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The Cake is a Pie

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Everything posted by The Cake is a Pie

  1. I wish the show had the guts to have Emma go dark. We already know she is willing to get her hands dirty in ways that Snow isn't, and that she has a lot of pent up anger. She blew open the side of the sheriff station wothout really trying and that was still white magic. It would be incredibly intriguing for Emma to decide to fight fire with fire, go dark to destroy/defeat the Queens and Rumple, but then for Hook and the Charmings to have to pull her back from the brink and essentially save the town and her from herself.
  2. Seeing "Hook" driving what looks like Charming's truck gave me all sorts of feels.
  3. Recasting Ursula and Robin were fine, because the first didn't even physically appear on the show and the other was only on a single ep way back when. Jefferson would be too hard to recast because he was in multiple episodes and had actual interaction and chemistry with the rest of the cast. I would like to have him back, but I don't think he will be. It's likely they're looking for the hat. I guess Regina still has its tattered remains.
  4. Glad Sonjia won. I liked both her looks. Helen's separates outfit looked very Kate-esque. The black capey dress looked exactly like something she had made before during her season. I forget which challenge it was, but it was one of the only things she's made that I remember liking. Dmitri has once again descended into ice dancing territory. I liked Fabio's separates, but the dress was a dropcloth with a ribbon. Hideous. I knew he wouldn't be going home over Jay, though. Even if his clothes have been forgettable, at least Fabio stands out more on screen than Jay does. They always off boring personalities before terrible work. I can't even remember Michelle's enough to comment on it. MEH.
  5. Maleficent is even called an evil fairy in the original Disney cartoon. If she's not the black fairy, then the writers are missing an opportunity. And if she is, would that make Blue, Tinkerbell (green), and Nova (pink/red) the equivalent of Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather?
  6. #3 looks like one of Regina's heart boxes. The hook illustration looks like the little hook Colin drew for Christina Perri.
  7. ....is he reading a botantical reference guide.... in bed....? /whatamIdoinglookingatthebook
  8. They can't even use that excuse, since Regina ripped up the page(s) with her and Robin after he left town. We're probably not lucky enough for the show to come back and she acts like they never met. Alas, Continuity Fairy is probably in the hat with the rest of the fairies.
  9. I hope Juliette decides to keep the hexenface for now, until she and Adalind can have a final (and I do mean FINAL) showdown. Adalind will try to use her to get to Nick, but then Juliette will woge and be all like, how do you like me now, bitch?! Cue epic hexenbattle. After that, she can go ew, ew, get it out!
  10. The storybook page Maleficent is holding seems to be of a door or doorway. Any guesses? The door in the Sorcerer....er...Author's house perhaps?
  11. Why does Maleficent look like a mob boss? And a little like Old Man from Pawn Stars. Cruella continues to look awesome, even from behind. Looks like Rumple is holding a piece of paper (edge towards camera). If he has the dagger back so quickly, I will throw things at the screen. I hope that doesn't happen. I have good aim and an expensive TV.
  12. The scene where the curator guy got sucked into the painting while Katrina runs up too late all breathless (because of course she is) almost made me laugh out loud. Ichabod told you to guard the painting, witch. Where were you? You had ONE JOB!
  13. Hey, remember that time Monroe slammed a dude against a ceiling and "accidentally" ripped his arm off? I miss that Monroe.
  14. I couldn't understand half of what was happening this ep because I couldn't hear anything because every...scene...was...whispered. Jenny and the corpse was the best part of this episode because it was the only scene with dialogue above a whisper. I don't hate Katrina nearly as much as most, but even I have to agree that she is a chemistry vacuum. She is a chemistry black hole. I don't think she registered an emotion on her face all episode. The haunted painting was deliciously creepy. Too bad no one reacted to it. Can one of Ichabod's weird, nerdy collection of off-screen friends manage to survive for once?
  15. You know, I think I could stomach the whole Woegina biggest victim who ever victimed thing if I could be sure that the writers acknowledge that Regina is delusional and unable to accept responsibility for her own actions. What has me most fearful and apprehensive with where they are going with the whole Author plot is I'm not so sure the writers don't actually believe it themselves. If they ever legitimize Regina's oh, I'm a victim of fate! belief instead of giving her a smacking of truth, that might be the breaking point where I'll be done with this show.
  16. What a waste of Weird Al. I could have done with more monk jazz hands and less Ricky Gervais. King Dickie + Gareth + chef continues to be the reason I'm still watching.
  17. On the subject of hair, I noticed Belle's hair has gotten increasingly darker since season 1. Like Snow, they should go back to Belle's S1 hair. It was several shades lighter and doesn't age her nearly as much as the super dark brown does. It looked a lot more natural, too.
  18. Sonjia's and Jay's were the only ones I remotely liked. The others....bllllaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  19. Crucial to the show's mythology? Or to the show's PLOT? I'm not sure there's a difference with this show.
  20. That picture looks like it could have been taken in Hook's room at Grannie's (or Zelena's farmhouse). The hideous wallpaper! (I know, what am I doing looking at the wallpaper)
  21. I can definitely seen Regina being tempted back to the dark side, especially if the trio dangle the "villains getting happy endings" carrot in front of her. Of course though, she will have a last minute change of heart and defeat them singlehandedly, proving that she is the most heroic of all the heroes, and probably do something like save Emma's life and the whole town, thereby also proving she can out-savior even The Savior. ::headdesk::
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