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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I paused the episode to say that I am about sick of Admiral Clancy cussing at JL. Surely she should have better manners than that!
  2. Tattoos aren't that big a deal to me (Vanjie covered her chest tattoo on occassion); to me, Dahlia's look could use some polish. I'm sure she will improve like her mama Aja did on her season.
  3. Skyy songs: Real Love, and my all time fav, Start of a Romance. That one is guaranteed to get me out of my chair and singing loudly.
  4. I didn't know that Christopher Williams was so hood. I really liked this episode. So CW is biracial? That could be why he's aging like cottage cheese. Does he have a relationship with his children? His 2 sons were mentioned, but not his daughter. Al B. Sure is his cousin! Small world. My fave CW song: Lift You Up (Turn Your Heart Around). Next week: Skyy! I'm glad I downloaded the TVOne app since my television died. I still play Skyy songs on my digital devices.
  5. I can't speak for anyone else, but that felt forced/unnatural to me. Or Frakes just isn't good at delivering it. I know that's the pet name they've used in tie-in fiction, but it doesn't sound right in person. Not to my ears anyway. Yeah, that was kinda clunky and harsh the way he said it while Troi was fussing at JL. It might have gone better had Riker just said "Imzadi..." with a weary sigh.
  6. I think Bruce Maddox is the key. Dahj was specifically told to seek out Picard by her "mother". Soji had a different purpose on the Romulan Cube. I hope that the Maddox who was killed by Agnes was actually a synth and we will soon see the real deal. Raffi and Rios knew Agnes was the key to their troubles at that moment. They just didn't know why or how. Those two are tight; no way would Rios tell Agnes that he suspected Raffi of being a mole. That was a concerted effort to soften Agnes up to learn the truth. Dammit, I hate that Hugh is gone. Seven is going to plotz when she finds out. Based on the trailer for next week's show,
  7. I felt the Dru Hill episode was ... incomplete. There seemed to be a lot of the story was left unsaid. Roxanne Shante`: Wow, she was so young when she started out. The worst part is that the manager chosen for her basically ripped her off her entire career! Next week: Christopher Williams! I was so in love with him back in the day. Girl, he looks rough now. I told my son to not do drugs ever. Addiction eats a person up.
  8. I want a Voyager character followup, too! Unfortunately, it will be without Robert Beltran. He has made no secret of how much he was not fond of his experiences on Voyager. That actress who played Bjayzl? They should have used her as Troi's daughter or sister. She looks so much how Marina Sirtis used to look. Taking into account how the TNG cast has aged, if they were to bring Q into this show they would have to use Q's son. Isn't Picard his godfather (I remember Janeway was the godmother of sorts)? Anyway, love Elnor, dislike Agnes, everybody else is cool.
  9. I was able to turn my brain off and enjoy this series on the slickest of surfaces. Trekkie Forever! The one thing I couldn't get past in the season finale was that these people waited until the very last minute to put Michael's red angel suit together! You had 2 hours. You should not have been running down the hall putting pieces together while the ship was being hit. And poor Stamets should have bled out by the time Tilly and Co. limped him to sickbay. Of course Hugh didn't go to the Enterprise... My only issue with this show was the writing was so bad. You should not be able to pick apart key parts of the plot so easily. The plot holes were big enough for a starship to go through. This should have been the Section 31 show. No more prequels!
  10. Especially considering Airiam clocked her that time in the lab. "So... You're a Barzan. You need that face thing to breathe. Huh." *Mental note to use in incapacitating her later on*
  11. These people are freaking out...over a game they played before.
  12. It was funny to watch Rob and Parvati wonder if they are being punked.
  13. Rob plays the social game really well. If these people let him run the island, it's a wrap!
  14. It took me 7 episodes to finally figure out that each episode runs on 3 different timelines. So Geralt was actually in the castle when Cintra fell to Nilfgaard? Imma need a flowchart to map this out so it makes sense to me. Hopefully this won't happen in the next season. I would have liked to see the process to becoming a Witcher. It might have been similar to how Yennefer was taken to Mage School. Other than that, I came into the Witcher with no experience playing the game or reading the books. I thoroughly enjoyed binging the season and look forward to season 2.
  15. I didn't even know that a Holiday version of TGFTR was on until I turned on Food Network on the hotel tv! Let me fire up my app on my phone...
  16. I just started binge watching Boruto on Hulu. I love watching the further adventures of the Hidden Leaf gang. I feel bad for Boruto as well. Naruto married Hinata and had 2 children before becoming Hokage. I guess he didn't think that becoming Hokage would impact on his relationship with his son so much. I have to wonder if he and Hinata actually sat down with Boruto and told him about how Naruto grew up? It seems so odd that he didn't try to temper Boruto's resentment of this job that he wanted ever since he was a child. Do the Uzamakis even talk to their son? I also was a bit surprised that Boruto didn't ask his mother about his eye that he thought was a Byakugan. I loved seeing Hiashi and Hanabi, but you have a Byakugan user right in your house. I guess thy don't, since Boruto didn't know Hinata was the record holder at the ramen shop. I guess that kind of runs through all the original gang and their children to a degree; Cho Cho had never seen her father at a slimmer physique at all since she was sick, to the point of thinking someone else was her father? Heh. Sarada is the one who comes by the daddy angst honestly, since Sasuke is her father. Why bother knocking Sakura up if you're not able to stick around to help raise your daughter? And why does she need glasses and look like Karin? (And why did Karin keep the umbilical cord? Yes, she helped Sakura give birth, but what an odd memento to keep.) I was amused at his answer to Sarada about whether he loved Sakura; "Obviously I did once since you exist." Heh. Back to not working by finishing the season...
  17. Imagine being undone by not paying attention to the clue on the wall...
  18. I don't have a fear of heights; I have a fear of falling from great heights. I couldn't have done the rappel easily!
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