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Everything posted by TrueMyth

  1. I would accept BamBam in a flowergirl dress in a pinch.
  2. I knew that was out because Deathstroke wasn't dressed as a flowergirl.
  3. R'as al Ghul comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and asks what's for dinner. Yeah. Just threw up a bit in my mouth.
  4. Remember that Arrow started filming a week before Flash and that 5x01 and 5x02 were blocked, so they could have shot the Felicity scenes early. If anything, Felicity will be less in 5x03.
  5. Helps explain why Paul was so down at ComicCon. I really thought they'd have him be the Deputy Mayor... but I guess that went to Thea.
  6. I'm telling myself that TPTB must be pretty pleased with 5x01 and 5x02 to let Bam have the crossover. But they also sang the praises of his first outing, which I thought was quite mediocre. Groan.
  7. Ugh. Not only is a stupid poll, but I've only recently started using twitter on the semi-regular and realized how biased such poll set ups are. You really only see something if your friend retweets (or occasionally a reply will be suggested), so obviously the "retweet" option will get more eyeballs (probably of similar persuasion). Lame.
  8. Ha, sure, not that I post much on twitter. I think I've done more with OFBB and HVFF SJ in the last month than I've done since I created the account seven years ago. But in case others don't know, scu11y22 on Tumblr maintains an awesome Olicity Fic Authors Bridge that connects many AO3, FF.net, Tumblr, and Twitter handles for authors.
  9. Thank you for the kind words @wonderwall and @bijoux! I'll let you know if any of my wonderful beta readers need to drop out. :) Chapter Four has one of my favorite scenes, with Oliver training Felicity (something I've always wanted on the show). I am working on part two now, so there will be more from me in this 'verse. I love Macha's fic, too. I love that she's focusing on the interpersonal dynamics, as those are always the truly interesting parts of zombie fiction. I'm also enjoying dettroit's Let's Misbehave. I like the research she's done on the time period, and I'm interested to see where she takes the story.
  10. Husband had a great idea... We need a counter fan campaign of "I'm with him" and an arrow pointing to Oliver.
  11. Yes, that's the photo shoot. Sad if fan sites are going the way of the dodo, but that's for all the work you do to keep these things at your fingers.
  12. Hey, do any of you know a good Emily Bett Rickards fan site that has a nice image directory? I'd like to find the behind the scenes pink-hair photoshoot images, and I'm not sure where the best place would be to see them all.
  13. I'm glad you're enjoying (and subscribing!) to The Love Thieves, @Angel12d and @bijoux. I think the slight difference with OFBB is that the stories are complete (most of them have the number of chapters listed), so it's different from a whole bunch of interesting WiPs being posted around the same time. FYI, stories aren't restricted to being updated on the same day as the first post. Many stories updated today and callistawolf's Ready for the Fall is already on chapter 3. Dettroit has said she'll update Let's Misbehave on Mondays and Thursdays. Probably nicer for readers if the stories just dropped in full. But hey, the current mod did invite people who might want to help run future OFBBs to volunteer (I've thought about it, but I really don't have the time). I would start with a quick survey to gather reaction to this past BigBang, but I'd hold off on asking until the end of September or so, to let passions and frustrations die down.
  14. The posting schedule was not very clear in the FAQ. I had to ask for clarification. I do think there is a higher chance of all these fics being complete since there were over 50 writers at the beginning, but 20-something posting.
  15. OFBB authors were given the chance to request days or at least ask not to be assigned a specific day. I requested not to post on Monday because I attended San Jose HVFF. I was lucky enough to meet several fic writers there, many who participated in OFBB, so I doubt that I was the only one to beg off of Monday for that reason. Now I just hope that I can finish catching up on my weekend chores so that I can read some of the two stories that dropped today.
  16. They should all be finished that are posting. They haven't given a final count, but there should be lots of new Olicity fic next week. Runawayminds has posted to say she's ready to step away from OFBB for a while and that she would be open to someone taking the helm if they want more structure. If/when she runs it again it will be "for fun."
  17. I'm posting a fic for OFBB that I have been working on since April, and I first heard of this dust-up here (since I check these forums before Tumblr when I get home from work). Honestly, I feel a little slighted since I haven't even been told which day I should post or had a response back to my final check-in. So I'm surprised that stories are already posting. I expected to know what day I'm posting ahead of time. I would have loved to get an advance list of when fics are posting since some of the summaries sounded great, and I'm curious who is writing them. I think of those little bits of advance knowledge as the (little) reward for participating and sitting on my story for so long... so I kinda understand the disappointment of the anon. However, it's ultimately not my show/challenge, and I haven't even started reading FICON because I tend to stay away from WiPs because I lose track of the story thread and prefer to read in one sitting. The release on this story probably won't affect the reception of mine that much. Bottom line, let's save the drama for the storylines!
  18. To restore a vestige of my flagging enthusiasm for season five? If so, THANK YOU!
  19. You guys could try searching or asking The Olicity Library on Tumblr. I don't see it listed in the "married" tag.
  20. It's a fun crack theory, @sadfangirl, and probably one of the only ways that WM could be correct in her thinking that I would root for Felicity's new guy.
  21. If they really want to get crazypants with Flashpoint, can't her new boyfriend be some guy named... Sauliver who looks a lot like Oliver except with a goatee or something, and is, in fact, his previously unmentioned brother (a la Ray Palmer's brother)? Played by Stephen Amell to save budget and casting stress, of course. And then it all gets reversed when Barry fixes Flashpoint, but we still get some kind of cuddle scene between Stephen and Emily that the Olicity fandom can live on until they get around to fixing the ship again. Go Saulicity! *sigh* But it's probably one of the other guys.
  22. I wonder if part of the Arrow cast being so song-happy at Comic Con had to do with a back-door audition for the musical episode they heard was in the offing. I know Stephen has often said he wouldn't do a musical Arrow, but he said the same with the goatee and the sleeveless costume. I'm assuming they'll have Barrowman cross for the musical, and I'm interested in seeing the rational for Malcolm Merlyn bursting into song. If they can explain that, they could have explained Oliver, in my opinion.
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