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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Well, it was time for Widow to go. She just went full angry drag queen for the whole episode. That was not cash money! Again we have the guest judges outshining the drag queens. Can we keep Rachel and Jeff? They were awesome! Where was Michelle? Do they have Dahlia chained in the basement in that Broccoli costume? I feel she should be Miss Congeniality for all the extra work she is doing. Hopefully she is getting paid!
  2. I'm happy for Mystikka Masala! While the Lunch Ladies put out restaurant quality food, MM's food looked like something I would actually eat. Plus that head LL is just too pushy for my taste. I cackled when Tyler came to the trucks. He talked to Navin about his inspirations and family. He told the Lunch Ladies to move their truck.
  3. I expect Tiffany to go into labor in the next 2 episodes. When was she due to have this baby? It was October in this episode. Thanksgiving baby?
  4. Molly girl. I'm willing to put money on her starting something with Taurean just to mess up her relationship with Andrew. She is also lowkey jealous of Issa's friendship with Condola. I wish Lawrence would not be in the picture. He's either going to propose to Condola or take up with Issa again.
  5. So it's between Lunch Ladies and Mystikka Masala! This will be a fun finale for a change. I'll be happy with either truck coming out on top.
  6. Oh, I'm smelling a Shea Coulee` type run for Gigi. She keeps winning, I'm going to expect that someone else will win this season.
  7. Now this Madonna Rusical I could get behind. I enjoyed it just as much as the Michelle Visage runway. Thanks be to Heidi for getting rid of Open Mouth Brita! "Burning Up" is one of my favorite Madonna songs and I would have been salty if Ru kept OMB with that not so great lipsync! Are the producers trying to turn this into a Jan/Gigi fight to the crown? Honestly, I would be hot as fish grease, too! Jan should have won that challenge. I loved Jaida's Justify My Love part. I didn't love the breastplate showing in the Michelle look. That broke the illusion!
  8. Yes, I also am not for the bullying to go to a food truck. The point of a food truck is to go where the people are and attract them to your food. You will not roll up on me to patronize your business. Hawking your ware that way is not attractive.
  9. Glad to see the last of the Bros. Looks like this is between the Lunch Ladies and Mystikka Masala.
  10. I want Open Mouth Brita to go home next week. I thought she was going to unhinge her jaw a few times during Snatch Game! I was glad to see Aiden go home so Brita would have to either step her pussy up or find someone else to bully. Ru needs to put this El Debarge thing to rest. Crystal has no idea who he is! Do the queens get to research their Snatch Game characters during the season? I have never seen so many queens not prepared to impersonate someone well that they chose. This is Gigi's game to lose.
  11. I went to watch the show at 9:00 pm before the finale and they had Guy and Hunter talking about the previous show. I didn't mind Guy too much; I was amused watching their dog jump all over the couch. I wish Darnell hadn't forgot the flatbread! I'm not a fan of "Chef AF". The fact that the women knocked all the men out of the competition was good enough for me. I don't want them to mess with this show next year. Bring on new chefs and I will enjoy it immensely.
  12. I tell you one thing, this show makes me want to protect Aiden and dislike Brita. I'm sure that is not what the producers intended. I hate bullies and Brita is the Queen mother of Bullies. I love Heidi! Despite Ru's best efforts, she probably won't change her drag name. Nicky Doll was over it by the time of the LFYL. SP is a horrible individual, but that hoe is talented.
  13. Riker and Picard knows she is Tal Shiar; I'm sure Starfleet also knows that now. Another Commodore bites the dust!
  14. I wanted Crystal's to go farther. That said, I will check them out once this pandemic is over since I live in Philly. That first day killed them saleswise. I want all of the Bachelor Bros to go. I also want to know why slimy Stefanos had to run home.
  15. General Oh No is half Vulcan/half Romulan. Presenting as Vulcan was enough for Starfleet to accept her. You would think by now if Starfleet didn't want Romulans in its ranks that they would vet better.
  16. I'm easy and I'm happy with the finale. Hopefully Narissa is dead. She was too damn lucky escaping from the xBs yet stuck on the cube. Guess there is another Zhat Vash washout in the family! General Oh No will still be around doing Tal Shiar shit since she won't be able to go back to Earth. I cried when Picard died, knowing full well that he would be resurrected. Those scenes hit all the feels it should have, with us seeing Rios, Elnor, and Raffi grieve openly. I so felt Rios when he lamented letting another stubborn Starfleet captain into his heart. They said everything about his body was new, yet what they should be for a 90 something year old man in this timeline. No more metal heart, no more Borg remnants. And where did Narek go? I thought for sure Elnor was going to behead him in a gruesome fashion once he spotted Narek slinking around the cube. He wasn't seen by any xBs or the drones? Sloppy. I did like that Soong took out Sutra. She was the one who killed Saga. He was so disappointed in her! Can't wait until Season 2.
  17. I am tired of Brita and her arrogant ass. The constantly ganging up on Aiden doesn't do her any favors either. I don't like mean nasty queens. Aiden lost sight of the "eleganza" part of the challenge. That referee outfit needed a skirt! It should have been a gown. I wish Rock hadn't fallen apart in the lipsync; I wanted Brita gone!
  18. I'm rooting for Crystal's Comfort Food and Team Fat Kid. Their food looked so good! I wanted Tyler to bounce Bachelor's Kitchen so bad. They are gross. Their food didn't look too appetizing either. They shouldn't last too much longer; to get lowest sales yet win the champagne challenge, they must have sold nothing but those champagne tacos. Not too surprised about Eat My Crust leaving either. Healthy food on toast? Not a great concept! I wonder what their price points were.
  19. That was wild. I find Sutra much more interesting than Soji. So she let Narek go. To what end? How are they going to eliminate the Zhat Vash Romulans coming to their planet? The best way to fold Brent Spiner into this mythos. This is the son of Data's creator, who lived in the shadow of his synthetic "brother" all of his life. This is going to be fun! Dammit, is it next Thursday yet?
  20. I believe Narek is tracking Soji. I don't think he expected her to die in the slow red death cloud. He appears to be in love with her.
  21. Shannon. "Let The Music Play" is her song. I loved the Skyy episode! It was a very pleasant surprise to not have a music group explode or implode due to drama. The Male musicians didn't have a problem with the ladies being upfront. The Dunning sisters didn't feel any type of way about Denise being the lead vocalist. Skyy was able to stay together across 3 decades! The Dunning sisters are still singing now. That was awesome.
  22. Ross was the best thing about the Worlds Worst. Britta talks way too much trash to not win anything.
  23. How would those of us not in the UK watch this series? My youngest son is home from school for a while (Thanks Corona!) and he loves travel shows.
  24. Especially considering that Mulgrew and Beltran had explosive chemistry with each other. I noticed that in the season two episode "Resolutions". I also thought it was a wasted opportunity. That romance with Seven always baffled me.
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