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Everything posted by eskimo

  1. I am confused. Where is the joke, or anything offensive at all?? Although, with this particular group of adults added to the chat by this point, I can see how that harmless post would be 'unsafe' and everyone would have to retreat. 😉 Anyhow, I wish we could see the whole thing just to see what really happened. But we know Robyn idles at 85 on the 'hurt and offended' scale, so something this benign could certainly send her to 100.
  2. Let me get this straight...Janelle and Christine were dying to be a part of 'the family', when the family only consisted of Kody and Meri. I think the fact that they birthed 12 members of the family means that they actually did the lions share of creating this family. And they definitely were responsible for nurtuting the young family members. Robyn contributed nothing positive. So, Kodester, I think it's time you realized that Janelle, Christine, and their 12 offspring (and now sons and daughters in law + grandkids) ARE the family. YOU actually left them emotionally a long-ass time before they physically left you.
  3. Well I'm sure Robyn thinks a regular swing is too dangerous for 5 year old Ari, so Meri got a baby/toddler swing in hopes it'll attract them over??? J/K 😉
  4. Well, well, well...if we didn't get a glimpse of the way Robyn manipulates Kody. She's not as smooth as she thinks she is, but she really only needs to be just smooth enough to fool this one dim bulb. That whole scene at Meri's when they were discussing Meri inviting everyone for Christmas Eve and Robyn said something to the effect of, 'do you think you can be around the boys on Christmas Eve? I saw you really struggle before...'. She pandered to his ego by bringing up how hard this is for him, and her tone suggested that His Royal Highness doesn't need to be bothered by everyone else's toxicity. This isn't saying that Kody wouldn't have come to the same conclusion on his own, but it was 100% in line with a couple other times we saw her guide him in a certain direction in this way. But it IS extra easy for her because he is such a gross man. This was Robyn saying 'NO'. My heart grew a little when Janelle used air quotes around the word 'safe'. When Kody, while acting like a complete maniac, started pointing at the camera and yelling 'TELL THE WORLD.....', I so badly wanted to watch Janelle slowly turn to the camera and spill. the. tea. Just let 'er rip. Make him think twice about all these theatrics.
  5. This is what I've been checking in every day for. I knew he would spill it sooner or later.
  6. Ok, I'm no Meri fan but she made me laugh with 'didn't he sign up to like everybody's turkeys'. Immature, I know. 🤷‍♀️ I have an idea for a drinking game that is safer than what is normally suggested; take a drink every time Kody or Robyn consider anybody else's feelings or perspective. There, everyone is nice and sober and will feel good in the morning.
  7. Does anyone know when this will be available to stream on Discovery+? In the past it was available all day Sunday. Do we now have to wait until it airs on TLC, or even wait until the next day like Paramount does?
  8. This is what I was thinking, too. Being inland only protects from storm surge, but flash flooding from runoff can be pretty unpredictable. Irene devastated inland areas. I would hope tptb considered the LA River, even as tiny as it is, and sought advice from the experts on the possibility of flooding the area, but who knows. Don't they have metal roll-down doors outside the glass doors?
  9. So Mick is supposed to be hiding out, is extremely recognizable (she had a full-page picture published in at least one magazine, not to mention all the news coverage, for crying out loud), learns that at least one neighbor is hostile to 828ers, and decides to go for a run in broad daylight? These people are so dumb that Im starting to root for the death date.
  10. It would also be hard to have any deeply personal discussions while engaged because they don't get to be alone. She would have had to discuss it in front of someone else, and I think that puts the kibosh on any personal discussions until after marriage. Another control mechanism.
  11. Add me to the people who think it could have been them. Lol. Seems like a popular thought. I remember posting that no rebuttals be allowed, and that a 'proof of watch' video had to be included, with NO commentary whatsoever. I'm going to add now that eye-rolling and sighing count as commentary, so none of that either. I would allow uncomfortable repositioning in his or Robyn's chairs. 😂 I had the rest of my evening planned, and then you tell me I have to wait until June 2nd. 😔 On to the list for this docuseries.
  12. eskimo

    S44 Tracker

    I am old and confused, lol. What does Carolyn have? I thought she had a real idol, but my niece says she thinks it is something worthless. In my possibly faulty memory Carolyn got into the birdcage, kept the idol, then buried the fake medallion, or whatever, and marked it with the sticks. Did she mistakenly bury the real idol and keep the fake, or am I way off on both counts?
  13. Well it could also be argued that Christine didn't come to the conclusion that her faith wasn't for her anymore until after her husband failed to be the husband he was required to be, and the faith did nothing about it. I think it was much more than 'God wants me to be happy', although I know that's one of the things she said. The Brown's talked early on about how they are supposed to live this way because it helps them work through negative emotions such as jealousy, etc. But everything they mentioned applied only to the women. But the Bible requires things from men as well, and that seems to be seriously overlooked in many patriarchal religions, societies, etc. One example is the man is supposed to love his wife as Christ loves the Church. Maybe she is supposed to be subservient, but in exchange he is supposed to cherish her and take into account her physical and emotional needs. So I would imagine that a contributing factor to her abandoning her entire faith is the fact that the people in it weren't very true to it themselves, considering men are rarely held to account. So if they see it as Christine just running off all 'sparkly pony' then of course they can be pissed if they want, but they are partially to blame for turning someone off to that belief system by having such lopsided accountability. Christine is no saint, but Kody was a bad husband, until he was eventually no husband at all. She said herself that she knows she signed up to be a sister wife, but she was still supposed to be an equal wife. If that happend to me, and observers we so quick to put ME down over it, I would be extremely happy to dump those people also.
  14. I watched a couple of the LuLaRoe documentaries and in one of them a formerly high earning 'consultant' explained that once at a certain level they are expected to live as lavishly as they can, and show it off on SM. On top of fooling future consultants, it gets them to spend all they make so they don't become too financially independent. You can tell Meri is totally brainwashed by this organization.
  15. Robyn is the mother in the Pink Floyd song 'Mother'. An excerpt: Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing She won't let you fly but she might let you sing Mama's gonna keep baby cosy and warm Ooh baby Ooh baby Ooh baby, of course mama's gonna help build the wall .... Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you Mama won't let anyone dirty get through Mama's gonna wait up until you get in Mama will always find out where you've been Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean 😬
  16. I'd be watching but I cut the cord a few months ago and all I can find on streaming is old episodes. Way old. It's for the best I'm sure, but I really want to watch the Brianna/Ashley drama.
  17. Ahhh ha ha ha ha.....Or WHAT? Here, please legally gag yourself and your point of view, for no benefit to yourself. Wow! Where do I sign?
  18. Yes, you are right! Didn't think about that. Lol. Show was just about done-zo anyway, Christine got them an extra season.
  19. And also why is she saying that, when we rewatched a clip where Kody and Janelle were fighting, and Robyn tried to interject herself more than once. She's a nosey Mrs. Kravitz type who relishes stirring crap up.
  20. WTF was Robyn even talking about, how the family sold her on this dream, then snatched it away??? Kody and Meri did that, Christine and Janelle were NOT into another wife at all, and even Kody and Meri say that Christine wasn't very welcoming, so which is it? Did Christine sucker Robyn into dating her husband while she was heavily pregnant, or was she a horrible wretch right out of the gate? Can't be both. Being a major bitch to you isn't trying to sell you on something Robyn. But I don't think Christine was a total bitch, I think she was trying to behave how she was expected to, but was also letting her concerns and feelings be known. Which were completely ignored, which didn't further endear Christine to Robyn. But Robyn, girl you gotta pick a story and stick to it, we're all sittin' here getting whiplash. 😉
  21. Janelle is saying that she has to leave the door open for Kody, due to her religious beliefs, but hopes he doesn't come through it because then her conscience is clean about being rid of him. Sort of a religious loophole she's hoping to exploit. So as long as he isn't willing to accept her independence, which he won't be, she is home free.
  22. Yes. That was a gross comment, especially coming from their father.
  23. Nevermind, I won't be able to get this to work.
  24. I found it very interesting that Robyn just said she is Kody's whipping boy, and that when someone else upsets him, he takes it out on her. I believe it 100%, but find it extremely interesting that she can't put it together that it's HIM that's the problem. The other three have been complaining about how he treats them, but then when she experiences it herself, it is still not his fault. Can she not admit that she was wrong about him, or does she not have the mental capacity to put it together?
  25. Wow, Robyn looks super pissed when they show her watching the 'goodbye' clip. I think she let her mask slip, and that's closer to the real Robyn.
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