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Everything posted by auntlada

  1. Thank you. That's another thing that bothers me about Caleb. The stomping around and falling down and the mike stand stuff doesn't feel natural. It doesn't feel like he feels that emotion there. He's just rehearsed those moves in those spots. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, throw the mike stand. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, fall to the ground. And so on. And maybe that's how all performers do, but when I watch concert video of Queen, I can't tell that Freddie Mercury rehearsed those moves in exactly that way. It doesn't look like he's crossing the stage because it's his cue to do so but because that's what he feels at the moment. Caleb seems to me like he's following cues, not feeling the performance. Maybe he needs acting lessons.
  2. Ah. I figured it was something like that, but I barely remember that season, which I think is one of the last ones I watched until now. I usually call that sort of thing the Vincent treatment, after the second season when Clay Aiken picked Vincent out of a bowl that was theorized to contain only slips of paper saying, "Vincent."
  3. The Happy Feet song? I'm unfamiliar with the reference (although I haven't watched Idol regularly in a long time until this season so if it's a more recent Idol reference that's why).
  4. I just realized I don't hear any of those people on the country station I listen to because it's more classic country. I do get a lot of Reba, though. Maybe Jessica could get a guest spot on Nashville.
  5. I don't know about Alex's sound because I don't listen to current pop music (although I like the stuff I've heard him do on this show, so if he sounded like that in a career, I might listen to him). But I think Jessica's sound is pretty current for country music. Of course, country music has traditionally been more open to new artists. I don't know if it's still that way, but it used to be an easier field to break into than rock or pop.
  6. This is why I come here to read the results before watching. And then, more often than not, I don't watch because I just don't think I can stand to see the crap.
  7. I think that might be their target audience. It's probably easier to impress them and win a big audience of that age than older people. (I imagine. I don't really know. I just know I'm too old and cheap to buy any of these people's stuff -- probably.) I thought Every Breath You Take was a moment. But maybe I don't understand what she means by "a moment." I wish Harry would talk to them more about dynamics. I kind of think he mentioned it at least once, but not often and not to the people who need it most. If everything is loud, how do you know what the most important thing is? I think Jennifer Lopez had already spilled the Pepto all over her dress. Oh, thank you. I could not figure out what the lettuce was supposed to be.
  8. How can she not know the camera is on her? It's always on her.
  9. He seems like he's trying to sound like the original singer. When he sang his second song, my husband (who doesn't watch the show but is a huge CCR fan) walked through the room and said, "Yeah, he's trying to sound like John Fogerty." And he wasn't absolutely horrible at that, but who wants to hear a John Fogerty imitation? (Admittedly, if John Fogerty auditioned for Idol -- assuming he was the right age, etc. -- I don't think he'd make it past the first audition. Idol would not have taken a voice like his, I think, but the judges fall all over themselves to praise someone who is imitating him.) I also figured out part of what bothers me about Caleb. He tries to act all rocker and 80s hair band, but he's just too soft-looking. He doesn't look hard rock to me so much as just slovenly. And it's not that he's a bit overweight because there are rockers who are, but they're not soft. He just looks like he's never done any hard work at all. Maybe he has, and he's just taken really good care of his skin or something, but he just doesn't have an edge. It's like he's putting on an edge, but it doesn't fit so good. I thought Jessica did well on all her songs, certainly better than Jena. Either my hearing is busted, or the studio has opposite sound. I'd swear that in her second song, Jena sang something about lettuce. I couldn't understand the words, so I finally just fast-forwarded it. I fast-forwarded lots of the judges and Randy. Did they mention Caleb's comments of the week? I also didn't understand how Keith and Jennifer could be singing along so happily with Jessica and then act like they hated her song during the judging. I don't sing along with performances I think are bad even if I ordinarily love the song.
  10. The last time Jet and Cord were on, I was unable to watch an episode, and they were eliminated. I wasn't able to watch this one, and they were eliminated. I'm beginning to feel jinxed. Sadly, most people in their home state were probably unable to watch. There's a huge fire, and all the networks have pre-empted regular programming for live coverage.
  11. Maybe they should bring in Crash Davis to give the contestants lessons on how to give interviews.
  12. I can't remember offhand about the hair. I do know it was cut at some point prior to the beginning of Outlander because he had a head wound and the monks (I think) had to shave his head. I'm not clear about how long before that was, though, and it's been a long time since I read the first book. And, of course, I don't know if that's part of the backstory for the TV show, either.
  13. I'm going to have to find some way to see this (legally). I think it's Jamie's accent that does it.
  14. From the episode thread: Maybe she could bring back a more classic country. I'd appreciate it. The "rode hard and put away wet" makes me think she ought to try some Tanya Tucker songs on the show.
  15. When I try to read this phonetically, I hear it in my head in Dr. Nick's voice (from "The Simpsons).
  16. But when they do ask, they hand the information off to someone else and don't even bother to read it for themselves. Apparently.
  17. I wouldn't have a problem with the imitations of Rachel if they'd been earlier in the race maybe. I mean the country singers' imitation was pretty good (although Dave and Conner's wasn't quite so spot-on). I would have thought it was funny if it had been by itself and not accompanied by the how-dare-they-u-turn-us and all the self-righteousness and not-like-usness. In fact, I'm a little mad that all the other stuff accompanied the imitations because I wanted to laugh so badly, but I was too annoyed.
  18. If she was immature? Does she know what that word means? No. 3 makes me think of Colin vs. the Ox and him claiming that he was telling the ox he hated it and people didn't understand because they saw an edited version -- except that CBS put the entire unedited segment on its website.
  19. That's what I figured, although I was hoping they could just tell the guy what year the car was. I didn't know any of them, but my husband picked out almost all of them. I believe he got one off by one year. Those things do make a quality person. It's just a question of what kind of quality.
  20. Dave and Rachel won cars in TAR 20 and won the race. Nick and Starr won electric cars in TAR 13 and won the race.
  21. I have friends and family on working farms, no less, who do. So some do and some don't, and I don't think you can tell if they do or don't by one of them's dryly said joke during an Amazing Race task. (At least I took it as a joke, as I think most things these two guys say are.)
  22. I'd bet that whatever Jet and Cord do regarding chores inside the house, their wives also do chores outside, even if it's just driving a truck during harvest. There are plenty of chores on a farm to go around. I'm guessing too that Jet and Cord have done their share of cleaning, especially since they finished first (or second?). They did not seem to be strangers to a vacuum cleaner.
  23. My husband was laughing about the hotel-cleaning task in Switzerland because of an Asterix comic he had when he was a kid. They go to Switzerland, and the Swiss are constantly cleaning everything.
  24. That's the only saving grace I can find for Leo and Jamal right now. And I was looking hard because I thought Jet and Cord missing the train was going to eliminate them (even though I was pretty sure it was a non-elim leg) and I was going to have to root for Brendan and Rachel. And that was just going to piss me off. I noticed that Dave and Connor didn't stop to tell their good-people alliance how to do the Mustang task. Question: Did they have to show their work to the cluegiver at the Mustang task? Or could they have told the guy the year of the car if they knew it?
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