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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. I'm guessing Bill had some sort of authority regarding charges and citations for bravery, and that his last official acts as Chief were to clear Gus and reward him. Was it implied that the massacre from the '70s that Lou experienced was also Malvo?
  2. The pageant was gorgeous and a wonderful example of how young women can celebrate their coming of age without either flaunting their developing bodies or hiding them. As usual in shows of this nature these days, there was a parallel between the COTW and the hero's story arc. Both had loved ones murdered because the murderer wants to punish the survivor with that loss. Is that the extent of the analogy, or has Walt maybe helped convict someone who was given the death penalty? At Henry's hearing we learn that the death penalty is an option there. Is there any chance that Walt is part Cheyenne?
  3. Well, since she also penned a review titled, "THE DISAPPOINTING FINALE OF “TRUE DETECTIVE," I guess it should be no surprise that she doesn't think as highly of this show as I do. She is a masterful writer herself, so it's understandable that she would have a pretty high bar to clear. She used the word "Mephistophelian" to describe Malvo, which I looked up and found: n. The devil in the Faust legend to whom Faust sold his soul. IMO, this makes Mephistophelian the perfect descriptor for the character of Malvo.
  4. Whether or not Hawley (writer) wanted to allow for the story to continue will effect this episode--perhaps in terms of not killing off certain characters. And then there's Chekhov's/Malvo's tape recordings.
  5. Hmmm...so maybe Kiera will have to kill Brad?
  6. Yes. --Although we were so sure it was Curtis. Are/were Brad and Curtis Freelancers? And I don't recall what the original thread title was.
  7. ...when you walk down a hallway at work where discarded tech is stored before being recycled, and, as you read the signs designating where to put which equipment, "Printers, Media (DVRs, Video, etc,), Cables, Monitors..." you double back, re-read "Monitors," and then try to exit the building without anyone noticing the foolish grin on your face.
  8. Yes. And/or, if you want to hide super secret instructions to your sestra clones that no one will read, just put them in the middle of a really long paragraph. ;-)Like @Sarah-phile above, I too still have faith in this show to pull all the threads together into a coherent whole. Tony seemed like a bit of a distraction, but look at how well they've re-integrated Vick the Dick.
  9. As soon as someone finds a YouTube clip of the opening scene when Vincent hops over the wall and back again, please post it. Lots of LOL for that one. Heather's not!wedding dress actually was beautiful on her. So is Gabe re-beasting now?
  10. The title of this episode, "Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done," keeps bringing me back to the image of Henrik in stirrups right before...you know. Here it is in its original context, which Google is having a hard time locating after this episode: http://waysofknowing.info/textsite/Bacon_idols.html (See VI)
  11. I just noticed that the title of this season finale episode, "Second Chance," is almost like a plea to the network for another season. Kind of like: We promise we'll do better. Just give us a second chance with a season two.
  12. If I'm reading zap2it correctly, this episode begins 8 CDT/ 9EDT and it runs until 9:03/10:03 p.m., so man your stations! Or woman your DVRs! Or whatever. From thetvdb.com:
  13. I binge watched this weekend too *high fives car54* but I wish I had been watching all along with everyone else to join in the discussion.
  14. I think she foresaw Dillon as Piron--or at least a controlling partner. Travis' grief was palpable. One way it might manifest is for him to go back in time to kill Kagame so Sonya won't follow him. That could mean that Travis and Sonya never meet, but if he just wants her to live (selfless love) or if he wants revenge, he might do that. Would there be enough of her left for the Darth Vader of Resurrection to work with? And, no doubt, a little Jason. You mean instead of, "I am your father"? Heh.
  15. Tell me that wasn't Darth Vader.And I'm not sure whose side Curtis is on now, but if I was going to be on his bad side, I might have to get some extra life insurance against trained assassins with swords. His reanimation was very reminiscent of the revival of Coulson in Tahiti in Agents of SHIELD. If it was inspired from that scene, I agree with the Freelancer henchman, I wouldn't want to see it either. That cabin so reminds me of the one where the SG1 team reconvened after their time travel adventure. So if Dead Kira wasn't supposed to die, is the wrong Kira alive? I guess Brad doesn't mind, so long as there's one. Interesting that Kellogg said Kira was a heartbreaker. I hope his motivations aren't going to be like Gabe's in the currently airing Beauty and the Beast. This show should be more cerebral than that. I guess there's no reanimating a vaporized Sonya.
  16. First, rant: At the beginning of the road trip, when Tate said he wanted Bo to get them the winning lottery ticket, I thought: How exactly are they going to collect the winnings when they are both on the FBI's wanted list? Then I forgot about it. But then, in the last scene they had to bring it up again. It kind of felt like: Are you idiots still watching this? NBC was cutting out during the show. I saw that Bo healed Dani of the worst case of Psorisis ever and special cataracts that allow the person to see, but did Dani then die? Anyone else notice--ever since that episode when Miss Channing told Bo's grandfather that Bo was her kid--that Jamie Chung really does look like she really could be Johnny Sequoyah's mother?
  17. Seriously? *shapeshifter looks at cast list* Well, Shivani Ghai and Anton David Jeftha are listed 6th and 9th respectively, and they add a little diversity, but I see your point.
  18. I would love to hear Vincent D'Onofrio as L&O CM's Bobby Goren tear apart that alibi. About the episode title's referenced fable, the AV Club review (avclub.com/tvclub/fargo-fox-rabbit-and-cabbage-205634) seems to suggest that there are several scenes in which writer Hawley must carefully plan the entrances and exits of the characters who would consume each other, especially the scene in the diner when Malvo exits just as Molly and the fibbies arrive. While the review doesn't state it, I like the idea of, in that scene, Lou being the fox.
  19. Okay. I did see it, Curious5. And then it disappeared again. I think I'm just having browser cache issues. And here's a recent article: hollywoodreporter.com/news/emmys-set-bridge-as-fxs-708741
  20. I'll be watching, but really, I'm not sure why.
  21. Sunday. And it could be said that the U.S. gets it late. ;-)P.S.: The thread titles go with the Canadian air dates.
  22. This 8-minute video with Dylan Bruce pretending to coach 2 "almost royals" in soap opera acting is a real hoot:
  23. Since in this episode there was a brief exchange between Rachel and Michelle Forbes' character about some over-arching power in control of Dyad above and beyond Rachel, and since both Rachel's sense of self worth and perhaps actual value to Dyad was threatened when Sarah's Kira became "the prize," I'm guessing Rachel decided that if she couldn't create a prize too, she could at least deliver one by capturing Kira, and thereby somewhat regain her queen bee status. Maybe some biologists on this thread can confirm, but I think Helena's fertilized eggs are now valuable both as potential "prizes" (second generation clones) and for their stem cell value in treating the sick first generation clones--or, maybe that therapeutic value is what made Ethan Duncan refer to Kira as "the prize" in the first place. *shudder* But I thought recent studies have demonstrated that stem cells can be derived from mature cells--that they are even being used therapeutically to regrow cartilage etc. Maybe these scripts were written without this knowledge? Knowing that Helena's babies are all fathered by Henrik the Evil, maybe having them all either aborted, used for medicinal purposes, or otherwise lost would generate ethical discussion, but likely not any real sense of sadness. If Henrik didn't have such a huge ego, he would've kidnapped Cal to be the baby daddy, given the previous success there. How old is Gracie?
  24. Alternatively: Lester = Fox Linda = Rabbit Passports = Cabbage And isn't cabbage--like lettuce--a metaphor for money?
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