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Everything posted by Ziz

  1. My friend and I decided to play a Teen Mom 2 drinking game. We figured playing with wine was safer than spirits. We drank every time Jenelle said 'duuuuuude', said 'but I miss/want to see/want to get back Jace' or Jenexplained something. The bottle was gone after 30min.
  2. Jenelle's sister Ashleigh posted then removed this: http://starcasm.net/archives/356488 Her FB is fascinating.
  3. I haven't watched the second episode yet, so I don't want to read the whole thread so apologies if this has been said but... MACI WAS BLATANTLY PREGNANT IN THAT SHOT OF HER JUMPING ON THE BEACH.
  4. Finally able to watch the second part. Normally when I watch I have it on in the background while I'm cooking or whatever. They are just sitting like lumps so I don't miss anything. This time I actualy cast my gaze at the screen and: WHO DOES MACI THINK SHE'S FOOLING??? Girl was blatantly pregnant.
  5. Lol I actually learned both in my high school in the late 90s/early 00s.
  6. I am so effing sick of Farrah. I love watching her segments because they are so entertaining. BUT I hate watching her fake cry with Dr Drew enabling her delusional fantasies. Farrah is a piece of trash who has surrounded herself with people who think or at least pretend that she is amazing. I'm enraged that she has managed to live the kind of lifestyle she does given that she has accomplished nothing but pushing a baby out the front door and opening up the back door.
  7. Ziz


    Pause the video around the 1:45 mark and you will see the most awesome look of disdain at Debra followed by a "yeah, I'm not holding that" to Farrah. Amazing.
  8. I'm going to come clean and admit that despite having a PhD in philosophy from an excellent school, Farrah is my favourite Teen Mom. I just can't get enough of her crazy. Catelynn and Tyler are boring. Maci is boring. Amber is mainly boring. But Farrah is insane and extremely entertaining. *hangs head in shame*
  9. I think someone posted up thread that Taylor's instagram or something is TMoney so it was a way of saying she's making more of his babies, not money.
  10. I don't remember that! What happened with Cassidy?
  11. I think the problem for Cate is this show. When she gave Carly up for adoption she had no idea that there was going to be a Teen Mom show. She was imagining life as a normal 16 year old with a baby and no parental help at all (or even parental hindrance). So she did the right thing and knew it at the time. The problem is, since Teen Mom was picked up, they've been rolling in money so they easily could have raised Carly, regardless of their parents' situation. So now she regrets it because in hindsight, she can say 'yeah I could have done it' but at the time, she couldn't possibly have known that. If Teen Mom had never happened, she'd probably be a lot happier with her decision.
  12. Man I can't think of anything worse than injecting more fat into my butt. I'm not fat by any means (size 4-6) but I've always felt insecure about having a flabby bum. I might go for liposuction but throw that fat away! I don't want it back!
  13. OMG I'm 5 minutes in and hear Gary describing that he "got stuck taking care of Leah".
  14. To answer some questions up thread, Butch is not back in prison yet. He was released in August. One of his conditions is to not be around alcohol so I'm not sure how going to a strip club is not a violation...http://mdocweb.state.mi.us/OTIS2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=262573
  15. All I have been taking from the past couple of episodes is how normal and well-adjusted Janelle's kids are in comparison to the others. So far we have: Logan - has turned out to be a respectful man with a normal girlfriend who is in the right place in their relationship for his age Maddie - doesn't want to be polygamist but respects her parents and is dating what seems to be a nice guy who loves her Hunter - off at the naval academy doing something with his life Not to say that Christine or Meri's older kids aren't also normal, but it just struck me how Janelle's kids really could be like any other people out there in the world and not 'Brown-ed'.
  16. As someone who has struggled with ED before and has lots of friends who have too, that eating plan is classic distorted eating. Personally looking at her before pics, I don't see any reason to lose weight for 'health'. But that aside, the way she did it and seems to think is normal and is worth advocating to others is the part that bothers me. ANTM always likes to pretend like these girls just happen to be this skinny naturally (I'm sure some of them are) and show them eating/drinking etc, but it makes it seem to girls like it's achievable to look like a model by eating healthfully, which in most cases it isn't (as per Lacey).
  17. So I don't know if it's been mentioned in another thread, but Lacey's comment about losing a lot of weight got me googling. I remember Yoanna from season 2 (?) who was genuinely overweight and lost the weight to become a model. Anyway I found Lacey's website, and girl has an eating disorder. I'm surprised ANTM lets this content be on the internet. She posted a 'before' picture and I figured that was her now, but nope. Then she lost 40lbs in 6 months by eating 800 calories a day. Not a healthy way to lose weight. She has openly said she had only an apple for lunch, then justifies it because she ate a whole 400 calories for dinner. http://www.laceyclairerogersonline.com/409692859
  18. I really thought the Eric storyline was going to end with him conning Regina. I thought that he and the mother had ganged up to con Regina into thinking he needed the money to save his kid, etc. and then they were going to run away together. I figured I was right when he suddenly changed from staying in touch with Regina from Atlanta to her not being able to know where he was, etc. But I guess the police coming means that didn't happen. I think the problem from China is going to be the baby and that's how they're going to get out of having Toby and Lily move and also avoid having a baby in the show since babies ruin TV shows. Maybe they thought a miscarriage was too cliche.
  19. Souffles need to be served basically right out of the oven because they will start to fall - you saw how even Tamal's (which was the highest out of the oven) had fallen down to level with the dish. If everyone took theirs out of the oven at the same time, the last person to be judged would be at a big disadvantage since theirs would have had the most time to collapse before judging, whereas the first person's would be at its peak. Make sense? I am also annoyed at the judging of the showstopper this week. I love Nadiya, but I'm not sure I think she deserved to win. She made a rice krispie treat bird, with a modeling chocolate tail. As far as I remember, they didn't even taste the tail bits, only the rice krispie (I could be wrong on this). It seemed like a case of style over substance on that one.
  20. For the Nyle fans - he has had 2 guest roles in ABC Family's show Switched at Birth. I noticed him on last night's episode and wondered if his ANTM challenge had actually led to something. Then I realized that I recognized him from much earlier in the series pre-ANTM. He plays Garrett, a deaf friend of one of the main characters.
  21. Guys, why are we even talking about Toby and Lily's baby? Everyone knows what happens to TV unplanned pregnancies where the characters agonize over whether to keep the baby or not and then decide they do want the baby...
  22. What about Leela from Intervention Canada? Her transgressions: - hosted a party at which a person got stabbed in the room next to her kids AND couldn't even remember that her kids were there at the time - once her kids' father got sober and tried to reach out to them, she tried to stop him - bought crack for her son Andrew - smoked said crack with Andrew on an all-night bender
  23. I'll admit that cried at the end of Olivia's update. I'm not made of stone.
  24. I felt so sad for Doggett. I really thought that guard was going to turn out to be a good guy.
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