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Everything posted by Kemper

  1. I remember Meeka's war on sugar and Paris Hilton. Good times... There was an author on this morning (missed his name and have never seen him before) who has written a book on how we elect our representatives. The book is apparently about how some states are now going with open primaries and the impact of gerrymandering The minute the interview started, Katty K (who was doing the interview) told him "quickly, quickly" or some such. The whole thing lasted maybe three minutes or so. Poor man was rushing to get the point across....and he managed to do it! The book sounded really interesting. And a change from the usual.
  2. Why yes, we probably are. Because the current one has been so popular and well-written.
  3. ¥ou know, I hope Diane finds out - really, how could she not? - and rains fire down on both of those useless simps. Enough of Drunk Nicki and Useless Sad Sack Jack. Fire! Today Nicki kind of reminded me of (this will age me) Gloria Swanson's character of Norma Desmond. "Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up" as she delusionally swans around.
  4. I tuned in briefly this morning; it seemed Joe was off off off the rails. He was sarcastic and condescending about who he is. The "always Conservative" mentioned something about "never changed in 17 years" - I am assuming he meant since his start on MSNBC. It was terrible. Bragged about what his parents stood for, what he stands for, too bad so sad if the audience doesn't like it. I am in no mood for Joe and his thin skin. I have to wonder if there have been complaints to the network about his latest talking points and something was said. But then Meeka, of all people, took a bit of a takedown of Al Sharpton! He was comparing the student protests to Jan. 6 rioters re how things may fall politically. Meeka was not having that. She actually spoke up firmly and told him to basically not go there. Good on her for that. Joe needs a mandated time-out. And like Crash Course, I think I need a break from this.
  5. As with most issues, not everything is black and white. It is sad that Joe (and most of his regular sycophants) cannot articulate this; rather than screaming, shouting, and finger pointing. Having someone on who can calmly and rationally explain the different facets of these protests - who, exactly is showing up; who is leading them; what do the students (I do know they are not all students) really want. Ranting and raving on-air shows that you only want to hear your own voice.
  6. I lived on a college campus during the height of the Vietnam protests. It was a different time and cause; meaning comparing these two huge protest movements is not the best way to explain what is the issue now. An unpopular war that US soldiers (draftees) were called on to fight. It was personal; and touched most all families in this country. This time the issue is different, although just as terrible; passions are inflamed and things are volatile. And like Vietnam, not all involved in these protests are in it for the cause. That is the only similarity. Joe (and others on the show) should realize this; they do themselves and us no favors by ranting and bloviating. It is insulting to viewers to hear Joe and Company's efforts to boost their egos and social media profiles.
  7. As my grandmother would say: Jesus Weeps.
  8. Joe: I was at the RFK speech with my parents the night he was assassinated. We were also visiting Uncle Blowhard in Dallas when Kennedy was shot. Rev. Al: You want to go toe to toe with me when talking about our activist past? Joe: I am The Man From Nantucket….and I created the limerick. Rev. Al: Okay, you got me.
  9. I saw another commercial for one of those full-body deodorants, can't remember which one. The young lady was sitting (I think with legs crossed) and lauding the product; had on a pair of khaki shorts. Towards the end, when she described the places to use the deodorant, she smiled a bit and opened her legs! Not a lot, but still. And the shorts were not long. Did I imagine all of this?
  10. During his rant about protesters on elite campuses this morning, Joe managed to laud both Reagan and Mika’s father. Within seconds of each other. Well played. And then…… Joe brought on the soccer guy (sorry, can’t remember his name). Mika asked why he was on at that particular moment. And to make it brief. 😎 And then….they went to the story of Kristy Noem shooting her puppy and goat in the gravel pit. This story is horrible enough on its own; but Meeka did her “cry” voice and Joe was not having that. He kept interrupting her. Watching the interaction between them made me slow sip my tea and narrow my eyes. Hmmmmm. And then….Meeka worked in one of her besties - Adrienne Elrod - getting recognized for something. Can’t remember what. Because as soon as I heard Adrienne’s name I thought KYV so jumped up to warm my tea.
  11. As per the late, great, Little Richard.... A Whop Boppa Doobopp ... A Whop Bam Boom.
  12. I am tired of female celebrities being held up as inspiration to the masses (of women). Entertainers and a lifestyle expert; except for Billie Jean King. I am not knocking these women - they have excelled at their professions. But there are no women who seem to have more relatable careers and/or lifestyles. Do men have these kinds of very public celebrations of themselves? Using athletes, actors, politicians, etc. I guess maybe that is what bothers me. Having a "get off my lawn" day and enjoying it.
  13. I didn't like the first episode at all and didn't watch the next one. But surprisingly it has grown on me. I have no idea why.
  14. I remember him! "Odd" would be an understatement.
  15. Eddie Glaude was on again today, talking about his book. Since a good many regular guests have written books….have they all been on as frequently to discuss? Other than John Meacham?
  16. I cannot believe that Show is only writing for a handful of people. Victor, Nicki, Claire, Victoria; Ashley, and recently Summer and Kyle. Everyone else seems like day contract actors/actresses. They pop in and out. I am sick to death of Claire - how has she come on and basically taken over the show? Nicki is exhausting. As is Ashley. Yet here they are, seemingly everyday.
  17. I guess my tiredness of regular hosts and analysts coming on MJ to talk about their books is that they aren't just on MJ or, say, Nicole Wallace. They seem to appear on every single show on the network. Answering the same questions, etc. Nice work if you can get it, though. I sure would if I could.
  18. tres bien.... I thought it was just me who has no use for Eddie G. And thinks Lawrence O'D has become a pompous stealth blowhard. For all his ridiculous bluster and bloviating - I prefer Joe. He makes a show of being more himself. And he can speak about more than just politics. And can sometimes make me laugh. I get tired a bit tired of the regular MJ panelists shilling books.
  19. I don't have HBO anymore so can't watch Bill's show. I always loved him and looked forward to his appearances on different media outlets. Now I just see a lot of his opinions and statements on Mediate, here, and other platforms. And maybe a podcast? He seems to come across as one of those wannabe Coolest Kids in the Room. The thing is, he used to be. But now he just looks like a small-minded oldster who resents the world around him changing and needs to find a way to stay relevant. (I can say "oldster" because I am way older than he is)
  20. I doubt that Eve can be Harrison's nanny/step-mother, etc. The way Show has aged her backwards, she will be too busy on the cheer squad and going to prom.
  21. I think that Sally and Lauren are the most poorly styled women on this show. And that is saying something! Not just for galas and parties; but also for everyday living. Tacky, cheap-looking, ill-fitting (mostly skin tight) clothes especially; but hair and makeup look street-walker-ish. I think the Sally actress had the same hair and makeup on B&B?
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