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Everything posted by BodhiGurl

  1. Lmao that Camille is saying LVP didn’t show up because of Brandi... lawd... staaap...
  2. Ah ha ha ha...staaaap... ha ha ha... I’m crying 😭 😂🤣. Fitting she has resting shit face given she’s a shitty human being... I really hope she’s not a ft hw next year, but I suppose if she does return ft she can really show her arse.
  3. Dorit's story is believable. Why in the heck did Jon Sessa place a hyper small puppy into Dorit's house in the first place? And whatever with Lisa's long dramatic pause after the question about the $5,000. She should be pissed at Jon Sessa for placing the dog with Dorit in the first place. Yeesh. And all that wasted angry energy for 8 months??? The dog is in a good home now. The dog was ok. I don't believe for a second the dog was in line to be euthanized "soon". Oy. All that really matters now is the dog is with a family suited to raise her (at least I hope so). I still think this was a storyline LVP could have kaboshed early on had she just held Dorit to the terms of the contract. If a contract was even signed. To me it's clear LVP wanted attention for VP Dogs, perhaps for the rumored spin off, boy did she get it, but it blew up - and I doubt the majority of the RHOBH viewers want to watch Blizzard and Sessa regularly (via a spin off) on their screens... Hard pass.
  4. LVP should have never okayed Dorit's family having another dog (Lucy was the second dog VPDs placed with the Kemsleys), let alone a young, small dog. Add on that LVP should have never okayed VPD turning the other cheek when Dorit violated the terms of the contract. She allegedly knows the Kemsleys well - so she should have known that was a poor choice given their lifestyle. Also a poor choice knowing they have two very young children who are at that ripe age of agitating a pet. As others have speculated, maybe this was all a messed up attempt to get attention to VPDs, and get yet another spin off. Still makes it a poor choice.
  5. Camille is a grade A arsehole - so much for the redemption years... Morally corrupt Camile Grammer Foster whatever the heck. And why in the world did she need to have her hair re-curled ten minutes after leaving the stage, after she had just gotten on set? Lord. I really hope they dont make her a FT HW.
  6. Ramona finally got herself some new teefers... suddenly this flashback came to mind...
  7. How convenient we don't have Mason on camera saying how put off she was about Teddi's alleged snub. This is shades of Season 1 when Camille went on and on about how Kyle allegedly questioned anyone being interested in Camille without Kelsey...
  8. People on these shows throw around "they're attacking me" line a little too easily. Camille goes into that party hot, confronts them, and then when they respond, they're "attacking" her - Lord. Naturally she's going to suck up to LVP - never mind the fact she made fun of LVP earlier in the season and was supposedly put off when LVP threw her under the bus in relation to the whole Taylor Armstrong "abuse" situation seasons ago...
  9. I'd just f'ing walk away from that "feeling myself" hooore Camille. Bye bish.
  10. Erika's cackle laugh is soooo grating!!! We're to believe Dorito didn't give PK the 411 right after that dinner with Camille? Sure Jan... Speaking of Camille. Loathe her. As much as I'm not really a fan of Dorit - what purpose did Camille have to after Dorito for something a friend of hers is allegedly involved in? Doesn't make the Kemsleys innocent - but - Camille is messy. And an arsehole. No wonder Kelsey left her. Oooh snap. And before the scene even happens btwn her and Teddi - I don't believe Teddi snubbed Camille's daughter intentionally. But given the family Camille's daughter comes from - it's no wonder this story has evolved the way it has. What I do know, speaking for myself of course, seeing those LVP/Ken scenes from earlier in the season had me glad they were gone most of the remaining season. I honestly don't understand why they are showing LVP on this final episode - unless it's some contractual thing to potentially launch yet another ridiculous pump rules style show in vegas...
  11. Seriously tho - how in the hell is Jackson considered "attractive"? Cruddy personality oozes from his pores - if he was a decent guy I might see it - but - yeah - his features are a wee bit off, like just shy of classically attractive, thus making him blah. Gawd don't let him last all season. I just can't with him. Followed up by his douche bro Jack - another jerk. Yawn.
  12. what the actual flock is this stupid house meeting all about? why should the ousted guests avoid "game talk"? Lordt. Someone get that Jackarse busted Drogo out of the house...
  13. on the late show, finally watching. Jackson? Nope. Please let him go out early. Busted Momoa? Meh. Tommy could bring it down several notches... Overall the group is not completely annoying me yet, hope it stays that way.
  14. I just thought of something... where did Rinna get the matching tee shirt from? I presume the one Erika is wearing is custom by Moschino... a one of a kind... so did Rinna borrow it from Erika? But Erika didn’t know Rinna was coming as EJ? Hmmmm
  15. Catching up - scene with Matt/Caryn and Zach/Tori at dinner. I found it wildly inappropriate for Matt to discuss the "farm" situation with Zach. Even seemed like Zach found it a bit uncomfortable to discuss. Matt doesn't need to involve their kids, but then again - he wouldn't be Matt if he wasn't constantly bringing up Amy. I rarely hear Amy bring up Matt in conversations with her children or her friends. Oy. And now in the scene I'm watching he's trying to shame Amy by mentioning how it's impacting the whole family. Cripes. Why anyone puts up with his shenanigans I'll never know. She should fence in her house and block her view of Matt. Really she should take the buy out and leave, but I understand, beyond the notion of drumming this up for the show, why she'd not want to leave.
  16. I don’t know why these women bother with Luann. They should give her the Barbara treatment. And although I overall like Bethenny, what on gawds green earth is going on with her in this episode? Sweet jeebuz... maybe shes using her frustration with Lu to get all her angst out? She’s way over the top...
  17. Omg Babs... settle down on the self tanner in a spray can, and nice job getting it all over the white furniture. Yeesh.
  18. They have got to be kidding us with this ridiculous excuse for a "chef". Come the heck on. And she's playing with her hair AGAIN. Sweet jeebuz kick her off NOW.
  19. Craptain Sandy grew up slaughtering animals... go figure.
  20. all those "accessories" in Dorit's hair... da faque? That would be a big nope from me.
  21. Gotta love the chef playing with her hair in the kitchen... ugh... I imagine Craptain Sandy will love the Chef, since she seems to love the crappy staff...
  22. Yes! This! I feel exactly the same way. I'm fairly ambivalent about LVP - I won't miss her next season and will tune in to see what a new season brings.
  23. She has ramped it WAY down this season - I wonder if they now expect $$ for each mention? I kind of remember a few comments about the jeans, but nothing like seasons past. Now that I think of it - it's kind of odd that she isn't "mentioning it all" like she used to... in regards to SG that is. LOL Totally agree - Mario is likely on the show to "impress" his next young bit o' stuff.... I don't see him getting back together with Ramona unless financially forced to, and even then, they'd not be "partners".
  24. Yep - presently rewatching, I don't think Tins even heard Bethenny, and I don't think BF said it as a dig. Clearly she wasn't thinking when she said it, that it could hurt Tins feelings (that is, if Tins really wants kids) when Tins watched later. On another note - Ramona getting all twitchy when Mario was first chatting with her at their party - she behaved like a middle school girl in front of her crush. It was baffling. Then again, maybe it isn't - considering it was Ramona... LOL
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