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Everything posted by auntlada

  1. I'd buy the dystopian or apocalyptic world more if the challenge had been to design for 200 years from now, not 20. I'm still tired of it, but it would make more sense. 20 years from now, things will have changed, but it seems unlikely they will have changed that much. Probably, the fashions will be a retread of the 70s or 80s, with something new added. Or grunge with something new added because the one judge was right, it keeps coming back, starting with before it was called grunge. I remember when grunge got big in the 90s and everyone was talking about it. I thought, "I was wearing that 10 years ago." (I'm in the middle of the country, so even if it started in Seattle in the 80s, we didn't get it until the 90s.) Flannel shirts and T-shirts and boots were just what you wore for work or comfort. They weren't fashion. I might have believed a flannel shirt-type thing for 20 years from now.
  2. Even in the second book, you only get a few scenes in flashback from those years. I think you get more of Jamie in those years, although I'm not positive. It's been a long time since I read the second book. I'm not sure where my copy is, and it might be falling apart too much to read anyway. I vaguely recall thinking I needed to get a new one.
  3. I think in one of Claire's thinking parts in the book, she came to this conclusion as well, but she didn't ask him about it. I was hoping they'd work it into the show, but I guess there really wasn't a good way to do it, and maybe it wasn't really important.
  4. Was Mitchell's outfit two-piece or one-piece? It looks like it's all one piece. I don't like it much either way because it just looks like exercise clothes, but if it's one-piece I dislike it more because the stripes don't line up quite right. If it's two-piece, it's better.
  5. Color never exists in the future, unless you're on Star Trek (and it's not Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and whoever designed the outfits for that show should be out).
  6. I hope someone tells Nina that she cannot carry off that white dress with the green jacket and she should not try. I liked the hooded thing, but it looked like an 80s version of the future in a movie with Grace Jones.
  7. I finished episode three last night (on my first time to ever see this season), and maybe it's because I've read so much about the season, but Gretchen is just obnoxious. Besides telling everyone else what they should do and talking all about how she's winning everything (even though it's only the second episode) and how happy everyone is for her, when Tim tells her congratulations on her second win, all she said was, "Yes." Did it even occur to her to say, "Thank you"? She is one of the more oblivious people I've seen on TV, and I've watched a lot of reality TV.
  8. It's been a long time since I read the book, but I have read it a lot, and that's not a name I remember.
  9. One of my favorite parts is at the beginning, when Geordie (I think that was his name?) finds Claire and Jamie in the printshop and says, "And it not even noon!"
  10. My husband occasionally has what he calls "no-pants weekends," which doesn't mean he wanders around in his underwear (or less) all weekend. He just wears a kilt everywhere. But he's a piper and has several kilts, including one I made (and I am not a seamstress).
  11. I vaguely recall Diana Gabaldon saying once that she might write something separate about Master Raymond, but as far as I know she never did. I have always been disappointed about that.
  12. Apparently, I need to read this one again. I don't remember any of that.
  13. Does she meet anyone who is listed on that family tree? I mean she might, but I don't think anyone was mentioned in the book.
  14. I think she and Hernan had some real communication issues, not just culturally, but in actually understanding each other's words. I think neither really understood what the other was saying, but no one stopped to say, "Wait, slow down, I can't understand you."
  15. I didn't understand why they couldn't have all decided, "OK, our theme is angels and villains. We'll do two villains and one angel." Why can't you have good guys and bad guys, like, you know, the movies?
  16. Maybe it was part of a "coming up this season" promo?
  17. Just once, I'd like someone to start the answer with, "My girl is a woman."
  18. I just watched the first episode of season eight on Lifetime's Roku channel. I've never seen the season before, but knew some of the people were definitely making it through the final audition thing because I've heard of them and some of them were on an all-stars season (quite a few of them actually). Anyway, I couldn't believe Gretchen won the first challenge with a boring dress that barely used anything from the garment they were supposed to be incorporating. I know most people think she shouldn't have won the season, but does she at least get better?
  19. I liked the skirt, too. I would never wear the shirt because I don't wear things that show my midriff and because as nice as the flowiness looked, it's just not practical. Flowy sleeves just get in the way. They always make me think you have to get undressed to go to the bathroom.
  20. I loved Kini's dress and would buy it, but that probably means it's not high fashion. Which judge was it who talked about the "pleasure me pockets" that were not in the right spot for that activity? I want to say either Kors or Zach, but I'm not sure. Perhaps he (or she, but I thought it was a he) and Tim studied anatomy in the same school.
  21. I liked the high waist on the shorts, but they were just too short. They looked like a little girl's romper with the suspenders cut off. If they'd been just a bit longer, they might have been OK. He said he was going to make them longer, but they never looked any longer. I guess he decided they were OK the way they were. After he said his family was from Congo, I wanted to see more from him. I never want to see anything else from Mitchell.
  22. I don't need to lose a lot of weight, but I do need to tone my abdominal muscles. They're better than they were six months ago. I started Weight Watchers in January and have lost about 15 pounds. I'm probably OK where I am, but I'd like to lose at least five more so I can have a little buffer zone to work with. I'm 5'3", and at 156 pounds, I felt yucky. Also, the completely untoned ab muscles since the C-section almost three years ago. (Yes, I waited 2.5 years to finally get around to starting a weight-loss and exercise program.) I know my stomach will never be completely flat again (not that it has been since college), but I'd like it not to jiggle so much. What I'd really like is to be able to eat the way I did when I was 20 without gaining weight -- and I don't even require weighing 115, which I did then. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen because I'm not 20 (46 now) and I don't run 8-10 miles five days a week and spend a lot of time walking to class and up and down the stairs of classroom buildings and dorms. So I walk.
  23. My problem is that I really hate walking. Running, I don't mind, but it's too hot to run and there's not time in the workday to run and then get cleaned up after. We have a treadmill at home and sometimes I do that, but running on a treadmill is not the same as running on the road. It's a lot more boring even with the TV, which I can't hear because I never got around to getting wireless headphones. I've thought about doing lap swimming at the pool a day or two a week during lunch, but haven't decided if I want to or not, even though I've only got a month and a half left to do it. Basically, too, I'm lazy.
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