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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. That's pretty much how I saw it too--and that it implied Delphine was dead, right? They made a point about the doctors being surprised that Kira didn't have more injuries after the car accident, but then they showed her with unhealed scrapes on her face in the next episode, and then they dropped it. Now she seemed (to me and you and others) to bring Cosima back from the brink of death with a touch to her face. Shark, I see you getting ready to jump! Get off of my show!
  2. Yes. Perhaps equally sad. Or not.OT: Rosemadder, if your screen name had a last name, would it be "Genuine" like the watercolor pigment Rose Madder Genuine, or is it a reference to the Stephen King novel, Rose Madder? ;)
  3. Heck. Just have him guilty of 3 silly crimes in California. He would've had life. I doubt they'd spend too much money and time trying to find a small time pot dealer who shop lifted. Hah!!! Too true. :DAnother reason for it to have been a one-season series was the unknown quantity that all child actors are. Johnny Sequoia (Bo) was adorable and did great acting. But next year she could be going through an awkward phase, either physically, emotionally, or socially. And even if not, what if, like Claire Danes from My So Called Life, she decided to bale on the series? True Detective and Fargo, while of a different genre, illustrate that one-season shows are hot with audiences. The second season of this show (if it had an audience to warrant a second season) could've maybe been a different kid with a different special power. Heroes had some characters appear for only a season or two.
  4. Are we sure he didn't know Mark was a clone? I think he could know about Mark's clone status and not reveal it. Right? That would fit with rest of your fanwank of Paul being a double agent/sleeper agent.
  5. I bet any military organization would love to bottle Helena's badassery. LOL But I don't think you can clone her mad skillz. ;)
  6. --except when they were profiling her--when she was just a person of interest--didn't they say she was suffering from some sort of mental disorder that caused her to be obsessed with the victim? Maybe she needed medication long before the murder. With the mother reacting to her husband's wildly inappropriate infidelity by [trying to] committing suicide, they seemed to imply that there was a hereditary tendency towards mental illness.Now the father: I don't see him as mentally ill. Just stupid and selfish. Mileage varies. ;)
  7. The former Miss Cheyenne who had been sterilized without her knowledge or consent by the victims' father when he was "volunteering" among the Cheyenne. To me it was a fascinating concept of justice--more complex than is seen on say, L&O, or CSI when murder is committed for revenge.
  8. @ElectricBoogaloo, ♥LOVE♥ the making of the clone dance video! Here's a recap of the finale from io9 with clone dance gifs from "the Orphan Black Tumblr": http://io9.com/holy-crap-orphan-blacks-season-finale-changes-everythi-1594493802
  9. Oh, right. I had assumed the veil was for Kenya, but it can't be if she still thinks there's hope. Who was the love of her life who got killed towards the end of the last season? That might be why she wears it--and also another reason why she's an addict.
  10. True, but they did a terrific job. Of course it helps that she's so beautiful to begin with. Hah! That makes me a little happy and a lot sad, if you know what I mean. Thanks for posting all of these tidbits, @Jamoche!
  11. There will likely be some overlap with this thread and the Media thread, but it seems like a lot of the post-finale posts in the Media thread were looking for a "Fargo Season 2 Speculation" thread. So here we go. The general casting possibilities seem to be: 1. Some or all of the same cast playing different characters. 2. New cast in new roles. 3. Some of the same cast playing the same characters.
  12. Rachel seemed dead to me except for the pencil not appearing to have penetrated to the brain. Based on an interview posted in the media thread... ...it sounds like the show runners did that on purpose either because they haven't decided if she survives, or because they want to keep it secret. (I cut off the quote at the point where some might consider it to be spoilery.)If she lives, a glass eye would allow her to do more impersonating of her sestras. But I was picturing a more hi-tech silvery, sparkly eye that maybe allows her to read her sestras' minds or something.
  13. Elsewhere on this board it was posted that the DVD will have a cut scene from the finale of a conversation between Donnie and Allison.
  14. If not, evidently Sherlock Holmes was modeled after a Dr. Bell (http://www.sherlockian-sherlock.com/dr-joseph-bell-the-real-sherlock-holmes.php).If season 1 had Sarah impersonate Beth a little longer, maybe Art Bell wouldn't now be relegated to plot device and comic foil. *sigh*
  15. In this interview given last week, a very lively, decidedly not-wooden DB states that the actors were never in on the story arc ahead of time, that they only saw the script for the next episode.So... ...yes.
  16. I fell asleep on the first attempt at watching. About half way through the second I tuned out. To be fair, neither fantasy nor sadistic violence are my thing, but I thought I'd give it a try because of the trailer and some of the actors. But. no.
  17. If you are correct, would that mean that the male clone's DNA has the potential to help reverse whatever degenerative illness is afflicting the young girl clone (and maybe Cosima too)? I mean, is he related to the girl clones?When Helena was attempting to leave Felix's place to go find Jessie and get married like Allison, wasn't she taking the nitrogen-marked container with her? Did the clone-nappers take it when they took Helena?
  18. I wasn't shocked that Marc was a clone. It's not like I expected it either. It just seemed like an organic development. If the pencil went deep enough, Rachel would be dead, and she did seem very corpse-like. I'm guessing the folder Paul handed over is a cure for the little sestra clone, but that it might apply to Cosima too. So I guess it's not essential plot-wise but more of their weird romantic comedy thing going on.Hrumph. Couldn't they have edited down the clone dance sequence and the opening argument to include the Donnie Alison bit?Edited to correct sleep-typing typo.
  19. I just wasn't sure was really hearing the refrain: "I'll fornicate my way back home." LOL
  20. I'm pretty sure the last name is from the beltway sniper (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Boyd_Malvo), although I haven't read anything to back that up. I figured Hawley didn't want to give the monster he created a name that wasn't already tarnished with notoriety. But I could be wrong.When the good guys were first learning his name, I recall the person giving it to them saying something like, "Lorne. Like the fella on that western," referring to Lorne Greene from Bonanza, and later Captain Adama from the first Battlestar Galactica--in other words, and actor whose name is associated with the quintessential good guy. There are lots of ways to interpret the contrast of the two names.
  21. It drove me crazy too for the first 20 minutes! Depending upon the roles they're playing and their hair styles, Erica Cerra, Sarah Shahi, and Emmanuelle Vaugier are sort of interchangeable in my mind. Plus, in Eureka, Erica Cerra mostly wore that frumpy cop uniform and was a tomboy badass. At first I was thinking: Was she Lex Luthor's girlfriend on Smallville? And then it was: No. Wait. Wasn't she on Life? LOL
  22. Or what they wish they hadn't seen/imagined. More Doc Yewell, please.
  23. Yes, that's how I see it too--maybe because I came of age in the late 60s/early 70s when in lust and in love were pretty much interchangeable, heh. Good question. The Continuum wikia (http://continuum.wikia.com/wiki/Stefan_Jaworski) says he's likely being brought back to life, but looking at Michael Dopud's IMDb page (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0233304/) it looks like he's a busy guy, so they might have to keep his character on ice indefinitely, heh. I'm wondering if the character of Brad was split off from the character of Stefan Jaworski because of Michael Dopud's unavailability. In addition to the similar looks, and they both tried to kill Kiera, although Brad's was accidental... Good point. Sonia's taking out Dillon may have the greatest effect on the timeline. It would be sort of like taking out the person who enabled Mao Tse-tung to rise to power rather than taking out Mao--of course, Alec is more of a Bill Gates than a Mao or a Stalin--and Bill Gates is now primarily a philanthropist. And yes, Sonia seemed to follow Kagame with the same devotion as the Manson family followers. His other devotees are now doubting everything. Yes, and he also looks (to me) less hot. Kind of like the difference between Don Johnson in the pilot of Miami Vice and the later seasons. It's a really old reference, but uncannily similar to me.ETA: Not that they look anything alike, but the change is alike.
  24. I love this too, and I haven't even had a pet in over 10 years. Thinking a bit more about the deaths of Budge and Pepper: I think in any contest of the two of them against Malvo, they would die. They're not good field agents, and Malvo is (was) a master serial killer.
  25. I did get a twinge of that at one point--I think. Could you define the term as it is used to critique literary works?Or, since, as you say, it's not likely the show is trying to be edgy that way, but rather the writers and/or runners are oblivious, maybe it's moot to discuss.
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