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Everything posted by auntlada

  1. Thanks for the link. I just discovered this topic and followed your links. I did a 7-minute standing ab workout. I probably didn't do it right, and it was only 7 minutes, but it was something. I walk on breaks at work or I try to anyway. Most days, I take one 10-minute walk in the morning and skip the afternoon walk because I just don't want to get up and walk. And right now, it's just too hot to walk outside, even at 10 a.m. I have some DVDs, but I get really bored doing the same thing every day so for a while I was doing YouTube videos and free stuff from Amazon Instant Video, but I got busy and tired and slacked off. I have to walk during the work day or do stuff at home after 8 p.m. (the boy's bedtime). I absolutely will not get up extra early to exercise, and I don't want to take time away from my almost 3-year-old son in the evening to go to a gym. This is why I think even nine weeks for a couch to 5K program is not enough time, unless the person doing it has been a runner at some point in the past. I ran competitively in high school and college (until a knee injury sidelined me), and I just don't think that's really long enough for someone who really hasn't ever exercised at all to get to the point of running an entire 5K. I realize that's not really that far (I was a distance runner), but I've seen lots of people do a program like that and end up with knee, ankle and foot injuries. I just think it's better to build up to the 5K race over at least three or four months. If you've been a distance runner before, it might be different because your muscles remember running (I think, anyway), even if it's been years. Diet soda always makes me want to eat a candy bar to cover up the chemical after-taste, so it seems pointless to drink the diet soda in the first place.
  2. I always loved the puppetmaster episode and the one in which Lowell has a blimp model with Capt. Jazzbo.
  3. That sounds great. Glad you all had a good time and everything worked out good for your dad.
  4. One of my favorites is when they go on the wilderness trek, and everybody does great except Julia and Mary Jo, who call Anthony to come get them. When the guide comes to their tent in the morning (set up where it's not supposed to be, I think), Anthony wraps up his head in a cloth and pretends to be a woman. The guide asks him who let him on the bus, and he says, "Some white girl." My husband and I still say that to each other when one of us asks who did something. We just don't say it to anyone else because I don't think anyone else will get the reference (and we're white, so it might be weird, too). I'm always disappointed when I realize no one else will get it.
  5. I'm reading a lot of dance terms and don't really know what they mean. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a thread about the technicalities of dance? I'd start one, but I don't know enough about dance to make a clever title.
  6. I don't remember who most of the top 20 are (at least by name) so I watched some of the audition videos on YouTube. Casey Askew (whose audition episode I apparently missed so I don't know where he auditioned) looks like Val Kilmer when he was considerably younger. The extra tall hair contributed to that.
  7. I was waiting for Nigel to tell all the male dancers not to imitate Dimitry and to keep their shirts buttoned up. My TiVo for some reason recorded it as two episodes and skipped the whole contemporary round. I got some people running out happy because they made it and then a dance for your life, but I missed all the contemporary dancing. Was that where someone had an attitude problem? They kept teasing it in the commercials, but I never saw it. What happened?
  8. So when we see on TV that someone (usually male) decided to drop out in the choreography round because they didn't want to mess up his (usually) partner, that probably wasn't really that person's decision?
  9. They were the odd team that was better the second time around for me. Usually I think teams (or general contestants on other shows) are worse when they come back. They always seem to accentuate their character traits that bugged the first time. Leo and Jamal toned down most of theirs, however. Actually, now that I think of it, TAR is one of the few shows where lots of second-timers (and third) seem to learn something from their first race and try to be not just better racers, but better people.
  10. I didn't mind their flirtation strategy. It's not my favorite because I like to see women who can and will do things for themselves, but if that's what you've got, then that's what you've got. I did mind their apparent belief that they were successfully doing things for themselves.
  11. But at least you had family members look it over and take photos. You weren't relying solely on photos someone took to sell the house. Those photos are always going to show it in the best light possible. I don't understand how they didn't look at the square footage of the house, though, and figure out how small it was. They could also have asked for a floor plan with measurements so they could see the size of the rooms. If they have family there, couldn't family have looked over the house? And is there nowhere in Toronto to rent while they look for a house? It might be expensive, but it seems to me it's cheaper than buying a house you're going to end up hating enough to sell it and buy a different one.
  12. We're watching one with a couple named Sachi and Cam who bought a house sight unseen on the other side of the country and then discovered it was too small for them. (Seriously, who does that? Couldn't they rent for a while in the new town before buying? And did they not ask what the square footage -- or whatever measurement system they use -- was in the house?) Anyway, we missed the opening. Does anyone know what city they are in? That's what I always want to know: Where are they? Because the cost of the houses always boggles me. The houses these guys are looking at are $950,000 and above for 2,800 square feet, about 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. I don't think I could spend that much on a house here unless we built it and added craploads of stuff no one needs. I don't think you could find a house that cost that much.
  13. Unless that judge is Fabrice. I'd like to see him again, even if it's just sitting at the judges' table. Admittedly, I'd rather see him come back and dance. I don't know about from the audience, but I think there's a double standard from Nigel when a male dancer does something that might be considered sexy, although it has usually been ballroom dancers (and, oddly, often Russian ones). When they dance with unbuttoned shirts, he always says something about how nobody needs to see that and the dancers should button their shirts. I usually disagree with him. I think they don't go to the sexy dancing first, though, which I often feel is what some of the female contemporary dancers do. Not saying this one did, just that many seem to.
  14. I'd be up for both dogs and ponies. There are also always sheep, which are OK, but I'd rather see dogs and ponies.
  15. Thanks. I wasn't sure how to phrase that properly. I've never been to Scotland, but have always wanted to go for genealogical purposes as my ancestors came from the Caithness area. I'm excited about a leg in the Shetland Islands.
  16. I like knowing where the race is going, but not who is eliminated when so I thought I'd start this thread to talk about where the race is going (and possibly tasks), but not have specific information about which teams are still in the race. So according to the spoilers I've read, it started in Times Square in New York City, and then racers went to Flushing Meadows Park to the Unisphere, where season 1 ended, to get their clues sending them to St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Then they apparently went to London for leg 2 or at least London on the way to somewhere else.
  17. I was just relieved that they didn't show anybody like that guy Sex (I think that was what he called himself) who kept coming back year after year, being horrible and complaining all the way out about how they just didn't get him. I suppose I should wait until the audition episodes are over, though, until I feel too relieved.
  18. I've wondered that, too. I don't see how it can be unless they skip a ton of stuff, which they probably will have to anyway, but it seems like it would make viewers have to make leaps of logic that they may or may not be able to do. From the unspoilered speculation thread (but my answer contains book spoilers): They could always show the ghost or whatever it was Frank saw outside the house where he and Claire were staying. The one watching Claire brush her hair.
  19. That's what I thought, too, and I wondered first about her mom's boyfriend (or boyfriends). Didn't she say one was pretty abusive? I wondered if she meant to her mom or to her and her siblings. I am glad they did not ask her to elaborate, though. She was a good dancer, and I don't want her to become "that dancer that was molested."
  20. Interesting. CBS (or the producers or someone official) is inviting fans to be at the starting line for the next season. It's on the CBS site, so I'm assuming it's real -- unless someone hacked the site, although that seems like a weird thing to do if you're going to hack a network's website. If you don't want to know the starting line, though, don't click.
  21. The thread is still good even if you don't watch. Trust me.
  22. Oh, good. Now I don't need to watch next week.
  23. That's a problem, too, BogoGog24, particularly since the cameras still seem to miss big stuff (probably because they're too busy showing Jennifer Lopez). Seems like the camera operators and the director (? whoever is in the control booth telling which cameras go live at which point) ought to be good enough to deal with a little spontaneity. But even if they can't, I shouldn't be able to tell the difference. I guess the good news for me is that at least Caleb didn't try to sound too much like Robert Plant. I'd still rather listen to INXS or Led Zeppelin do those songs, though. I wish at least on the final three show, each contestant got to do an original song. (Jena does have some, right?) Speaking of Jena, I have no idea what she sang. I couldn't understand any of the songs. I think one was about someone showing her down, though, and then maybe she gets up? I'm not sure. Most of the time, I couldn't even make the sounds into any words, whether or not they made sense. Was she singing in English?
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