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Everything posted by Kemper

  1. Well, if anyone has experienced The Struggle it would be Mika. She pulled herself up by her bootstraps, defied the odds and is now the leader/face of the Women’s Movement. Well played. Is it just me that she bothers this much? By the way, I do not think I am imagining the awkwardness with The Twins on the show lately.
  2. The commercial for Fabletics (?) with the tall Kardashian. Honestly, not to be catty (or as a friend says “oh, let’s be catty” ) the whole thing looks to be shot through a cloudy lens. Nothing about her face looks real….but that’s not my complaint. She is wiggling and slithering around (through the lens) so much that it looks like a commercial for Only Fans. If they do commercials.
  3. Is this another day without Joe? Or will he be popping up here and there when something interests him? To me, things seem a bit "off" with Show lately. You know what? If four hours is too much of a grind (and I do get that it probably is) - remember, you signed up for this. Your and your sidekick; and are getting paid handsomely for it.
  4. I am begging Show not to kill off Tucker; there are many more so deserving. Tucker is sort of a legacy character, considering he is Katherine's son; but sadly, it seems Devon is all that and the bag of chips. In some ways Ashley has ruined him. I will never understand the "popularity" in soaps of the split personality. No matter how good the actor (not Billy!) or actress (Erica Slezak). Yes, Artsda, this needs to be over. As does Auntie J.
  5. I tuned in while Joe was blathering on about something and Meeka interrupted him! Very obviously. He stopped talking and there was a really awkward silence for a minute (it may have been a bit less) and then one of them (can't remember who) started talking. That is the first time I have seen her do that other than the joking, slap-and-tickle days. But this time Joe was obviously irritated.
  6. Actually, I would love to see Billy accomplish Devon being dumped down the corporate ladder. Or dumped anywhere. That is how annoying Devon is to me.
  7. It amazes me when Joe has some blank spaces in his memory re his conduct Back When He Was In Congress. He is the poster boy of "un-self awareness" ... bless his heart.
  8. That picture of Nick and Sharon makes me think of the "American Gothic" painting by Grant Wood. It is kind of bleak and shows the farm couple standing in front of their home; he is holding a pitchfork and neither are smiling. That is Nick and Sharon here- but instead of smiling they both look like they are sayiing "duuuh" 😄😁
  9. Yeah, I think Show is planning a Nick/Lily romance. Isn't it bad enough that a Nick pairing ruined Sally? Must it ruin Lily, too? Ick. And whoever upthread compared Sally to Pennywise (joim?) is not all that far off. The heavy foundation plastered on, the harsh hair. Oy. Has anyone thought about a pairing of Lily with Chance? Or are they related in some way? I lose track. I am so frustrated with Jack being Nicki's crutch (and failing badly); I wish Diane and Kyle would team up and outst him from the company; or at least give him a timeout. I have no idea why the Writer seems to hate his character. I would also love to see the Wrath of Diane rain down on Nicki. On the "reels" part of Facebook there was a clip of Amelia H and Michelle S dancing to a song whose name escapes me. They both had pretty decent dance moves and were dressed casually. Amelia H was maybe wearing jeans/pants and a tshirt. MS had on low-slung pants with a short top and was flaunting whole lot of stomach/abdomen. Because....why wouldn't it she.
  10. I was looking forward to trying for a "Hygge" day; where you make your space calm and restful. Plans to rearrange furniture, art, put out fake-but-making-it flowers, candles and plants were on my agenda; my cat was onboard. And then I turned on MJ and there was Meeka peddling Caitlin Clarke Knowing Her Value. 😝 Ms. Clarke was not there. It was just a group of women - maybe from Forbes. I think one was peddling a book. I am sorry, but Meeka continuing to use the network to feed her shallow, misguided project is maybe a step too far for me. I think less of the network for appeasing Joe by giving The Wife (who has always had a proud disdain for sports) a pet project. Is there something wrong with me that I get infuriated with this? Sorry this post is so long; it is spur of the moment. Mr. Kemper used to tell me that "not everyone needs to know what you are thinking 24 hours a day" ...... but Mr. Kitty awaits and hates to be disappointed.
  11. This is one of those posts that deserves almost all of the emojis. Applause, Fire and Laugh just to start.
  12. I am very grumpy today ... lots going on. So I have a good excuse to be catty. Or bitchy. Meeka is a parody of an empowered woman. But sometimes I envy her the lifestyle she takes for granted and thinks she earned. The saucer of cream awaits. In the meantime I will try to stencil my concrete patio blocks. Just to see what my knee has to say.
  13. I tuned in just as Devon (I would call him Deathly Dull Devon but that would be an insult to deathly and dull people) was sleepily trash talking Tucker. I had to wonder what Tucker must think of his son. Sweet Jesus, what an entitled, pain-in-the-ass, self-righteous character he is. He sleepwalks through every scene, the tone of his voice never changes. What do Abby, Elena, Hilary, etc. see in him. The money? Which brings me to this conclusion.... Do any of the male characters on this soap have any testosterone at all? Any? Tucker used to; Ashland used to, Adam used to, Jack used to, many many many moons ago. Daniel looks good but there is no "there" there with Heather. Nick fakes it. Epic fail. Sorry, I am really crabby - stressful family stuff going on. It shouldn't be too much to ask for just one couple who is considered "hot" or intriguing. Or even interesting. Or fun. I am with the poster above who said that Show has ruined Tucker. We hardly knew ye. I just edited this to add: When it comes to testosterone, Phyllis and Audra have more than Show's leading men. 😁
  14. After how many years of socializing with him; after how many years have they reported on his Presidency. Outraged? Geez.
  15. The gloating and bragging this morning about the huge fundraiser last night and all the millions of dollars it raised seemed a bit unseemly. My grandmother would love that I just used that word! It seemed a bit over-the-top. Maybe because I had already heard about it many many many times before Show even started this morning. But I do realize the star power that the even drew was a really big deal.
  16. I hate to be catty, but Abby has the age advantage in this case. So I will lap from my bowl of cream.
  17. I'm torn - but am going to go with Abby. She managed to go toe-to-to with Phyllis for awhile when she owned her hotel. Or maybe it was a restaurant. And she has better hair than Lauren.
  18. Diane (but Claire could be a dark horse) Sally Audra Mariah Lily Nina Lauren Nikki
  19. Didn't she get some sort of veneers that she was proudly flashing? They were so bright they glowed blue? Is that it?
  20. When I tuned in, Willie and the guys were talking baseball, mainly Opening Day. I figured Joe was off because he would never miss a baseball discussion. When I clicked back, Joe was front and center with Meeka by his side. Doing her energetic scribbling. Now I seem to be fixated on how often and how much she engages in this pastime.
  21. I have no idea about Yamiche....after the above comments I realized I had not seen her in a long time but always liked her. So I focus on wondering what Meeka might be thinking when she is busily scribbling her notes during discussions. Grocery List? Questions that "must be asked" (remember that oldie but goodie?). Where KYV will be held next year? It is a little disrespectful toward the guest who is speaking. Lapping from my bowl of cream.
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