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Everything posted by TrueMyth

  1. Farscape shot there first 4-8 episodes in two episode blocks; it's apparently a common production technique in Australia... Then realized that it was INSANELY hard for a high effects show (most Aussie productions are procedurals). It will be interesting to see how the Arrow crew/cast reacts. I've been sad to see the decline in production over the season, so things that save money without hurting quality would be awesome.
  2. Einstein would be an idiot if he didn't make a play for Sara, but that goes for pretty much anyone who hasn't had the privilege of meeting Felicity Smoak. OMG! Can you imagine Felicity and Einstein in a scene together?!
  3. That is actually really interesting. I wish they had brought it up during the Felicity/Ray relationship! It could have been a nice extra bond between them.
  4. I loved Penny Dreadful until the last episode. It has great acting, atmosphere, and melodrama. Apparently the show runner knew season three was the last for at least a year, and TPTB thought it would be a kick to not announce the series finale until the last episode aired, though I don't know that I believe it with references to one character heading off to Imotep's tomb; I felt line they were totally setting up the Mummy for season four. Great series if you like moody horror; sadly disappointing finale.
  5. I wish Bamford would stop trying to break records and focus on telling a good story. Directing is not a sport. I was excited about impressive, shirtless Oliver, but back-to-back BamBam has dampened my enthusiasm considerably. Please don't tell me that BC statue is actually going up life size! First, I find it very ugly. Second... Mayor Oliver, your city is recovering from the fourth major terrorist attack in as many years. Maybe spending cash on a GOLD statue of your criminal ex-girlfriend is NOT the way to rejuvenate and improve the city?
  6. So you think Artemis will be a villain (or an antihero like the Huntress) instead of part of the team? I could live with that, but I'd like to know who the hell is teaching her archery in that case. Ooooh, maybe cray-cray Malcolm gets fed-up with Thea over the break and "adopts" this new girl.
  7. Also, it's a pretty sure thing that she won't be a love interest for Oliver. I'm trying to look on the bright side. I really am.
  8. Oh for fuck's sake, how easy is it to pick up archery on this show? If they wanted me to buy into this character, they should have had her do SOMETHING to help take down Damian. I mean, I did find her a bit sympathetic when her parents had basically been brainwashed into giving their lives to Genesis and leaving her all alone. And I thought she was a better Black Canary than KC (damning with faint praise, I know). How will she interact with the other characters outside of maskdom? I really want more daylight capers and such. She's supposed to be a little genius, right? I was a bit bummed when Thea didn't go to college, but she never seemed that interested in school or degree level work. However, this girl really should be doing something with her life instead of beating down criminals.
  9. Man, that sucked! I was really enjoying this season until these final episodes. So upset about Eva Green's screen time and the SINGLE Ethan/Vanessa scene all season that wasn't a vision. Gaaaaah!
  10. Macha is writing a Arrow/Zombie Apocalypse story for OFBB, and I am SO READY for it! For those of you looking for new Olicity fic, be sure to check out OlicityNFLU on Tumblr. Their goal is to drum up comments for forgotten fic. I know many of us tend to look for fic by recency or what has MORE comments or kudos, but there are some legitimately good stories out there with little to no comments. According to the site, apparently over 3,000 Olicity fics have less than 10 comments. :( So it's a challenge to read and comment to more fics and promote them if you find a good one. Alternatively, you can just follow the site or tag and read and comment to the ones that others have found.
  11. Personally, I loved what they did with Jaime on the show up until last season's scene between Cersei and Jamie over Joffery's dead body. What was just a really sick, kinky, and aggressive sex scene was shot like a rape, with Cersei protesting the whole way. The producers comments afterward were completely blind to how it came across. I haven't actually been watching this season due partially to my distaste with the rape(s) last season. I'll probably marathon them when they end.
  12. I adore that Emily confirms 1) everyone involved in production assumed Felicity was moving out of the loft and 2) that she was pissed a few episodes later when it's revealed that she was still living there and it was only logistics that made the writers go that way.
  13. I agree that it is odd. If she is going to continue to live in Vancouver (is she still dating the same guy there?), then why not the same place with DP? Maybe DP bought her own place and it is actually her that is moving out. This is almost as confusing as Oliver and Felicity's post breakup living sitch.
  14. As the script doesn't make it exactly clear who is moving out, I think the misunderstanding lies with the production staff. I suspect they thought it was Felicity, and populated the boxes accordingly. However, the writers knew that Oliver would move out to the lair. The script is vague and has clues that it could be either of them: Felicity is organizing boxes while Oliver leaves, but Oliver is the one who has called the movers. Although, if Oliver hired movers, I guess we have to assume he had them drop the carefully packed boxes in some storage unit, since dropping it off at his old campaign office would be odd.
  15. Well damn, the "rouge detective" is an egotistical monster. "Never see the light of a courtroom"? There is no evidence of any moral uncertainty there. Why the heck is that guy still on the streets? I pretty much hate that concept and hate that Katrina Law is working for that nut job and spouting the same line.
  16. I enjoyed that texting fic, too! Though I should say, I didn't actually finish reading it (it was much longer than I realized when I started this morning!) I know it was inspired by MachaWicket's epistolary experiment, "The Unbearable Hotness of Being" which was recced earlier and also revolved around Felicity finding herself in appearance-compromising, sometimes-clumsy-derived situations (as the real-life tumblr story was based on such situations). I know the over-clumsy, over-babbling Felicity is basically an Arrowfic trope at this point, but I think this situation is a case of modeling.
  17. We didn't see that much of GothFelicity and it was her PoV flashback. As awesome as AWOL was this season, I don't really count that as GothFelicity herself. It was more that cuttingly cruel side of Felicity that we sometimes see, wearing a skin that worked for Felicity's subconscious, you know? The stuff we saw in TSOoFS didn't provide many opportunities for babbling. She was in a pretty comfortable relationship with Cooper. I suppose she could have had some of it when he was in prison and she was worried about him, but I kind of remember that scene with a bit of frantic fast-talk. I do need to rewatch the episode.
  18. My husband's prediction/hope is that Mr. Lyle returns next season with the Mummy in tow. I liked the new character, but am racking my brain trying to figure out what story she might be related to or if she's a totally new character. I was really happy with this episode, though everything moved so fast. I was very surprised to see the end title screen! But I was crying out "no, no, no, no!" through Vanessa's whole scene with Dr. Sweet.
  19. I am still bitter that they completely forgot that Oliver needed to learn Chinese in the FBs. At this rate, I suspect his piloting will also be completely dropped.
  20. I don't see an Olicity wedding in 5x08, 100th episode or not. It was a nice idea when they would have been in a relationship for more than a year and weathered a season finale as a couple, but that didn't happen. I know Arrow is established and okay for ratings, but it would be great to pick up some from Supergirl. I'm sure there are people who enjoy Supergirl's female hero or sibling relationship, but didn't know there are analogs on Arrow. I know Kara is less like Felicity than we originally thought based on the pink button down pilot pictures, but I think showcasing Felicity and some of the chemistry between Oliver and Felicity on the other shows, possibly to setting up for an Olicity reunion in the Arrow portion or 4x09, all that, could really help bring some of the Supergirl audience over to Arrow.
  21. The ring smacks of a directorial or photography choice. It is a nice way to frame them. I'd be surprised if it was scripted. I don't 100% buy that the connection between it and the engagement ring was intended, but it is one of those audience reads that makes total sense in hindsight.
  22. We are supposed to view his torture of the general at the end of season 3 as a sign of how dark he has become. They did make the torture a through line from Waller teaching him to that prisoner he tortures on the island. The problem is, they can't be too graphic with torture for network and character reasons, and they dropped it after the island guy. Plus, maybe I'm socially maladapted myself, or our Quantanimo Bay has me exercising too much tolerance for it already, but I don't see torture as THAT evil.
  23. But we are talking about Black Siren, not Laurel, so she actually has much stronger ties to the Flash crew than Laurel did, since she went up against them. Of course, that weakens her actual ties to the Arrow and LoT crew, but the initial interaction could be powerful, particularly for Sara, to be confronted with a living version of her sister. It's a total PLEASE, NO for me, but it is possible. I think it's unlikely since Laurel rarely had much to do during the cross-overs. I don't think KC would be seen as a ratings draw. Instead I'd expect them to use something with the Justice League or whatever was name checked in the finale LoT. I'm assuming there will be a threat to the multiverse that LoT will be facing and will make a good unifying crisis for the big cross over.
  24. I like the idea of a panda themed nickname, but I do feel Goth Felicity would be a little fierce with her handle. Of course, I also think the Goth Felicity from this season was an exaggerated snark-master compared to what we saw in 3x05. I skimmed the Giant Panda wiki page and was slightly disturbed to find out that pandas have five fingers PLUS a thumb bone. The skeleton looks alien! Not that that helps me come up with an actual name. Hum. Aww, thanks! Yes, I am working on a fic for the Olicity Fic Big Bang.
  25. Pardon my crowd-sourcing for fanfic, but do you think Felicity had a hacker handle/nickname, and if so what was it? Do hackers really have nicknames? I know usernames were more of a thing before Facebook and other social messaging brought back "real names," but it seems that pseudonyms would be very useful for people doing technically illegal things. She obviously had a thing for Neil Gaiman's Death, so maybe "Endless"? Maybe a Doctor Who reference?
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