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Everything posted by Ziz

  1. Probably OT, but someone mentioned the Seewalds being Vision Forum. DIdn't know what that was so I looked it up. Apparently their leader resigned (shutting the whole thing down) when the news of his extramarital affair broke. CAN NO ONE KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS?? As a woman, the patriarchal tenets of these groups frustrate me to no end, but it's the hypocrisy of the men especially that really drives me up the wall: "God said all these things so women must stay at home and obey me. I'm just going to ignore the part where God said not to commit adultery."
  2. Ziz


    Oh god, as someone who is on the verge of an actual PhD I am so irritated by her BA "leading to a doctorate". I doubt she even knows what finance is. Also, anyone notice that she says she used her star power for 'advocacy' adn then the example is her promoting her book??
  3. I seem to be in the minority. I remember Josiah as a know-it-all who annoyed me because he seemed to have misogynist views already at 12. That said, people change, and I stopped watching a few years ago until I started again with the two girls courting (damn you TLC your plan worked). If he has got more personality now, then I think Marjorie seems like a good choice. She seems like she has a lot of confidence and spunk and might actually *gasp* want to hold his hand before engagement. I just hope it doesn't blow up in their faces. I still don't really understand the difference between dating and a courtship. If a courtship goes bad and they realize that although they 'purposed' to get married, this person wasn't right, haven't they still 'lost part of their heart?'
  4. It annoys me how Maci acts all righteous that she lives in a house she purchased whereas Ryan lives with his parents. Let's see her try to buy a house at 22 with no job and no college degree. Honestly in this day and age a guy Ryan's age still living at home to save money isn't unusual and we have no idea what his pay from MTV has been. Maybe we should be applauding him for not squandering it.
  5. I didn't understand what Maci's problem was in this episode. Ryan called to say he was taking Bentley to Nashville which seemed fine. Then next scene she's with her friends bitching about how Ryan doesn't do fun things with Bentley. Then she's bitching because he won't talk to her in person because he was busy that day.
  6. I can't stand Daphne. That is all.
  7. I don't even understand what was going on in Farrah's clip. She should be worshiping them for letting her back on the show with a pay cheque.
  8. I've been trying to pinpoint when Daphne became such a princess shrew. Then I realized I've never liked her. Even at the beginning she's always been ever so perfect and sheltered and amazing at everything. I think the whole Angelo thing was the nail in her coffin from my perspective. When she went insane after he died, even though she had basically been a raging bitch to him until the episode before his death and ignored Bay's paind espite the fact that Bay had actually wanted to get to know him and find out about his life.
  9. It's becoming a pet peeve of mine that allegedly fluent signers still speak over their signing. E.g. Daphne and the interpreter - surely there's no reason for either of them to talk while signing considering they're both fluent and used to signing without speaking with their deaf family or friends.
  10. I think what annoys me the most is how even when there is a group of hearing people who all ostensibly sign fluently, they still speak. Example was in this week's episode. When Daphne, Iris, and Iris's cousin (?) were talking and Daphne wanted him to interpret for her class, why were they speaking? Daphne is deaf, Iris is in the interpreter program so fluent, and the cousin is a CODA who is clearly fluent enough to be interpreting. Didn't make sense to me.
  11. I also posted that he actually has been on recently on the other profile with his full name. I guess he's deleted the post where that was linked.
  12. So sad to see Vaughn go, but I like the look of the new champ :)
  13. Anyone mentioned Amy's mom's Facebook yet? Nothing much interesting yet but you never know... Lorna Baxen
  14. Was this response to Mo's latest post even English? Dianne Mitchel: well it shame when you try to be friend to someone they are having hard times lot bs going on face they take you off facebook know name they will finger it out lot people were giving hard time try to be there as friend then that person take me off faceook
  15. Looks like Mo's 'brake' from facebook lasted all of 18 hours. Thank god. I don't know how i would have gotten through family Christmas without him.
  16. Has anyone noticed all the other couples (i.e. Brett, Daya, Jason, and Cassia) posting on each others' walls under fake names? Everyone just LOVES everyone else and is best friends forever.
  17. I think she meant the mother paid $100k for her (the mother's) house in Brazil. ETA: Sorry, internet connection problem and didn't see that several people posted that ahead of me!
  18. I've been thinking this for a while but FAith's comment in the teaser reminded me. She said its not fair for him to leave us to deal with it. In the episode where Mo goes to see the lawyer she says she's glad they decided to get married because she wouldn't have come home otherwise. I think Daniele takes those comments to mean FAith is attached and cares for Mo but does anyone else think she means 'its not fair to leave us alone to deal with our mom going crazy because you left'? And that he reason she wouldn't have come home is not because she was upset about the wedding not happening but because she would have wanted to avoid the aftermath, ie Dani's mental breakdown.
  19. I'm loving the middle aged ladies attacking Dani for answering a question on Mo's page. There was a question actually directed at Dani which she answered and then some other crazy swoops in attacking her for answering questions on MO's page. I actually agreed wtih Dani *gasp*. But then a hilarious conversation about whether wives have the right to interact wtih people on their husband's facebook wall ensued...*facepalm*
  20. I'm annoyed that they were so inaccurate re the Cambridge offer. Oxford and Cambridge make their offers in late December or early January at the latest. While I lose track of where we are in the Degrassi calendar, Miles was swimming outside...
  21. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but I was surprised to see Mo drinking beer. I could have sworn that in teh episode where Danielle's family goes to that restaurant everyone was shocked that he doesn't drink....
  22. Amazing! Though the one inaccuracy is that this guy is much more attractive than Danielle (even as a woman).
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