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Everything posted by Kemper

  1. Who or what is "mouth" ??? It would not be the first time I have missed something.
  2. I kind of like that they are spreading their wings on other networks. Even if it is just to discuss their book(s).
  3. Well, no self-awareness there. When is it not? At least this morning I got Pablo and Mike Lupica. After that I was out. And yes, Meeka was continually scribbling something on her pad of paper.
  4. If we can get a "mad,angry" emoji we should be able to get a 'puke" one. 🤗 I wish that MSNBC would step in and lay down an ultimatum on KYV; and any other outside projects that their anchors/show runners want to indulge in. What they choose to do on their own time is their business; but letting your employees (because that is exactly what Meeka is) use your airwaves to push a pet project to the extent that Meeka has, should not be tolerated. Especially with the perks she seems to get along with it. Geez, could she BE more entitled and unbearable. Give her the hook. And you know why they won't ever? Because of Joe; they are a package deal.
  5. I think Victoria could cut a b.tch if pressed. 😼She can look hungry/scary sometimes.
  6. Growing up in a family of achievers, probably never having the chance to have fun and break a few rules with friends maybe took a toll on her Value. 😁 Thanks to her marriage to Joe she has become full of herself and is taking any opportunity to be One of the Popular Kids. She's cool, dammit!
  7. Sorry --- but I don't know what a "tag" is. In the main topic, we were discussing how quirky (to put it mildly) some House Hunters are. So this was where I assume I request a new topic. What can I say -- I am 76 and behind the times. Is this it? There is now a topic?
  8. Absolutely. I think it was Tip O'Neil who famously said "all politics is local" .... Joe, of all people, should know this. That is what I maybe didn't explain well.
  9. Moderators...I don't mean this to be political; so please don't punish me. I just watched Joe bloviate about how much better off we are than we were four years ago. This is a subject that is discussed several times a week. At least. I am not an Old Country Lawyer; I am on old retired librarian. Joe - you, Donnie, Miss KYV, Elise, Jennifer P, etc. live insulated lives. People are in sticker shock at the grocery store, car dealerships, cost of housing. So no, economically, many many people say they are not better off. At least where I live. It doesn't take a political analyst to see why many polls are where they are.
  10. Claire. Put her on the back burner for awhile - she is exhausting (meaning I am tired of her) and needs to be part of the scenery. Like maybe 80% of the cast has been. Spice up a story involving someone not Nick, Victor, Nicki, Victoria, even Ashley. I have a lot on my plate right now and would so welcome sitting down with a cup of tea (or lunch) and enjoy a mindless soap with a great story or two. I realized that my posts have been negative recently so I may just need a break. Maybe the plots will improve.
  11. Too bad you're not writing this show. Then maybe Victor could walk out of the shower (a la Bobby Ewing) and we learn the last year (at least) has all been a dream.
  12. What is the saying? Money talks, wealth whispers. KYV is money, allegedly. No "wealth" people would be patting themselves on the back and dancing with one another in merriment. But what do I know...I have neither. Yet I still know my value. By the way - did some of those "candid" shots seem forced? Is Martha Stewart part of KYV? Like her or not, she earned everything. She worked hard for a long time to get where she is. Prison notwithstanding. 😁
  13. Does "Claire" ever become animated? Not laughing/having a good time animated; but moving her face animated. Showing facial expressions animated. I know her character is written sort-of that way; but if "writers" are thinking of a love interest for her? Let's put a pin in that for awhile. It seems like just about every day has become Groundhog Day. Same actors are are given an actual story. The rest of the cast, the entire cast, merely spins in their orbit. Everyday - same scenery/living quarters, etc. No male is permitted to be strong and manly except Victor and Nick. (not successful, by the way)...is it just me?
  14. I didn't know she was a best-selling author. Of course, any host/analyst/pundit on this network becomes a best-selling author. Not sure about Luke, though; it has been on the "new books" shelf at my library for weeks. Not checked out.
  15. I am probably in the minority here, but in some ways I miss the older movies with the predictable storylines. Yes, they were silly almost all the time; pumpkin farms, candy cane factories, etc. But... For the most part, the leads were engaging. Ryan P is not the best of actors but he was always a good romantic lead. A good many were maybe a bit Ken-doll like, but they sold the stories. I miss some of the actresses - but not CCB or the one with the big doe eyes -- Jennifer something? She wasn't a bad actress, though. I don't need movies that take on a more serious tone. Basically, I think the issue this year is that many of the newer cast members have no chemistry and/or don't play well off of one another. All this is just my opinion.
  16. Yes, those video clips were a bit over-the-top. Pretty soon she will be shilling: Mika Brzynski Scarborough Omnimedia. Watch out Martha!
  17. Is show no longer writing for: Adam, Kyle, Diane, Sharon and Tucker? Abby hardly gets anything to do, either. Yes, Tucker had - and could have - such potential. But we get stuck with Victor and Nick oozing testosterone. Same for Adam.
  18. God save us from Suzie Orman. Every time my PBS station has their fundraisers they suspend regular programming. For maybe two weeks they have hours of Suzie Orman, Do-Wap music, how to make our brains better, etc.... It is terrible. So - if Sooze was on does this mean KYV was brought up? Thanks, MSNBC. You have turned me into a CNN viewer most mornings. Although I still think that Joe can entertain and engage sometimes.
  19. I was watching the day that Alex Wagner described Luke; and yes, she was charmingly sarcastic. It is frustrating to turn on MJ and wonder if either, neither or both hosts are going to be there.
  20. Put it on pay-per-view and I am there. Who is 'say" as Audra's friend?
  21. This morning Meeka was chatting with Elise Jordan (who I can just maybe but not much tolerate) about Hunter Biden's deeds. At least compared to the Trump Offspring's deeds re benefitting from their father's being President. Meeka has either been practicing in front of a mirror or getting lessons from the KYV media "mogul's" shills. She was very very very dramatic. But I did like her top. Elise J was wearing her usual I-am-so-sleepy look. And boy, is Mika full of herself. So, back to CNN.
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