House Escada would have sent Twilight out. Shyanne was great, but a little too reserved. She couldn't possibly have been intimidated by Sharron Ninja. Chise Ninja, yes. I was spoiled by Dark Princess Mikayla Lanvin's battle last week. I'm rooting for House Lanvin to take it all.
  6. Oh Juju totally threw that lipsync. She may have caught wind of only 2 or 3 of the other queens voting for Shea and decided that she didn't want that heat. We will see if she voted for Shea to amp up the drama factor next week.
  7. Episode 5: Kelli Osbourne? Surely we have Black celebrities familiar enough with Ballroom culture to be guest judges. Team Jeter! Now I had wanted to give the Old Way category to Carlos Lanvin, but his red Mummy outfit was probably too flashy for the judges. House Ninja works really well as a group. It only falls apart once they work individually. Chise is the only reason they are still in the running. I'm a bit surprised because some of these Houses act as though they just met each other before the show started filming. House Ebony especially. Shorty was the only member anybody paid any attention to. Law fell in lust with Shorty and I found that hilarious. I'm fine with Gorgeous Gucci being the superior House this week. Jeter did it for them. The final battle between Mikayla and Shorty? Baby! That was fire! I knew Mikayla was going to eat Shorty up once she asked for her heels. From what I could see, Shorty was too busy kissing up to the judges whose vote he already had. Next season, we want to see the full battle; I'm sure there is a way to clip in the judge's reaction in a corner of the screen. I had to rewatch the battle a few times to catch all the power of Dark Princess Mikayla Lanvin. It was time for House Ebony to go. House Ninja needs to be chopped next.
  8. I only have a quibble with Nanceford. He came back into Issa's life a few months ago according to the show timeline. He and Issa have been hanging around each other and his ghosting episode just now came up? I would have asked what was up the moment I moved back into his orbit. Molly's whole life is about to blow up. She kinda deserves it though.
  9. Episode 4: Nico Tortorella was tolerable as a guest judge. What was that on their face? Twilight was talking a whole lot of shit for what amounted to a hat dress. He did sell it, so I will let him live. Team Packrat! I was blubbering right along with her and Megan, Thug tears! I'm not feeling it for Isla Ebony and it looks like her House is about to be broken. How is it that these established Houses can't walk in unison? Isn't that the first thing you work on as a House? As much as I am also not feeling Delores Ninja, at least the Ninja girls can work together and look good as a group.
  10. I just want to know what happened to the Black and Latinx members of House Ninja. I even followed Danielle Polanco, who went on to dance with Beyonce and Janet Jackson.
  11. Episode 3 Listen, the best thing about House Ninja is Chise. She is a BEAST! She is doing this show with a good mindset; she just wants to have fun! She really saved her House this ep. I shall miss Christian St. Laurent, with his foine self. Law is really trying my patience. Why is he so combative? Yes, Dominique Jackson is a guest, but you shouldn't be rude to guests! I thought Gucci was going to have to battle because of Delicious and her slick mouth. Was Leiomy also beefing with Dominique, or is she just channeling the spirit of Naomi Campbell just a bit too hard? Mama looked like she was not happy with this gig. I wonder if there is some behind the scenes tea that needs to be spilled? I'm still not feeling it for the House Mothers of Ebony and Ninja. I was going to talk cash shyt about Delores and her House going home if she didn't choose Chise for the final battle.
  12. Agreed. the only time we should be seeing the judges is during the Legendary Roll Call and when they are judging the performances. I want to see Megan twerk and Leiomy do her Lolly!
  13. I think Ru had work done on his face and was still healing. Jaida was the winner I wanted. Crystal's face in the first LSFTC was hella distracting. Gigi was blinking so much. Jaida was gorgeous as usual. I will give Gigi the second LSFTC; "Take on Me" was one of my favorite songs and it was hella imaginative to recreate the video. That was a production! But Gigi lost it for me when she decided to do Destiny's Child in that Dorothy/Wizard of Oz getup. Talk about not embodying the song! Ready for All-Stars!
  14. Okay, HBO Max can have my coins. I loved this show! Leiomy? Icon. Pretty much the reason to watch this show, IMHO. I'm familiar with Law, Megan, and Deshaun. Jameela is new to me. Of course, my default is to root for everybody black. It's a bit concerning to see the House of Ninja with no Black members. I'm not familiar with the House of Ebony, so I guess their mother is accepted... I also recognized Destiny West as the hero on Instagram in pink boots, SuperBitch! He give combos! I'm rooting for House Lanvin (Mother Eyricka is fierce!), House Balmain, and House St. Laurent.
  15. We will be shallow together! Gigi's jawline and the way she moves it kills whatever pretty she has in drag. #TeamJaida #WhipSmart
  16. I feel it shows to the preparation that has to be done to participate in RPDR. It's ridiculous in this late stage in the show to not be able to sew! The queens know what to prepare for, yet could be thrown a curve ball in the midst of the competition. I can imagine that Gigi came with trunks of premade outfits and accessories; could she fit all of that stuff in her hotel room? It also makes sense why she was wearing so many bodysuits. Michelle would usually clock girls who try to take the simple way out to avoid showcasing their lack of sewing skills.
  17. I wouldn't call Condola messy for just wanting to have a fling with Lawrence. Her business relationship with Issa slightly predates this thing with Lawrence. Plus she's newly divorced; did we know that before her friend told us? She is clearly not dating for a relationship. She is getting her groove back! Lawrence did the same thing to Tasha and nobody said that was messy when she realized she was just a rebound. Double standards are bothersome.
  18. Her full drag name is Heidi Nina Closet. It was probably producer driven, given that there have been a few Ninas who have competed on Drag Race.
  19. When we met Lawrence in Season 1, he was unemployed and sitting on Issa's bouch. Remember he didn't get anything for Issa's birthday? That was Year 5. Then he met Tasha with his unemployment checks, got a job at Best Buy, moved on to the tech firm. He's been dusty. I like the idea of Lawrence getting the Tasha treatment. Has he even asked Condola about the state of their relationship? He seems to be surprised that the feelings aren't as deep on her side. He couldn't figure out if he was the boyfriend or just dick? Is he seeing this as more serious than it actually is?
  20. We never got confirmation that Candace was either aware of their open marriage or cool with Dro being with Molly. We only got Dro's word for that; men lie. I wanted his wife to confirm or deny that arrangement.
  21. Molly's jab? I was wondering how fucking for free weed and toiletries is somehow worse than fucking your married friend without his wife's knowledge? At least Issa got something out of her fling. Are we going to see Dro this season? That situation wasn't resolved, was it?
  22. Nico might have won the lipsync if they didn't immediately break the illusion by stripping.
  23. Here goes Lawrence, ruining his new relationship already. Condola's friends seemed to like him; why let a drunken one's words get to him like that? Why ask a question about a man she divorced when you are still sniffing around your recent ex? I feel Issa and Ahmal having their own Thanksgiving. My children and I have been having solo Holiday dinners for a while. No eating suspect food and hanging around relatives who don't know you exist at any other time of the year. I'm glad Molly finally decided to let her dad fall off that pedestal she had him on. I wonder if that grace will extend to Andrew? I hope Tiffany goes into labor in the next episode. She's been pregnant 50 years. It sure was!
  24. I was right there with you. Jordan's wig was right, but his face was almost ashy looking. The dress would have looked better had he stood up straighter. I get the heels was a terror, but he tilted to the side as he walked in. According to Twitter, Mayhem Miller did Jermaine's makeup.
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