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The Cake is a Pie

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Everything posted by The Cake is a Pie

  1. Maybe Ruby is back (one can hope, right?). Hey, maybe the mansion can be Emma's new digs. GIRL NEEDS HER OWN PLACE.
  2. I'm hoping they can bring on Tiana and Dr. Facilier (sp?) at some point. Not only would that increase diversity, but they also need more male villains on the show. Fairytales are heavily skewed towards female villains.
  3. Maybe the Storybrookers will get invites to Anna and Kristoff's postponed wedding.
  4. I'm glad they finally have Snow back in a cute coat and a bright color. Those pastel sweaters she's been wearing were just so bland.
  5. Maybe Rumple goes into hiding or hightails it out of town for whatever reason and Belle is managing his properties for him. I don't really care as long as Emma gets her own place already. But that sort of brings up a question... if (when?) Rumple eventually is defeated and dies for good, presumably Belle will inherit all his stuff, but if something happens to her or if she doesn't want it, does that mean everything goes to... Henry?
  6. I would think Hook and his crew have left a sizable body count in their wake. However, most of those bodies were probably other pirates and villains. The Jolly Roger seems like a pretty valuable ship. I doubt Blackbeard is the only other pirate captain that has tried to take it by force. I'm on board with people who think it was Ariel who saved Blackbeard. She dove in after him, and he knew where Eric was and we know she found him. Adding... I hope Hook gets the Jolly Roger back. He still has his hook, but he can't be a Captain without a ship. I'm actually surprised he has a room at Granny's. You'd think he would have found another boat to live on. He does take Henry sailing... does Storybrooke have a boat rental company? Who even owns all those boats out by the docks? Just "borrow" one already. Maybe it's the Evil Eyeliner of Evil. Heeeeeee! (I forget what show that's from. ETA: I just remembered, Lauren from Alias.)
  7. Maybe someone can cast a reverse curse to mirror (HA) the first one and baby Neal has to be sent back to the Enchanted Forest to give him his Best Chance? Oooh, and Robin and Marian are the ones who have to take him and raise him. BAM, two problems solved in one. Since we know DQ's spell gets broken, we'll need some other spell to curse the town at the end of the season. Because there is nothing the writers like better than plot resetting curses.
  8. TLK might be able to break the curse, but they could only try it AFTER falling under the curse. Good luck trying to get anyone to make out while trying to kill each other. It would be hilarious if they tried, though. Especially if each kiss only uncursed the two parties kissing. Then you'd have people running all over trying to make love connections while simultaneously fighting.
  9. Reviving this thread to wish...if they ever bring down the ice wall, can that please be the END to the whole Storybrooke vs. the rest of the world conceit? They've done nearly four seasons of mostly confining the characters inside the town. I would LOVE to see a storyline with the town being accessible to the outisde world and fairytale characters dealing with normal people tourists and newcomers. If they need some link to the Enchanted Forest, I'm not opposed to someone finding some permanent way to travel back and forth between realms (bring back Tiny and the magic bean fields!), but I would like to see Storybrooke integrated into "the real world."
  10. How did Hans know they were frozen for 30 years? Did Blackbeard tell them? Is there an Arendelle newspaper delivery service?
  11. Yeah, I'm being a bit facetious with the blindfolds suggestion, since we know nothing physical will stop it, because magic. Still, it would make a little sense to have someone suggest something simple like that, even if it were just dismissed right away. I thought Hook was being uncharacteristically UNemotional in his goodbye scene with Emma, especially compared to her tears. Usually it's the other way around. Maybe that is what she felt was different.
  12. I still miss the giant pirate coat. It was just so...piratey. I like the lean look, so I'm not really complaining too much. Let's hope if there's any extra gym sessions going on, that's it's in preparations for upcoming shirtless scenes.
  13. When Hook and Rumple were standing in front of Granny's, with the hat in Hook's hand locked and loaded, did anyone else yell, "What are you waiting for, HAT HIM!!!"? So I'm a little confused on one thing (well, many things, but this right now)... the spell is supposed to make everyone see the worst in each other, not just full on go eviltwin by themselves, right? Assuming the "sight" part of the spell is significant, I don't know why no one thought to just blindfold everyone so no one could see anyone else. Or cast some sort of darkness spell.
  14. I saw another post, I think in another thread, that linked to pics of JMo from 11 years ago to show how young she should have looked, and was curious about how MRJ looked 11 years ago and looked it up. Turns out he's only two years older than JMo? He did look a bit younger, because his hair was brown. I wonder why they didn't bother at least dyeing out the grey in his hair, since they obviously tried to make JMo look younger with the glasses and ponytail. Neal in Manhattan looked exactly like Neal in Tallahassee, if maybe a little less greasy.
  15. Or, seeing how the spell apparently works by implanting tiny shards of mirror into the eyes, everyone could just, I dont know, close their eyes. Or at least wear goggles.
  16. I don't want them to kill Hook, not because I'm particularly invested in CS, though I do like them both and together, but because killing Emma's love interest has been DONE, again, and again. She said it herself: "Neal, Graham, even Walsh." I shouldn't really expect them not to go there, since they've shown that there is nothing they like more on this show than repetition (how many memory wipes and resets have there been?), but they really have to stop going to that well. If anyone who is part of a relationship has to die for an emotional impact, it should be Belle. Losing Belle would drive Rumple even farther off the deep end.
  17. I miss the giant pirate coat. Not only did he look more imposing in it, but I got a kick out of the endless capacity it seemed to have. He was pulling spyglasses, appendages, multiple bottles of rum, and a seemingly endless supply of leather pouches from that thing. It was reaching Jerry from Parker Lewis levels of awesome ridiculousness.
  18. Does Hook even qualify for villain status at this point? Everything nefarious he's done has been at some other villain's bidding. The only things he's done on his own are stab Rumple and (repeatedly) menace Belle. He's probably only at Henchman levels of evil so far. Shooting Belle was pretty evil, but even that was a move against Rumple. He hasn't had any self-serving evil plan like any other villain on the show. Also, if the fairytales make Peter Pan the hero of the story and Captain Hook the villain, but we see that in reality Pan is the real evil, what does that make Hook?
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